The young man was the most resentful. His face turned cold and he cursed:

"What do you think you are, you old man? I've had enough of you these years. I'll see how you die in a while."

"You old man really deserve to die. We brothers and sisters have been like dogs around you these years. If you are not satisfied with something, you will beat and punish us. When have you ever treated us as your disciples? God, you are finally going to die today."

The middle-aged man next to him also showed resentment on his face, looking at the old man and shouting angrily.

The old man on the chair was stunned by the two people's scolding. He didn't come back to his senses for a while. When he reacted, his first feeling was that these two disciples were crazy and they were looking for death.

But then he felt something was wrong. After all, he was a man who had lived for hundreds of years. Of course, he would not be so angry that he lost his mind. These two disciples were obviously a little unusual, because they both said that he would die today.

Thinking of this, the old man quickly extended his spiritual sense to check. Soon, he showed doubts in his eyes again, because there was no one inside or outside the cave.

At this moment, the old man was furious, looking at the two people with eyes as if he wanted to eat people, and suddenly shouted:

"You two are looking for death. How dare you talk to me like this? Who gave you the courage?"

After the old man finished speaking, he stood up, his face was extremely ferocious, and he raised his arm to slap the two people.

At this moment, the two people below also showed nervousness, and hurriedly looked outside the cave hall. They wondered in their hearts, why was the man still following behind them? If they didn't come in, they would die.

Just as the two were anxious, a faint male voice came from behind the old man.

"My fellow Taoist, I gave them the courage, but what they said is not wrong. You are really going to die today."

When this sentence came out, the old man was shocked. Sweat oozed from his forehead in an instant, and he rushed forward a few steps at a very fast speed.

When he came to five feet away, he quickly turned around and looked forward. He saw a young man next to the chair where he was sitting before, looking at him with a smile.

After seeing this scene, the old man's eyes bulged, his heart thumped wildly, and he was scared to death.

Because he knew this man too well. Wasn't this the man who disappeared a month ago? But why did he appear again? Could it be a ghost?

Looking at this man's appearance, he had recovered from his injuries. When he thought of the other party's cultivation, and the fact that the other party could appear behind him without anyone noticing, the old man even felt desperate at this moment,

because he knew that he was no match for this man at all, and at the same time he also realized why his two disciples would say such disrespectful words.

At this moment, the two men below also showed a relieved smile, and then hurriedly ran behind Wu Fan, respectfully calling him "senior".

"Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you suddenly disappear a month ago?"

The old man shouted calmly, but his hands did not stop moving. He directly released a low-level spiritual weapon long sword, and at the same time raised his arm, and a human-shaped puppet instantly appeared in front of him.

Wu Fan smiled and did not answer him, but turned his head slightly to look at the puppet.

This human-shaped puppet is very similar to the corpse, but there are many differences. It can be clearly seen that this puppet is made of the flesh of a cultivator and some refining materials.

The body of the puppet is covered with a layer of black fish-scale armor, which seems to be extremely strong. Only the eyes are exposed on the body, and the pupils are red, but it is not as scary as the corpse.

Moreover, judging from the aura emitted by this humanoid puppet, its strength should be around the initial stage of foundation building. If the guess is correct, this puppet should be the corpse puppet they are talking about.

Wu Fan took a closer look and couldn't help but marvel at it. This was the first time he had seen this type of puppet. Although he didn't know how strong it was, he thought it must be stronger than the corpse. Apart from anything else, its defense was not comparable to the corpse.

From what I heard before, if this corpse puppet was made from the body of a physical cultivator, and with this armor, its defense would be imaginable.

Wu Fan kept looking at it, not because he liked this corpse puppet so much. To be honest, this corpse puppet with the strength equivalent to the initial stage of foundation building was no longer of much use to him.

He was just curious about this new type of puppet and wanted to refine a better one in the future because his silver armor flying zombie was gone.

Seeing Wu Fan staring at the corpse, the old man guessed his thoughts, and then his eyes turned and said sincerely:

"Daoyou, if you like this corpse, how about I give it to you? I did do something wrong before, please forgive me and don't be angry with me, okay?"

Wu Fan turned to look at the old man and smiled:

"Daoyou, you are really polite. How about this, I will kill you first, and then make amends to your corpse?"

The old man's face sank when he heard it, but he still wanted to fight for it in his heart, and then he said:

"Then how can Daoyou forgive me? As long as Daoyou asks, I will do my best to compensate."

Wu Fan smiled and waved his arms, then raised his legs and walked forward, saying as he walked:

"I want this corpse, I also want this island, and I want your life!"

The old man's face turned cold when he heard this. He knew that there was no room for maneuver. He didn't waste any words. He pinched his fingers with one hand, and the long knife flying above his head suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew towards Wu Fan. At the same time, he shouted in a low voice:

"Go, kill him for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the corpse's eyes suddenly lit up red, and it raised its long legs and ran towards Wu Fan. When it ran, the ground trembled.

Wu Fan didn't care about these attacks. He shook his body while walking, and a golden light suddenly emanated from his body, directly covering the old man inside. At the same time, the flying knife and the corpse were also covered.

At this moment, a shocking scene appeared. The flying knife suddenly fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The corpse also stopped uncontrollably, and then it seemed to be struggling to resist something. Even its strong body made of refining materials made a "cracking" sound, but unfortunately, it only lasted less than three breaths, and then it fell to the ground with a "bang", and could not get up again.

The old man was even more miserable. When he just touched the golden light, his body fell to the ground without any resistance, and then a scream came out.

At this time, he was pale, with veins on his forehead, fear in his eyes, blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his body made a "cracking" sound, as if it was about to be crushed to pieces. He looked quite miserable. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not get up.

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