Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 136 [Break through the eleventh level and know that you are not yours]

The morning sun shines through the sparse woods and falls on the ground.

The patches are like golden paper!

Xu Changan sits on the edge of the fairy pond, naked, with his eyes closed in contemplation, and the [Withering and Flourishing Sutra] in his body is running wildly.

At a certain moment, an invisible shackle in his body bursts open, and it comes naturally.

Qi Refining Stage, eleventh level.

This is the only time Xu Changan has broken through the realm with the authentic Xuanmen technique.

Qi Refining Stage eleventh level, only one level away from the great perfection twelfth level.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Changan laughed and jumped up from the ground.

For him, the future is bright.

As long as he goes back to practice well and absorb the energy in those human beads and blood pools, breaking through the twelfth level will be easy.

Even if he eats the human beads and blood pools, he still can't break through. He can still refine blood beads in other ways. At worst, he can go to Chenjiabao again, and maybe he can get some unexpected benefits.

In this way, achieving the twelfth level of Qi Refining is no longer a dream.

Once you reach the twelfth level of Qi Refining, you can take out the [Dragon Blood Bodhi] that has been stored for a long time and eat it, which can unconditionally improve one realm. In this way, the foundation-building realm is already in your grasp.


Xu Changan waved his hand, and the clothes scattered by the pool were taken one by one and put on.

There are also treasures such as [Heavenly Silk Collar].

After everything was put on, Xu Changan took a step and flew away from the fairy pool. In an instant, he crossed the void and landed on a mountain top.

The top of the mountain is covered with bamboo forests.

There is a cliff near the easternmost place, which is the best place to watch the clouds on Guanyun Peak. Looking east from here, a vast sea of ​​clouds is even more vast and vast, making people feel that the world is broad and the universe is infinite.

If you watch the magnificent view of the sunrise and sea of ​​clouds when the sun rises, it will be refreshing.

Zhen Qingyan, dressed in black, sat on the cliff. Her slender legs fell from the cliff, swinging back and forth playfully, appearing and disappearing in the floating clouds of the sea of ​​clouds.

Xu Changan said: "Good morning, Senior Sister Zhen!"

"Good morning..." Zhen Qingyan looked back and smiled, and the morning sun was eclipsed.

Xu Changan walked over and sat gently beside Zhen Qingyan, saying: "I didn't expect that after not seeing you for twenty years, Senior Sister Zhen has made amazing progress. Not only has she broken through to the foundation-building realm, but now she has reached the twelfth level of foundation-building. She is only one step away from becoming a Jindan master!"

"Senior Sister really impressed me!"

After not seeing you for twenty years, no one would have thought that Zhen Qingyan had grown to such a level.

If she breaks through, there will be another Jindan ancestor on Guanyun Peak.

Zhen Qingyan still playfully swung her long legs to stir the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, then chuckled and said, "Xu Changan, you are late... Look... The sun has risen so high!"

"You didn't see the wonder of the sun breaking through the sea of ​​clouds!"

Xu Changan looked at the rising sun in the east and nodded.

But he had no regrets.

He stretched out his hand and took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag.

The porcelain bottle opened, and there were eleven [Chaoyuan Pills] inside.

One of them was of top quality, and the other ten were of medium quality.

"What are you doing?" Zhen Qingyan took the porcelain bottle and looked at it, and said, "Chao Yuan Dan... is it for me?"

Xu Changan said, "At that time, Uncle Qingxu wanted to break through the Jindan realm, so he asked me to help refine a furnace of Chao Yuan Dan. He took one to break through the realm, and gave the other eleven to me!"

"I see you are about to break through, choose one!"

Zhen Qingyan returned the bottle of Chao Yuan Dan to Xu Changan, and then she stretched out her arms in a black shawl at the same time, crossed her ten slender jade fingers together and turned them outward, and said lazily: "No need... If I want to break through, I don't need these things. It's just a Jindan, it's not worth your effort!"

