It is not difficult to hear the extreme anger in these words.

However, this sound was nothing to other people's ears, but when Uncle Gonghu and Zhong Changshu heard it, their expressions changed instantly, and a feeling of tension and uneasiness immediately arose in their hearts.

But when these words fell into Xuan Daozi's ears, they were like the sound of nature, which instantly lifted his spirits. A surge of ecstasy surged into his heart, and he almost laughed out loud.

For a moment, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He stood up tremblingly and looked at the door expectantly.

At this time, Mr. Lu, Xuanchengzi, Beast Spirit King, Gong Yuqian, Taishi Gong, Master Qianlong, Qing Fangyi and others also looked overjoyed and stood up hurriedly.

Even Master Qian Yang, Venerable Fen Lie, and Zhuge Qingtian couldn't help but laugh and look at each other.

But looking at the other people present, there was a strange look on their faces for no reason. After looking at the door, they all looked at the uncle in unison.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Gonghu Bo and Zhong Changshu's expressions darkened, then turned red again, feeling indescribable embarrassment.

At the same time, in the eyes of everyone, a person slowly walked in from the door. This person had a cold face and walked to the center of the room as if there was no one else around. He stared at the uncle with cold eyes.

This kind of look seemed to be biting, and it made the male uncle's hair straighten. He glanced away hastily, not daring to look at him.

And Zhong Changshu also felt nervous and subconsciously hid behind others.

"Haha, junior brother, you are finally back. Where have you been in the past eight years? Senior brother, it's hard to find me!"

However, at this time, Xuan Daozi couldn't bear it anymore and ran forward quickly, hugging Wu Fan's shoulders and laughing loudly. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on his body, wanting to see if this junior brother was intact as before.

"Brother Wu, you are finally back. If you come back a few days later, your Qingfeng Sect may be in trouble."

"Junior brother, I've been looking forward to seeing you for the past few years, but I finally have you back. Are you okay?"

"Brother Wu, where did you go when Ming Qianzong chased you? How did you escape that disaster?"

"Haha, that's great. Brother Wu, you are still alive. You have worried me for several years in vain."

"Alas! I can see you again, Xiaofan. Even if I die, old man, I will have no regrets!"

"Keke... Fellow Daoist Wu, if you don't come back, I won't even know how to do the things I promised you."

Immediately afterwards, Gong Yuqian, Xuanchengzi, Beast Spirit King, Taishi Gong, Mr. Lu, Fairy Hanyu and others quickly ran up to Wu Fan one after another, and started talking in a flurry of words, with expressions on everyone's faces. They were all filled with joy.

"Haha, thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I was just seriously injured and I found a place to hide. It wasn't until I recovered from my injury some time ago that I rushed back and made everyone worried."

Wu Fan withdrew his gaze from the public servant, looked at the people in front of him, chuckled and raised his hands.

Seeing the joy on everyone's faces, Wu Fan felt warm in his heart, and the evil aura on his body also dissipated a little.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the room suddenly realized, and then looked at the public servant again, with a playful look in their eyes.

At this time, even Master Qianyang and several other great monks had bigger smiles on their faces.

"I see. Fortunately, nothing happened to you. But Brother Wu, during your absence, some people thought you had defected, and they have been thinking of ways to convict you of the Qingfeng Sect! This matter has made Xuan Daozi feel wronged Not small!”

Gong Yuqian smiled strangely, and after saying something strangely, he glanced at Uncle Gonghu intentionally or unintentionally.

Several other people also glanced at each other with sarcastic expressions.

This scene made the public servant feel embarrassed, and he glared at several people hatefully.

"Hmph! Really? If that's the case, then Wu must repay this person well even though he has no choice but to give this person a hard time. If he dares to embarrass me, Qingfeng Sect, then he has to ask me if I agree. Wu is not someone who can be manipulated at will."

Wu Fan snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, pretending not to know.

"Haha, this is natural. Brother Wu, you and I have known each other for many years. No matter what, I will always be on your side."

"And I, as long as Brother Wu needs it, I will risk my life to accompany him at any time."

"Hehe, then I can't watch Brother Wu suffer!"

"You saved my life, Xiaofan. If you need anything, just give me your instructions."

"Although my cultivation level is low, I am not afraid of death."

The next moment, Gong Yuqian, Taishi Gong, Beast Spirit King, Lu Lao, Xuanchengzi, Hanyu Fairy and several others immediately made a statement, obviously to support Wu Fan.

Everyone knew that the identity of the uncle was not simple. If he did not put pressure on Master Qianyang, Wu Fan would not dare to touch him.

However, the words of a few people made everyone present feel surprised. When they looked at Wu Fan again, their eyes became obviously serious.

This force is not weak. If Zhou Shentong is added to it, it will soon be able to challenge the Righteous Alliance.

At this moment, Master Qianyang frowned inadvertently.

As for the uncle of the public household, his face turned pale with fright, and there was cold sweat oozing out from his forehead.

"Haha, thank you for your kindness. I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. I can handle my own affairs by myself. I don't want to cause trouble to everyone. Okay, everyone, please go back and sit down. Let's chat slowly when we have time!"

Wu Fan glanced at Master Qianyang vaguely, then chuckled and bowed his hands to the people around him.

As soon as these words came out, Master Qianyang in the distance relaxed his brows and smiled again on his face.

Xuanchengzi, Gong Yuqian, Taishi Gong, Lu Lao and others nodded, turned around and returned to their seats without talking nonsense.

Xuan Daozi was still immersed in joy at this moment. After seeing this, he patted Wu Fan on the shoulder and stood up and walked back without saying anything else.

"Uncle, Mr. Wu is asking you something, otherwise what do you want?"

At this time, Wu Fan turned his head, looked at the uncle again, and asked solemnly. Obviously, he didn't want to let the other person go.

"This...! Fellow Daoist Wu, I didn't know that you were seriously injured before, and I almost blamed you wrongly. For this, I am here to apologize to you. But put aside this matter, you Qingfeng Sect hid the core disciples, no matter what the purpose , after all, it’s not right. Now that we, Beidou Domain, are recruiting people, other sect forces are preparing for war. On the other hand, you, Qingfeng Sect, have done this. What do you think of us, the Righteous Alliance? Explain to everyone? As an elder of the Righteous Path Alliance, there should be nothing wrong with me if I act according to the rules?"

Seeing the fierce look on Wu Fan's face, the uncle couldn't help but feel nervous. He only hesitated for a moment and then apologized with an apologetic look.

However, with so many people in the room watching at this moment, he felt that he could not get off the stage, so he immediately pretended to be pretentious and spoke out in an awe-inspiring manner. After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone present.

"Hmph! You don't have to think of ways to put pressure on me. Wu won't do this. I know what you are planning in your heart. I won't talk nonsense. I will tell you clearly now that this war between the two domains will , our Qingfeng Sect will only send these people. As for the other disciples, you don’t have to worry about it. How you want to punish my Qingfeng Sect can be drawn out now. As for those of you who don’t hide it, you can also come forward. Tell me face to face!”

Wu Fan smiled coldly, his words were extremely arrogant, and after speaking, he glanced coldly at everyone present.

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