Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 778 Race against time

In fact, Wu Fan did not expect that things would go so smoothly, but after thinking about it carefully, he did not feel too surprised. After all, this was the result of his countless deductions.

Wu Fan grasped the man's anxious psychology, and what he said was well-reasoned and his performance was vivid, so the other party had no time to think about anything. In his eagerness to save people, he left in a hurry.

It can be said that from Wu Fan entering the cave to Yu Tiandu leaving, it actually took only a short time, even just a few words.

Of course, the other party would not have thought that in today's world of immortal cultivation, someone would dare to come to the forbidden land of Xingji Palace to steal.

He could not have imagined that the person who was respectful to him just now was not his Yu family descendant at all, just because Wu Fan's transformation technique was so powerful that if the other party had not practiced some high-level spiritual eye ability, it would be impossible to find any clues.

However, there was one thing that Wu Fan did not expect. He just asked Yu Tiandu a few words casually, and the other party really agreed to let him stay, and directly gave him five days.

But it must be said that from Yu Tiandu's attitude, it is not difficult to see that his junior Yu Kang is indeed very valued by him, otherwise, he would not have the opportunity to stay here alone.

In fact, Wu Fan's original intention of coming here was not like this. Although he had imagined that the other party would leave him here, he knew that the probability was very small, or even impossible to happen, but now it was completely beyond his expectations.

Before coming, he deduced that the other party would take him away like just now, and then he asked to return to the cave to heal his injuries for a few days through some words. As a result, before the two of them left the forbidden area, he asked Yu Tiandu for a branch of the Spirit Eye Tree. Given their relationship, this simple request would definitely be agreed by the other party.

Because the lack of a branch of this tree is nothing at all, and it will not affect the spiritual energy of this tree.

Of course, even if the other party disagrees, he has several solutions, and he can definitely find a way to steal one.

But now that he has been left alone, he certainly will not be satisfied with just taking a branch.

But then again, this result is what he wants to see the most, and he even hopes for it in his dreams.

Because he has checked in an ancient book that it is said that this spiritual eye tree is bred by heaven and earth, and only in that kind of extremely high spiritual vein will there be a glimmer of hope for birth.

And most importantly, once this spiritual tree is born, it cannot be transplanted, and it can only be allowed to grow slowly in the original place.

If this tree is moved to another place, it will cause it to die slowly. Even if you cut off the branches and plant them in the original place, it is impossible to keep it alive.

Because according to the records in the classics, these methods have been tried by the ancients, but none of them succeeded.

Therefore, Xingji Palace established the sect on Xingji Island, and this forbidden area has never changed.

It’s not that this sect doesn’t want to plant a few more spiritual eye trees to make the spiritual energy of Xingji Island more abundant, but they really can’t do it.

Although Wu Fan had seen such records in the classics, when he heard that there was a Spirit Eye Tree in the Xingji Palace, he couldn't help but want to give it a try, even if he could only steal a branch.

Although he was afraid of the lessons of the ancients, he decided to give it a try in order to have a smooth path on the road of cultivation in the future.

Of course, he was more or less sure in his heart, because over the years, he had never seen any kind of tree, or spiritual medicine and grass that could not be planted and survived in a small space.

Even those spiritual medicines and trees with extremely harsh growth conditions are now living very well in his space medicine garden, even more pleasing than in the original place.

So this is why Wu Fan is willing to take the risk and come here.

But then again, if he could steal the entire Spirit Eye Tree with its roots, it would be what he hoped for most, so that he would have one less worry.

You know, this is the only chance he has in his life. If he misses this chance, he will never have the chance to get the Spirit Eye Tree in the future, and he won't even have the chance to steal a branch in the future.

But he didn't expect that he would have this chance now, so he was very excited for a while.


As soon as Yu Tiandu left, Wu Fan immediately released his spiritual sense to explore outside. After carefully sensing, he found that the man had indeed left, but he was still worried, so he used the Heavenly Demon Eye to look outside the door and the entire cave, not missing any corner.

Until he was sure that there was no one here, he relaxed and hurriedly patted his storage bag, and saw dozens of figures flying out, and soon many human puppets appeared on the ground.

These puppets were all wearing black armor and were about ten feet tall, like a team of brave guards. From the aura emitted by these puppets, they all had the strength of the foundation-building period, and each held a standard long sword.

As soon as these puppets appeared, they ran towards the Spirit Eye Tree as if they had received some orders, and began to dig up the soil around the tree.

As for Wu Fan, he was not idle at this moment. He had taken out a set of array flags and array plates in his hand and arranged them very quickly.

It took only a moment for a large piece of white fog to emerge in the cave, and it was pitch dark.

At the same time, the puppets had also cleared the soil around the entire tree.

Without hesitation, Wu Fan rushed up and hugged the Spirit Eye Tree, and a white light instantly appeared on his body.


At the same time, somewhere high in the sky within the sect, Yu Tiandu was flying very fast at this moment. Judging from the direction of his flight, he was right at the location of the "Teleportation Hall".

During the flight, although he looked anxious, his eyes kept shaking, obviously thinking about something.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he could not find anything wrong, but for some reason, he felt a palpitation in his heart, as if something big was about to happen.

At first, he thought it was because the family was in trouble that he felt this way, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. If he really had the ability to foresee things, why didn't he feel anything before the family trouble happened, but it only appeared now?

With doubts, he began to recall the scene just now, including every conversation with Wu Fan.

He was too anxious before and left in a hurry, so he failed to see many details, but now after carefully recalling it, he found several things wrong.

First of all, he felt that there was something wrong with his junior's expressions and movements, which were somewhat different from those in the past, and there was even a faint feeling of sadness that was deliberately shown.

Although it's not much, if you think about it carefully, you can still see some clues.

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