Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 112 [Under the Bean Pod Ground, Ji Shigu Dies]

Xu Changan told the true and false, the true and false, the Ou Sheng Tomb he saw under Doujia Mountain and the situation in the Chen Gongzi Temple he saw in the secret realm.

Ji Shigu naturally couldn't tell the difference.

"good very good……"

"Boy, what opportunities did you get in these ruins? Show them to me!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan looked like an honest man. He waved his hand and took down a simple ring: "Senior, this is what I got from the ruins!"

"See for yourself!"

Ji Shigu took the ring and said, "It's actually a storage space?"

His consciousness glanced inside the ring and saw several things inside.

A divine talisman!

A huge plaque.

There is also a jade slip.

Ji Shigu waved his hand, and three things appeared in front of him.


Looking at this item, Ji Shigu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Especially the plaque with the words "Chen Gongzi Temple" on it, the extremely distant aura of historical vicissitudes exuding from it made him believe that it was definitely something in the ruins.

"Chen Gongzi Temple?" Ji Shigu said: "This is Zhou Zhuan, an ancient inscription used by monks in ancient times. Boy, this relic you discovered is definitely an ancient relic!"

"I don't know this word!" Xu Changan smiled bitterly, then took off the [Purple Gold Chaotian Crown] on his head, handed it to Ji Shigu and said: "Senior, this Purple Gold Chaotian Crown is also the junior's in the ruins. Picked it up everywhere!”

"Oh?" Ji Shigu nodded: "You are lucky. However, you just said that you only got these treasures at the entrance of the ruins. Why didn't you enter them?"

Xu Changan said: "There is a stone door there. I am too weak and my cultivation level is too low. I can only shake it, but I can't open it!"

"Oh!" Ji Shigu was overjoyed: This boy, a stone gate can't stop you?

Can't open it?

There must be some mechanism on it, or you don't recognize the Zhou seal characters.

If I were here, with my ability and wisdom, I would definitely be able to open the stone door.

Ha ha ha ha……

"Tell me, where are these ruins?" Ji Shigu's eyes were full of greed: "As long as you tell me, I can not only spare your life, but also return this [Dragon Blood Bodhi] to you. ,How about it?"

Xu Changan shook his head and sneered: "Senior, do you think I'm a fool?"

"Let me tell you, if you kill me now, won't I suffer a big loss?"

"Hmph..." Ji Shigu said, "You are quite clever. Cheng... tell me, what should I do?"

Xu Changan said: "As long as I lead you to the stone gate of the ruins, you have to let me go, and you have to swear an oath of heaven, and I will take you there!"

"Otherwise, even if you kill me now, I will never tell you!"

"You..." Master Ji blew his ancient beard.

However, after thinking for a few breaths, the greed in Ji Shigu's heart defeated his reason, and he said: "Forget it... I swear to heaven, as long as Xu Changan leads me to the stone gate of the ruins, I will never I won’t kill him, otherwise, I, Ji Shigu, will die badly if the thunder hits me!”

"Boy, now that I have sworn the oath of heaven, you should take me there, right?"

Xu Changan said: "This is natural, senior, come with me!"

"Haha... Speaking of which, this ruins is not far from our Taixuan Sect. You just need to follow the direction I pointed out!"

Then, Ji Shigu flew with his sword and took Xu Changan to the Pod Mountain.

"Senior, how is my senior is he?"

During the flight, Xu Changan suddenly thought of his senior brother Li Chijian.

Ji Shigu said calmly: "I don't know. He blocked my three blows. If he is lucky, he should be able to survive. If he is not lucky, he may have already reached Xianning forever!"

Xu Changan frowned slightly.

Ji Shigu was very fast. It would have taken a flying boat a day to cover the distance, but it only took half a day for him to come here with his sword.

The two landed on the outskirts of Peapod Mountain.

"Is this the ruins you are talking about?"

Looking at Doujia Mountain from a distance, a trace of suspicion flashed across Ji Shigu's face.

