Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 110 [The old man who built the foundation, a powerful sword]

"Big Brother, have some tea?"

Xu Changan took out some spiritual tea from the storage bag and placed it in front of the futon.

After breaking Zhen Qingyan's illusion, Li Chijian came to Xu Changan's dojo. Xu Changan didn't understand his purpose.

"No more!" Li Chijian waved his hand and said, "Little Junior Brother, I know you are smart, cautious, and careful!"

"However, as the Big Brother, I still want to remind you that Master said that you are different from others. Others rely on the accumulation of natural treasures and hard practice to break through, but you rely on opportunities and hard work!"

"Now that you have the opportunity, don't do stupid things. Even if someone brings a mountain of gold, you can't give away this [Dragon Blood Bodhi] in your hand!"

"You have to keep this thing for yourself!"

Xu Changan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that Li Chijian was coveting his Dragon Blood Bodhi like others, but he didn't expect that this guy came here to show concern.

"Thank you for your reminder, Senior Brother!" Xu Changan bowed his hands.

Li Chijian asked: "Those people outside are all staring at your Bodhi, what are your plans?"

Xu Changan said: "What plans can I have? After returning to the sect, I will practice in seclusion and swallow it!"

"No!" Li Chijian said: "As the saying goes, the longer the night, the more dreams there are. What I mean is that you can swallow this Bodhi directly in front of everyone and stop their thoughts!"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: Yes, the suggestion of the senior brother is really reliable.

Swallow it directly in front of everyone, and they will naturally stop bothering.

But the key is... Xu Changan can't bear it.

As Master Minghe said, it is not easy for him to break through each level. How can he eat such a good thing now?

It must be saved until the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage breaks through the foundation.


Because the Nine Nether Blood Sutra has only twelve levels, it can only be cultivated to the great perfection of Qi Refining Stage, and it cannot allow him to build a foundation.

If you want to build your foundation with the Nine Nether Blood Sutra, you must devour a cultivator of the same realm who has also practiced the Nine Nether Blood Sutra.

Where can I get a cultivator to devour?

So, I can only swallow this blood jade bodhi at the last minute to build my foundation.

This move is crucial.

It can be said that without the [Dragon Blood Bodhi], Xu Changan really doesn't know how to break through to the foundation.

"Thank you for your advice, senior brother, but it's a waste for me to eat it now. Let's wait until we return to the sect!"

Li Chijian said: "Okay, if someone dares to take advantage of you, tell me and I'll beat him up!"

"By the way, it's time for us to set off. Get ready and take the flying boat back to Yangshuo County tomorrow morning!"

The next morning, the team leader Cheng Bufan sacrificed the flying boat. The huge flying boat swept through the void and flew south. Although the flying boat was huge, its speed was extremely fast when flying.

"Junior Brother Xu!"

Cheng Bufan looked at Xu Changan and said kindly: "Your original room was too noisy, I changed it to a superior room for you, you can live next to me!"

Xu Changan just bowed his hands: "No, thank you, senior brother, I'll live at the stern, I'm used to it!"

"Cheng Bufan!" Li Chijian spoke, he looked at Cheng Bufan and said coldly: "I know what you are up to, everyone is here, I will make things clear today, you who want to covet my junior brother Dragon Blood Bodhi, save your worries!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"


Li Chijian's long sword was pulled out by him.

He was full of vigor and sword intent, and looked desperate.

Huang Zhicheng snorted coldly and said, "Li Chijian, you'd better save your energy. Not to mention our fellow disciples, many external forces also covet Junior Brother Xu's Dragon Blood Bodhi. The way back will definitely be full of obstacles. I advise you to focus on how to deal with the upcoming enemies?"

"That's right!" Cheng Bufan held the sword and said lightly: "Everyone, be alert!"

Everyone returned to their rooms.

The flying boat continued to fly south.

After several days, the journey was peaceful.

However, on the fifth day, the spaceship suddenly trembled and stopped in the air.

Xu Changan, like the other disciples, walked out of the room in a panic.

