Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 963 Overview of the Continent (Part 2)

"Falling Dragon Valley?" Wu Fan couldn't help but was startled when he heard this, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, because the name was so familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

However, after thinking quickly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly remembered a past event from a hundred years ago, and at the same time, a smile appeared on his face.

After returning, he finally heard a familiar name.

He had indeed heard of the Falling Dragon Valley. He still remembered that when the Xia Kingdom's Zhengdao sect besieged the Earth Demon Sect a hundred years ago, an old demon in the Nascent Soul stage suddenly appeared. This person was the elder of the Earth Demon Sect's main sect in Cangnan Kingdom. Zu, nicknamed Sikong Laomo.

It was precisely because of this person's arrival that the Zhengdao sect almost never came back.

Unexpectedly, at the last critical moment, a fat old Taoist was suddenly killed. This person was said to be a Nascent Soul monk who had left Lingxiaoguan many years ago and kept his name anonymous. His name was "Xuan Chengzi", and This person is also the only Yuanying stage monk in Xia Kingdom.

It was precisely because of the timely arrival that the Righteous Sect had a narrow victory and finally drove out the Demon Sect.

However, when the fat old man arrived, the old demon Sikong was obviously shocked and told a story about the past.

If Wu Fan remembered correctly, the old devil said angrily that this Xuanchengzi should have died in the "Falling Dragon Valley" decades ago, so he broke the contract and came to attack the Xia Kingdom.

This incident was still fresh in the memory of the Xia Kingdom cultivator, and only then did he understand some of the past events.

Now that he hears this name again, Wu Fan naturally feels something in his heart. At least his master was right when he said that Tianyuan Continent is indeed his hometown, and it can also be seen that Falling Dragon Domain should not be far from his hometown.

However, when he heard about the danger level of these two areas and the vastness of the area, Wu Fan couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, Linghu Mu also noticed Wu Fan's expression, but he didn't say anything more, assuming that the other person was in a bad mood, so he continued:

"It is said that even you, the Beidou Domain monk, would travel thousands of miles to Falling Dragon Valley, but the local evil cultivators there are extremely difficult to deal with, and they often kill people and seize treasures."

"In this way, even if you enter the Falling Dragon Valley, you must always beware of sneak attacks by evil cultivators from behind. If you are not careful, you will die at the hands of those evil cultivators even if you do not die from the inherent dangers in the dangerous place. inside."

"So over the years, you, the Beidou Domain monk, have really hated those evil cultivators in the Dragon Falling Domain, and the hatred between the two parties has been very deep. It is said that there are constant frictions on the border between the two domains, and even one incident will happen after a few years. A coalition battle."

"There are two reasons why this happened. One is that the evil cultivators in Fallen Dragon Territory want to invade your Beidou Territory, increase their own territory, and plunder resources."

"As for the other aspect, it's because those righteous sects that were once driven out of the Dragon Falling Domain want to regain their original territory, so they unite with other sects to fight against those evil cultivators."

"After all, even if those righteous sects fled to your Beidou Territory, they would only be surviving. In order to live there, they can only look at the faces of the local monks, and attach themselves to some sects and work hard for them."

"But even so, they can only occupy a small area. It is almost difficult to obtain too much territory and resources. In this case, they naturally want to fight back to the Fallen Dragon Territory."

"However, although these righteous sects who fled have lost their former strength, when the two parties were fighting, those evil cultivators have not been able to get any benefits. This situation occurs naturally because you, the Beidou Domain monk, have been behind the scenes. help."

"How could you, the Beidou Domain monk, not know about the wolfish ambitions of those evil cultivators? In order to prevent them from occupying the territory, you, the Beidou Domain monk, have done your best to help them. In addition, these people hate those evil cultivators to the core, so over the years, Almost blatantly helpful.”

"It's just that, even so, you, the Beidou Domain monks, have not been able to invade the Falling Dragon Territory in these thousands of years, let alone eliminate those evil cultivators."

"There are two aspects to this situation. One is that you, the Beidou Territory monks, are not united. Those countries far away from the border have always acted as if it has nothing to do with them and never interfered with this matter. We won’t even provide assistance.”

"After all, for them, even if those evil cultivators invade the Beidou Territory, they can't reach their territory at all. Who would take this matter to heart and risk their lives for no reason."

"Haha, human beings are selfish after all. When there is no benefit, it can be said that it is the best to do nothing without benefit. Because of this, just those national monks close to the border, as well as the original righteous monks of the Dragon Falling Domain, naturally It is impossible to destroy those evil cultivators."

"As for the second reason why those evil cultivators have survived to this day, it is also very important. It is said that the Dragon Falling Domain has now become a refuge for evil cultivators throughout the continent."

"Some monks, families, and sects who have made mistakes in other large areas and are being hunted will often run to the Dragon Falling Area to avoid being hunted. Many of them include our monks from the Zhongdu Area, and People from all the major regions in the south, including you, the monks from the Beidou Region.”

"As soon as these escaped people arrived in Falling Dragon Territory, they would immediately start to seize territory and kill the original monks. It is precisely because of this that what I just said happened, the sects in Falling Dragon Territory are the entire continent. The ones that change the fastest, some small sects often don’t last for a hundred years.”

"Of course, this situation refers to those forces that have fled, such as powerful families or sects that have migrated their entire clans. As for some independent cultivators, they either died there after being killed or robbed of treasures, or joined a certain force. Therefore, over the years, there has been a steady stream of cultivators joining, and your Beidou domain cultivators have never been able to invade the Falling Dragon Domain."

"It is precisely because of this that I said before that the Falling Dragon Domain is extremely chaotic. If you, Daoist Wu, want to break through this domain alone, it is extremely difficult."

Linghu Mu paused here and looked up at Wu Fan. The meaning of his eyes seemed to be pointed out.

"I see." Wu Fan narrowed his eyes and nodded, and he already understood in his heart. He had indeed never heard of this before, but now he suddenly understood.

Although he had never heard of this, it was normal. Just like Linghu Mu said, after all, Xia Country was located in the northwest of Beidou Territory, which was extremely remote. How could it possibly participate in a war far away on the border? The leaders of each sect were all scheming people, so they would naturally not do such a thankless thing.

At that time, Wu Fan was just a young cultivator, so of course he could not be exposed to such things.

"Fellow Daoist Linghu, why don't you tell me about other regions in the continent?"

Wu Fan now had a thorough understanding of the way home. Although he had not figured out how to go back for a while, he wanted to inquire about the whole continent now that he had nothing to do. First, it was because of curiosity, and second, he wanted to find a way to save time and return home safely by learning more.

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