Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 108 [A dark horse, the plan failed]

The first bean fell to the ground, but Xu Changan did not hold it.

It's not that he can't hold Jindouzi, on the contrary, he can.

However, because the beans were dropped, Xu Changan's prediction was insufficient, and his spiritual consciousness did not go all out. Therefore, he was caught off guard in this situation, and the first bean fell.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because there are one hundred beans in the gourd, it is impossible to hold all one hundred beans anyway, so the same goes for holding the next one.

Xu Changan looked around calmly.

Ding Lan held the first copper bean, and Zhen Qingyan naturally did the same.

As for Ji Feishuang in the distance, there is no doubt that he can hold it.

The rest of the ordinary disciples were in very bad shape, and more than 80% of them failed to hold on to the first copper bean. Some of these people, like Xu Changan, were caught off guard due to lack of preparation. Although they couldn't hold them back now, they could still hold them back later when they regrouped their spiritual thoughts. As for the other part, it is because the spiritual mind is insufficient and cannot be supported at all.

Exactly as Huang Zhicheng said, about ten breaths later, the second copper bean fell from the gourd.


Xu Changan ignored the second bean and let it fall.

His spiritual thoughts are still wandering around.

Ding Lan held the second pill.

Then the third pill, the fourth pill, the fifth pill...

Click... click... click...

The sound all around was the sound of copper beans falling to the ground.

More than 90% of people cannot support more than five copper beans.

Ding Lan held up three pills, but could no longer hold up the fourth pill.

On the other hand, Zhen Qingyan on the left is a bit surprising. This girl actually held up seven pills in one go.

What a powerful spiritual thought.

Not far away, Ji Feishuang also held up seven pills.

When a dozen copper beans fell from the gourd above his head, the results around him became obvious.

Zhen Qingyan's limit is nine pills!

Ding Lan's limit is three!

Ji Feishuang's limit is...fuck...

Xu Changan suddenly cursed: Fifteen pills?

so much?

A disciple at the seventh level of Qi refining stage, his spiritual thoughts are actually so powerful?


Xu Changan noticed that there were four disciples of the Ji family behind and around Ji Feishuang's body. Each of these four disciples was sweating profusely on their foreheads, but strangely, there was not a single copper bean lifted above the heads of these four disciples. .

You're sweating profusely without holding the copper beans?

It was obvious that these four people were Ji Feishuang's helpers.

In other words, at least four of the fifteen copper beans on Ji Feishuang's head were the result of these four disciples, and even more.

As for how much, Xu Changan didn't know.


This Ji family is a bit interesting.

Not only did they repackage my copper beans, but they even found helpers for themselves?

Do you think you can win this way?

"Hahahaha... stable..."

Off the field, in the Ji family camp!

Ji Shigu stroked his beard and laughed.

His eyes fell on the huge screen above the square.

From his point of view, Xu Changan didn't hold up a single bean, while his granddaughter held up fifteen copper beans. She was currently standing out among the crowd and firmly ranked first.

Because the second place has only nine copper beans.

The results are too wide.

Under this situation, Xu Changan will definitely not be able to score, but his granddaughter Ji Feishuang can score 100 points. In this way, in the total score list, his granddaughter Ji Feishuang will be the first with 450 points, and Xu Changan will be ranked first with 400 points. He was ranked second, and the woman in black, Zhen Qingyan, could only place third with 360 points.

It's stable, it's stable!

"Great!" Ji Changgeng clapped his hands happily and said, "Grandpa is indeed a mastermind!"

Ji Shigu said: "It's not a magical plan, but my arrangement, hahahaha..."

On the field!

wisps of sweat appeared on Zhen Qingyan's forehead.

Nine copper beans was her limit.

After trying her best to use her secret skills and trump cards, she could still catch two or three more. But when she saw the fifteen copper beans above Ji Feishuang's head in the distance, Zhen Qingyan gave up again.

Because it makes no sense.

Even if the secret technique increases by two, he will still be in second place, far behind Ji Feishuang.