The flying boat stopped on a jungle, and in the void a hundred feet away in front of it, an old man in a black Taoist robe blocked the way.

The old man stood in the void. Although he looked insignificant in the void, his momentum was as heavy as a mountain.

"This is..." Li Chijian's eyes shrank, and he said, "A powerful person in the foundation-building period?"

That's right!

A disciple in the Qi Refining Period, even if he has reached the state of great perfection, cannot fly in the air.

Those who can stand in the void must be at least in the foundation-building period.

"Cheng Bufan!" Li Chijian said anxiously: "Open the defense formation of the flying boat immediately, and release the message symbol to notify the sect at the same time!"

There is a defense formation on the flying boat, which can withstand the attack of the powerful person in the foundation-building period after being activated.

As long as we hold on for half a day, the strong people in the sect will definitely be able to arrive.

However, Cheng Bufan shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate... I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend. It will increase consumption and easily anger the strong. I'd better ask first!"

He walked to the front of the deck and shouted to the old man from afar, saying: "Senior, we are disciples of the Taixuan Sect in Yangshuo County. I don't know what your orders are if Senior blocks my way."

The old man in black on the opposite side did not speak, but waved his hand and held out a long sword.

After the long sword was inspired by spiritual power, it became several feet long in an instant.

"No!" Cheng Bufan shouted, "Quickly activate Feizhou's defensive formation..."

But it's too late!

I saw the several-foot-long blue divine sword in mid-air suddenly slashing through the air!

The gorgeous sword light shone in one direction, even surpassing the sunlight in the void. The light, carrying the infinite sword intent, shook the void and rushed towards the flying boat.

"Junior brother... hurry up..."

Li Chijian reached out and grabbed Xu Changan, and then the two of them turned into rainbow lights and escaped from the flying boat.

At the same time, the other disciples also used their magic weapons and magical powers to escape quickly.


Behind him, a dazzling sword light fell on the flying boat. The huge flying boat was cut into two halves, and suddenly turned into countless fragments and fell from the void.

Cheng Bufan said: "Everyone runs away separately. Whether you can escape depends on your luck!"

Li Chijian let go of Xu Changan's hand and said: "Little junior brother... let's go together. We will definitely not be able to escape in the end. We will escape separately, one on the left and one on the right. Opposite us is a powerful person in the foundation building stage. Senior brother, I I can’t protect you anymore!”


Xu Changan nodded in agreement!

Because he also has his own life-saving trump card. Apart from anything else, if we talk about speed, he is definitely not slower than Li Chijian.

He has dozens of [Jue Ying Talisman] on his body.

Once this thing is attached to the body, it is much faster than a flying boat.

The only drawback is that this thing cannot last long, a talisman can only last half an hour.


The two of them separated, one to the left and the other to the right.

Xu Changan's body immediately fell to the ground and escaped deep into the forest.

With a [Jue Ying Talisman] affixed to his body, he can walk in the woods. Not only is he fast, but he can also hide his traces and aura.

Xu Changan turned into an afterimage, flying through the dense forest.

However, less than ten breaths after he put on the Jue Ying Talisman, he saw the old man in the foundation building stage wearing black again.

This person is standing in the void not far in front of him!

Damn it...

Xu Changan couldn't help but uttered a curse word and said to himself: "No this guy here for me?"

"That's not right... You have already built a foundation, so it's useless to ask for my [Dragon Blood Bodhi]..."

It's definitely not for me!


What a coincidence!


Xu Changan changed his route and headed in another direction.

He changed his direction four times, but every time he found that the old man had locked onto him, Xu Changan simply stopped running.

Have a quick run!

They are powerful in the foundation building stage, and you can't get rid of them even if you are exhausted.

As soon as Xu Changan stopped, the old man over there immediately landed in front of him.

"Xu Changan..." The old man stared at him, his eyes like swords.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "Senior..."

"Dragon Blood Bodhi, hand it over..." The old man didn't waste any time and stretched out his skinny hand directly towards Xu Changan.

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