Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 44 Heavenly Fire

The second item is the stone box on the stone table. There is a flame in the stone box, called "Tianluo Extreme Fire". It is said that "Luo Yangzi" dominated the world of immortal cultivation in the past, and more than half of his achievements were due to this "Tianluo Extreme Fire". Its power is quite great, and it can be said that everything is burnt. Unfortunately, this "Tianluo Extreme Fire" was injured by the war that year, and now it is just a small fire. If you want to restore it to its former powerful power, you can only keep warming it in your body in the future, and let the "Tianluo Extreme Fire" absorb some powerful flames, so that the "Tianluo Extreme Fire" will slowly recover.

The last part of the jade slip is written on how to refine the "Tianluo Extreme Fire" and practice "Golden Yuan Chongguang".

After reading the jade slip, Wu Fan was already dumbfounded. Who is this "Luo Yangzi"? What is a space crack? What is a heavenly tribulation? Aren't all immortal cultivators called demon cultivators? Why is he a demon? And how high is his realm? Even the legendary Nascent Soul stage can only live for one or two thousand years, how could he live for ten thousand years?

Wu Fan had too many things he couldn't figure out, and he was shocked.

He knew that he couldn't touch such a high-level thing at his current level, so he stopped thinking about it. Wu Fan stretched out his hand to open the lid of the stone box, and saw a wisp of light yellow flame inside, the size of a little finger, as if it would go out at any time.

Wu Fan knew that this was the "Heavenly Fire" that had damaged its origin. He looked at the weak flame, his face full of disappointment. He didn't expect that such a powerful "Heavenly Fire" would become such a weak little flame. It was really a pity.

Wu Fan put the lid back on the box and threw the box into the storage bag. Then he turned around and walked out of the stone house.

When he came to the tree again, he was obviously excited. This was a great treasure. If he could successfully cultivate the "Golden Yuan Chongguang" in the future, his combat power would definitely increase a lot.

"Little white fox, thank you so much for bringing me here. These two treasures are very important to me. These five bottles are elixirs that increase mana. They are your reward. Wait for me here and don't run around." Wu Fan looked at the little white fox that had been following him and said, and at the same time took out five bottles of elixirs from the storage bag and gave them to it.

When the little white fox saw that it was elixir, it immediately cried twice, and then rubbed Wu Fan's thigh with its little head. It can be seen that the little white fox should be very happy.

Wu Fan saw its cute appearance and laughed.

Wu Fan did not waste any more time. He sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the jade slip again, and began to check it. He spent three days reading it. After reading it, he stood up and walked towards the small tree. When he took the first step, Wu Fan hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground. He endured the gravity and began to recite the spell silently. After a while, he saw a ray of golden light coming towards him from the direction of the small tree, and then slowly entered his body. In this way, every once in a while, Wu Fan would draw out a ray of golden light, and then drill into his body.

Three days passed, Wu Fan finally stood up, and then he took another step forward. The same scene as three days ago appeared again. He sat cross-legged on the ground, silently chanting the formula, attracting golden light into his body. In this way, he took a step forward every three days, until three months later, Wu Fan looked at the small tree within reach, and finally smiled. He began to use the flying sword to dig out the soil around the small tree. After a while, Wu Fan held the small tree with both hands, and then his body glowed slightly. A quarter of an hour later, he and the small tree disappeared at the same time. After entering the small space, Wu Fan planted the small tree not far from the gate of the courtyard and made a small open space for it. After everything was completed, he left the small space and walked out of the cave with the little white fox.

Three days later, in a forest, Wu Fan was laughing loudly. He was holding a spiritual medicine in his hand. The spiritual medicine looked very strange. It looked like Ganoderma lucidum, but it had nine leaves. That's right, Wu Fan finally found the "Dragon Heart Nine Leaf Ganoderma". Since then, Wu Fan's purpose of coming to the "Black Dragon Mountain Range" has finally been achieved.

Then Wu Fan returned to Qingfeng Gate with the little white fox.

After returning to Qingfeng Gate, Wu Fan handed over the task and left with the little white fox. This time he had to go to Changyang Market first to buy some things and then sell the corpses of the monsters.

Just before arriving at Changyang Market, Wu Fan lowered his flying sword, found a safe place, and sent the little white fox into the small space. There were two rooms in the thatched house in the small space. Wu Fan had not figured out what to do with them. Now he was going to leave one of them for the little white fox and chose one for it. Then Wu Fan told it a few more words and told it not to go outside the yard to eat those spiritual medicines. Then Wu Fan left the small space.

Outside, Wu Fan stood on a huge rock. Suddenly, his face began to twist, and then his body began to swell. After a while, he turned into a middle-aged strong man. Then he changed his clothes, and then stepped on the flying sword and turned into a light and flew away.

In Changyang Market, Wu Fan looked at this familiar scene and walked directly to an attic.

A quarter of an hour later...

"Sir, what do you want to buy? Our store has a complete range of items. I guarantee that you will be satisfied." A servant saw a middle-aged strong man coming in from the door, and hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

At this time, a deep and powerful voice came from the door.

"I want to sell monster materials. Go and call your shopkeeper." The middle-aged strong man did not hesitate and directly explained his purpose.

The servant was obviously stunned when he heard what the middle-aged man said. He had been in this shop for five or six years, but he rarely saw people selling monster materials, because the monsters were too difficult to kill. Only those who were above the tenth level of Qi Refining or the foundation-building stage cultivators would go to hunt some monsters, and cultivators below the ninth level of Qi Refining would generally not go. If they met a monster above the second level, it would be very easy to die.

The servant glanced at the middle-aged strong man and found that the strong man was only at the seventh level of Qi Refining. Did this man use some secret method to hide his cultivation? It is impossible that he is just a seventh-level Qi Refining cultivator? Or is it that the big man is only selling first-level monster materials?

The servant's face was a little uncertain. He was a little embarrassed now. It was because the shopkeeper had clearly explained this morning that if there was nothing important today, don't call him. Thinking of this, the servant didn't know what to do. What should he do?

At this time, the other side spoke again, but the tone was obviously impatient.

"I say, are you going to call the shopkeeper? Are you still doing business? If not, I will leave."

"Don't be angry, sir. Can I ask you one more question, what level of monster materials are you selling?" The boy thought for a while and decided that if the middle-aged man was selling ordinary first-level medicine beast materials, he would not go to the shopkeeper.

"Both first and second level!" The sturdy man replied with obvious impatience.

When the boy heard that there were second-level monster materials, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly said, "Okay, sir, please wait a moment, I will go and call the shopkeeper out."

After that, he ran away.

This middle-aged man was of course the one Wu Fan transformed into.

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