Wu Fan stood up and looked at the scenery in the cave, and then looked at the pieces of herbs, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

"Finally out, I should be able to enter that space again. If my analysis is correct, the emerald green bead should be an extraordinary treasure, and the space should be inside the bead. I will go pick some herbs later, and then I will know after entering once." Wu Fan whispered to himself.

As soon as he said it, Wu Fan started to get busy. He took out a shovel from the bamboo basket, walked to the herbs and started picking them. After a while, the bamboo basket was full, and then he walked far away, away from the place where he entered the space just now. Wu Fan wanted to experiment whether this space would move with him, and then he closed his eyes and entered his mind again. When he turned into a small ball of light again, the ball of light flew to the emerald green bead and hit it. As a result, the previous scene appeared again, and he was fixed again, unable to move and could only watch, and saw that the emerald green bead emitted a bright light again.

At the same time, Wu Fan in the cave outside began to emit light again, and the light became brighter and brighter. After a quarter of an hour, the light suddenly disappeared, and Wu Fan also disappeared. The green beads left on the spot also slowly disappeared.

Wu Fan opened his eyes and looked around, and immediately laughed wildly. He really returned to this small space.

In this way, Wu Fan began his picking and planting work. He entered the space for a while and returned to the cave for a while. He was busy and happy.

Five days later, Wu Fan had almost eaten the dry food in the bamboo basket, but only half of the herbs were transplanted. Wu Fan had no choice but to walk to the small trees, picked a green fruit and took a bite. After a while, he found that he had nothing to do. In this way, Wu Fan slept in the thatched house in the space when he was sleepy, drank some well water when he was thirsty, and ate a few fruits when he was hungry.

However, he discovered two things. The first thing was that it took him about a quarter of an hour to enter the space every time, but when he came out, he could come out almost instantly.

The second thing is that it is the well water that can make the herbs grow quickly overnight. The water has the function of ripening herbs. As long as the water is poured on the herbs, after one day, the herbs will be ripened for a year.

But the well water is too little. He used up more than half of the well water in the past two days, and then he dared not use it casually again, because he carefully observed that he found that the well water would indeed increase slowly over time, but the recovery of the well water was too slow, and it was almost invisible with the eyes. There are many small holes under the well, and the water slowly emerges from these small holes. According to Wu Fan’s calculations, if he wants to ripen the herbs continuously in the future, based on the slow water output of the well water, he can only ripen about ten herbs every day. It seems that he can only choose a few precious herbs to ripen in the future.

Eight days later..., Wu Fan transplanted all the herbs, leaving only the five fruit trees.

After thinking about it, Wu Fan used a shovel to dig out all the soil at the bottom of the tree roots, then grabbed the small tree and entered the space. He planted the fruit tree in the land near the yard. After all the transplants were completed, Wu Fan began to think about how to go back.

It has been almost ten days since Wu Fan entered the cave. The herb-collecting team should have returned to Qingshan City five or six days ago.

"I don't know if Xiaofei and Uncle Hu are still looking for me. They must think that I have encountered an accident. I don't know if Xiaofei will cry for me." Wu Fan smiled and muttered softly.

Wu Fan walked out of the cave and returned to the boulder where he fell before. Now there was no fog, and he could see the surrounding environment. He saw that there was still the big canyon in front of him. Looking down, there was about fifty feet to reach the bottom of the valley. Although he had light skills, if he didn't have a place to leverage, he would definitely be killed if he jumped directly.

He looked at the cliffs on the left and right, and found that there was a tree growing ten feet below the right cliff, and there were vines about twenty feet long under the tree. Wu Fan calculated the distance and felt that he should be able to get down to the bottom of the valley. Since he broke through to the third level of the Fire Burning Technique, his strength has become stronger. According to Wu Fan's speculation, he should be able to fight with the top masters now, but it is not certain whether he can beat the top masters.

Wu Fan used his internal force, performed the Flying Swallow Step, jumped up to the small tree, and then slid down directly along the vines on the small tree. When he was still twenty feet away from the ground, there were no vines to grab. Wu Fan jumped down regardless. During the fall, his feet borrowed strength from the cliff once, and finally jumped to the ground. Wu Fan stood up, patted the dust on his body, and left after finding the direction.


"Uncle Hu, will Brother Xiaofan have an accident? He has been missing for four days. The herb-picking team will go back tomorrow. We have almost searched everywhere outside the mountain range, but we can't find Brother Xiaofan." Song Fei asked Hu Dagui with red eyes.

"Alas, who knows? Xiaofan is good at martial arts, so he should be fine. Don't worry about him, Xiaofei. Let's take a break and continue looking." Hu Dagui replied in a self-deceiving way.

At this time, Xu Kun, Chen Peng and others came over. Xu Kun said, "Boss Hu, we have searched all the valleys over there, but we still can't find Xiaofan."

Chen Peng roared with red eyes, "We have to keep looking even if we can't find him. Whether it takes a month or a year, I, Chen Peng, must find him alive or dead."

A short middle-aged man stood beside Chen Peng, and he said, "Brother Chen, don't get excited. I know you care about Xiaofan very much. Xiaofan saved you a few days ago, but we have also watched Xiaofan grow up. We are all very worried, but we have searched all the places we should look for. If we want to look for it, we can only go deeper, but it's too dangerous." The short middle-aged man stopped talking here.

"I don't care about that. We must go in and look for it even in the depths of the mountains. If you want to go, go. I will go and look for it myself. At most, I will die." Chen Peng shouted.

"Okay, stop arguing. Brother Fan is right just now. It's too dangerous in the depths. Let's think of other ways. We can't just go in and die blindly." Boss Hu looked at the two and said loudly.

At this time, Xu Kun said again: "Gao Chengbin and his escort agency are also helping to look for it, but I don't think they are looking very hard. On the contrary, the people of Baiyaozhai are very dedicated, especially the little girl named Caidie. I saw that she cried several times in a hurry. It is said that Xiaofan saved her."

"Ah~, that's enough, let's go and continue looking. If we can't find him, how can we explain to Mr. Liu when we go back?" Boss Hu said with a sigh.

At this time, several people from the distance came over here, all of them were from Huichuntang, and one of them shouted "Found it, Xiaofan was found".

When everyone heard the shout, they all looked over and saw five people coming from a distance, one of whom was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with fair skin and handsome looks. This person was Wu Fan.

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