Xu Changan said: "That's right...Senior, the ruins are here underground. There is miasma in the ground of Doujia Mountain. You need to cooperate with the Miasma Avoidance Pill to get down. Senior, I happen to have two Miasma Avoidance Pills here!"

"I don't need it!" Ji Shigu waved his hand and said, "I have a treasure that can be used as a barrier!"

After that, the two of them entered the Peapod Mountain together, found the entrance to the underground cave, and jumped in together.

After walking for half an hour through the winding and rugged path of Beanjia Mountain, we finally arrived at the place where the underground stone chamber was.

"This is it!" Xu Changan said: "The wall behind was built by the juniors before. After opening this wall, there is a stone gate inside it!"


Without saying anything, Ji Shigu punched directly.


The rectangular stone door in front of him was revealed.

"Haha..." Ji Shigu was overjoyed and said: "It is indeed a ruins... let's go..."

He couldn't wait to pull Xu Changan and step into it.

In the dark underground stone chamber, Ji Shigu used his magic power to condense a fireball, which immediately illuminated the underground stone chamber.

He raised his eyes and instantly looked at the stone gate guarded by two statues.

There are three words on the stone door: Ou Sheng Tomb.

In front of the stone door, there are two huge Weng Zhong, simple and solemn, as if they came out of an ancient scroll.

"Senior, this is the door!" Xu Changan pointed to the stone door and said, "All the treasures of this junior were picked up in this stone room, but I don't know what is behind this stone door because I can't open it!"

"Hahaha..." Ji Shigu smiled and said, "Ou Sheng Tomb... This is the tomb of an ancient sage!"

"Xu Changan, Xu Changan... You are really my blessing, my opportunity... is here..."

After saying that, Ji Shigu, who had been overwhelmed by greed, took a step forward and walked towards the stone door.

He completely ignored the Weng Zhong on both sides of the stone door. When he stepped within three feet of the stone door and felt something was wrong, it was too late.

"No... boy, you are screwing me..." Ji Shigu felt a great pressure as soon as he entered the three-foot range of the stone gate. Then, the two stone statues standing opposite each other on the left and right began to turn around almost at the same time!


The familiar sound reached Xu Changan's ears.

He laughed!

Although he didn't know how high the attack power of the two stone statues was, it was impossible for them to escape the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"Xu Changan... Fuck you!" Ji Shigu, whose body was locked by the pressure and unable to move, cursed loudly, and then he used his mind to move, and several defensive weapons were activated by him.

It took three or four breaths for the stone statue to raise the stone sword, and the two swords fell almost at the same time.



There was no gorgeous sword light, no vast momentum.

The attack of the stone statue was still plain and simple as many years ago.

However, these two simple sword energies directly penetrated Ji Shigu's body and tore his heart apart.


Ji Shigu's body was also blasted three feet away from the stone gate.

"Puff... Puff puff puff..."

Ji Shigu vomited four mouthfuls of blood in a row, then turned his head with difficulty, looked at Xu Changan with extremely hateful eyes, and uttered two words: "I hate..."

He died at this point.

Xu Changan suddenly felt relieved.

However, he did not approach Ji Shigu's body immediately, but operated the Wheel of Life and Death in the air, and threw the Wheel of Death on Ji Shigu. After finding that he could not absorb life from Ji Shigu, he was sure that this old man had ascended to immortality forever.

At this point, Xu Changan really breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked over, turned Ji Shigu's body over, and then decisively took out a large wooden barrel!


Ji Shigu's blood was collected in the wooden barrel by him.

This is the blood of a foundation-building cultivator, and it is an excellent material for refining blood beads.

After collecting the blood, Xu Changan threw Ji Shigu's body into the Golden Talisman Space. This thing cannot be wasted, and it can be fed to his spiritual beast, the mutant blue spider.

As for Ji Shigu's storage bag and a storage bracelet, as well as several defensive magic tools, they were also collected by Xu Changan.

But he didn't have time to check now.

He had to quickly seal this space and leave.

Because Ji Shigu, as the patriarch of the Ji family, couldn't be without a life card.

At this time, his life card should be broken, so the people looking for Ji Shigu should also be on the way, so he had to leave quickly.

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