Why take the risk and use the secret method when you are both second on the left and the right?


At this moment, Zhen Qingyan suddenly felt a majestic spiritual thought gently wrapping around her from all sides, stabilizing her spiritual thought in the middle.

This...Junior Brother Xu?

What is this kid going to do?


Another copper bean fell from the top of his head.

Without Zhen Qingyan having to exert any effort, the copper bean floated safely above her head.


Then, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen!

The copper bean on top of Zhen Qingyan's head surpassed that of Ji Feishuang almost in an instant.


Seeing this scene, Ji Shigu, the ancestor of the Ji family outside, spat out a mouthful of blood: "How is that possible?"

"'s okay!" Ji Changgeng said: "Although the woman in black is temporarily in the lead, my sister is also in second place now. Even if she only has 90 points, she is still first in the overall score list!"

Ji Shigu was reminded by his grandson and immediately nodded: "Yes, yes... Feishuang is still number one. As long as Xu Changan can't hold Jin Dou back, we will win!"


As soon as Ji Shigu finished speaking, a golden bean floated above Xu Changan's head.

The golden bean was heavy.

The weight of a golden bean of the same size was equivalent to more than two copper beans.

Therefore, it was impossible for Xu Changan not to be able to hold up the golden bean. Even if it was Ding Lan, she could hold up one.

Once he held it up, it was out of control.

One, two, three, four, five, six!

Xu Changan held up six golden beans in one breath.

Six already allowed him to rank fifth among all the people.

At this point, Xu Changan did not continue to increase the number of his golden beans.

No need!

His goal was very clear, that is, to win the first place in the total score, not to show off.



This time, it was not only Ji Shigu who vomited blood.

His grandson Ji Changgeng also vomited.

It's over, it's gone!

"Grandpa... Grandpa... You have to think of a way... What should we do?" Ji Changgeng desperately shook Ji Shigu's arm.

Ji Shigu's eyes were confused for a while, he shook his head and said: "It's gone... We have exhausted all means, but in the end we still lost this [Dragon Blood Bodhi]. Could it be that this is really this boy's chance?"

"But, but..." Ji Changgeng was about to cry: "Grandpa, without Dragon Blood Bodhi, how can I break through!"

"If I can't break through to the foundation-building stage, I am still a mortal, and I still have only a hundred years of life. I... woo woo woo woo..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Ji Shigu looked at his grandson with a loving face, patted his shoulder and said: "Changgeng is not afraid, Grandpa will find a way, don't worry, even if Xu Changan gets this [Dragon Blood Bodhi], we are not completely without a chance, Grandpa will find a way..."


Soon, the 100 copper beans in the gourd fell out.

The Fighting God Competition is over.

It also means the end of this Shangzong Competition.

"First place, Zhen Qingyan!" The elegant female host read out the name expressionlessly: "One hundred points in this match!"

"Second place, Ji Feishuang, ninety points in this match!"

"Third place..."

Xu Changan got fifth place, sixty points in this match.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The stone tablet of the total score ranking flashed with brilliance, and the total score was also announced.

First place, Xu Changan, 460 points in total.

Second place, Ji Feishuang, total score 440 points

Third place, Zhen Qingyan, total score 370 points

Fourth place, Chen Xuanli, total score 300 points

Fifth place...

"Xu Changan..." The female host with extraordinary temperament walked to Xu Changan and said, "As far as I know, your spiritual consciousness is extraordinary, but why are you so unbearable in the last game? Are you hiding your shortcomings?"

"If you just want to hide your shortcomings, it's too stupid. Anyone with a little wisdom knows that you have a strong spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, how could you perform so brilliantly in the alchemy competition?"

The young and powerful elder stared at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan saluted naturally, then handed her a few golden beans and said, "Why do you ask when you know the answer?"

The female elder took the golden beans and her face suddenly became serious, "This... this... this is not a copper bean, but a golden bean?"

Xu Changan said nothing, but saluted lightly: "Xu Changan is leaving..."

After speaking, he turned and floated away. This chapter has been updated!

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