Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 438 Green Shark City

This trip to Green Shark Island was mainly to visit the market, and in this sea area, only Green Shark Island has a market, and it is said that the market is very large.

Normally, it takes ten days to fly from Black Bull Island to Green Shark Island, but this is for Pan Fan. If it is at the speed of Wu Fan's cloud boat, it should be possible to arrive in seven days.

In the sky a hundred miles away from Black Bull Island, within a white cloud, there is an old man sitting on a white jade flying boat, and this old man is Wu Fan who has changed his appearance.

After flying for such a long time, the sea and the sky are all the same color. There is always a light blue sea water in front of you that you can't see the end, as if it will never end. It feels as if you have been suspended in the air, not moving forward a step, but through the sea breeze blowing in your face, it can be confirmed that he is indeed flying at a very fast speed.

However, during the flight, Wu Fan often saw some deserted islands without people and spiritual energy, and some reefs.

It was not until half a day later that Wu Fan saw an island with mortals living on it. The size of this island was similar to that of Black Bull Island, and it also had a small spiritual vein, but it was still a little worse than his Black Bull Island.

On this island, there were also immortal cultivators living. Because he could sense the location of the formation, Wu Fan used his Heavenly Demon Eye to take a look out of curiosity, and what he saw was a middle-aged man.

This man had red hair and red eyebrows, and he looked very rough, giving people a feeling of a very bad temper. His cultivation was in the early stage of foundation building, and he was the only immortal cultivator on this island.

Although he was the closest neighbor, Wu Fan did not mean to go over to say hello and chat, but directly flew away from here in the cloud boat.

In this way, Wu Fan would pass by an island with cultivators every few hours during his high-speed flight, and these islands were also of different sizes.

The smaller islands were only 30% of the size of Black Bull Island, while the larger islands were several times or even more than ten times larger than Black Bull Island.

On a large island, Wu Fan actually saw a Jindan-stage cultivator. Although he was only in the early stage of Jindan, this surprised Wu Fan.

You should know that in such a large area of ​​Xia Country, there are only a few Jindan-stage cultivators, but here, you can easily meet a Jindan-stage neighbor.

When Wu Fan saw the old man, he was surprised and left there quickly. Although the Jindan-stage cultivators were no longer a big threat to him, he no longer had the silver-armored flying zombie. If he fought alone, he might not be his opponent.

Moreover, he didn't know the overall strength of the cultivators in this sea area. If they were generally higher than those in Xia Country, he would have no confidence in escaping from the hands of the Jindan-stage cultivators.

Of course, he did fight with Pan Fan, but the difference in strength between the two was too great, and Wu Fan was a being who could fight across the border. The two of them were not comparable at all, so he couldn't judge the strength of other cultivators in this sea area from Pan Fan's strength.

In this way, seven days passed in a flash during the flight. During this period, Wu Fan saw dozens of islands of different sizes. Not to mention the foundation-building cultivators, he saw three golden elixir cultivators.

One day, Wu Fan suddenly stood up and stared straight ahead with a look of shock in his eyes. At this time, a huge black shadow appeared on the horizon in front of him, and he couldn't see the end at a glance. You know, he was in the sky at this time, so you can imagine how big the black shadow in front of him was.

As the distance got closer and closer, the outline of a giant island also appeared in front of him.

The island was lush and green, and you could feel a rich spiritual energy from a long distance. Moreover, above the island, you could see some colorful escape lights everywhere, which was very shocking.

Wu Fan remembered the first time he encountered such a magnificent scene, that was when he went to Baiyan Country to attend the auction.

From the sky, the size of this island was even larger than a state in Xia Country, which surprised Wu Fan.

No wonder the "Xingji Palace" built the "Xingsha Palace" here. Whether in size or in terms of the richness of spiritual energy, this Qingsha Island is not comparable to other islands.

Wu Fan can't see too far away at the moment. At this time, he can only see the mountains, plains, lakes and other places in the outer area.

In these places, there are only some mortal cities and villages.

Looking towards the edge, you can see countless large and small ships docked at the seaside.

At the same time, you can see countless mortals busy, and these ships are nothing more than mortals fishing and transporting goods, because some mortals on other islands also need materials.

It can also be seen from this that in this sea area, immortals and mortals live together.

Unlike Wu Fan's hometown Xiaguo, many mortals don't even know the existence of immortals, just like Wu Fan didn't hear about it when he was in Qingshan City.

In the sky, Wu Fan watched curiously for a moment, and then flew over the heads of countless mortals.

But those mortals seemed to be used to it, and few of them looked up.

After flying for more than two hours, he passed through mountains and mortal cities, and many monks flew past him. At this moment, Wu Fan finally arrived at his destination, "Green Shark City".

This "Green Shark City" was built in a mountain range. The city is extremely large, and there are pavilions and towers everywhere inside. There is also a landmark building, which is the "Star Sand Palace" that governs this sea area.

Countless caves have also been opened up in the nearby mountains. Of course, these caves are also the property of the Star Sand Palace. Like the Black Bull Island, if you want to live there, you need to hand in spiritual stones.

And this mountain range is also the location of the main spiritual vein of the entire Green Shark Island. Needless to say, the spiritual energy is very rich.

At the same time, there are almost no mortals in this mountain range.

Wu Fan looked down at the crowded streets in the city, then smiled slightly and landed.

The streets in the center of the city are full of shops of different sizes. The attics and pavilions here are also different from the architectural style of Xiaguo, but they are unique, beautiful and luxurious.

Walking on the street, the cultivators passing by were basically in the Qi Refining Stage, and the Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators only accounted for about 10% of the number. As for the Golden Core Stage cultivators, he had not seen them yet.

It can be seen that no matter where you are, Golden Core Stage cultivators are also very rare.

It is said that fighting is strictly prohibited in Qingsha City. If someone does not follow the rules, Xingsha Hall will send people to arrest them.

Because of this, some guarantees are given to the Qi Refining Stage cultivators, allowing them to live here with peace of mind and practice hard.

Wu Fan walked on the street, and the Qi Refining Stage cultivators who came towards him did not avoid him, nor did they seem to be afraid. This situation would never happen in Xia Country.

After a while, Wu Fan stopped at the door of a store, looked up at the plaque, and then walked in.

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