"If I encounter difficulties when I become an immortal in the future, I ask you for help, don't refuse!"

Xu Changan opened his mouth with disappointment: "Imperial immortal?"

What a distant goal.

For ants like us who are still racking our brains to seek a breakthrough in the Qi Refining Stage, will there be a day when we can become immortals?

After a moment of confusion, Xu Changan's eyes immediately flashed with a fiery light. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay... If there really is such a day, Xu Changan will be in a sea of ​​fire and swords..."

The jade finger stood up and blocked Xu Changan's lips.

Zhen Qingyan was more serious than ever: "If it is really a sea of ​​fire and swords, even if it is this immortal, we will not break it!"

"Junior Brother Xu, I have been dormant in Tianxuan Sect for many years, and what I want has been obtained!" Zhen Qingyan continued to look at Xu Changan seriously and said, "So, I'm leaving..."

"You practice well, and you will soar into the sky one day. One day, the world will resound with your name, Xu Changan..."

Zhen Qingyan jumped and stood on the cliff of the sea of ​​clouds. The spiritual energy behind her turned into a colorful wing, as beautiful as a butterfly.

The wings moved slightly, and Zhen Qingyan's body flew into the sky.

"Sister Zhen, wait!" Xu Changan suddenly stood up.

Zhen Qingyan, who had already floated into the sea of ​​clouds, turned around and said, "Xu Changan, do you have anything else to say to me?"

Xu Changan said, "Yesterday, was it your true body, or an illusion..."

"Hehehe..." Zhen Qingyan laughed loudly, the wings on her back moved slightly, and the whole person sank into the sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly, a huge flying boat emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, with golden flags waving and cloud patterns flashing.

There was also a Taotie totem, which looked ferocious and evil.

There was also a black bird branded on it, which looked solemn and dignified.

Zhen Qingyan's body landed gently on the deck of the huge boat.

There were sixty-four people on both sides of the boat who simultaneously raised musical instruments that Xu Changan had never seen before, and a high-pitched song rushed into the sky.

The boat turned around in the sea of ​​clouds and then slowly flew into the sky.

Xu Changan saw that on the flag at the stern of the boat, an ancient character [Song] was carved in ancient Zhou seal script.

"Senior Sister Zhen is from Yin..." Ding Lan came to Xu Changan's side without knowing when. She stood on Xu Changan's left and looked at the big ship that was going away with Xu Changan: "She is the princess of Song. It's a pity that Song was destroyed by Qi, and she became a wandering princess of a lost country!"

Xu Changan's eyes trembled, and he turned his head to look at Ding Lan.

Ding Lan's clear eyes also looked at him.

The four looked at each other for several breaths, and neither of them said anything.

"I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, just say it!" Ding Lan looked ready: "Ask anything!"

Xu Changan took a deep breath, but didn't know where to start.

Ding Lan said: "If you don't ask, I will tell you myself... Thank you for saving me at the beginning. I promised you that from now on, I will only practice Xuanmen skills and stay away from the magic skills [Nine Nether Blood Sutra]. But Junior Brother, it is said that a thousand years of cultivation is not as good as a single thought of becoming a demon!"

"For a person with deep roots of demons, how easy is it to give up the magic?"

"Besides, Junior Brother Xu, didn't you cultivate to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage through this [Nine Nether Blood Sutra]?"

Xu Changan nodded.

From this standpoint, he really has no right to criticize or comment on what Ding Lan did.

"Alas..." Xu Changan took a deep breath and said: "Yes... Junior Sister Ding, thank you for giving me the [Nine Nether Blood Sutra] at the beginning, otherwise I would not have taken this path!"

Ding Lan smiled slightly, with a temperament like orchid.

She said, "I gave it to you, so this is fate!"

"Your fate, my fate, our fate!"

"Brother Xu, we both come from the same place, and by chance we went to Chenjiabao at the same time, and we both joined Taixuan Immortal Sect..."


"Who could have thought that in the end, we would end up on this path!"

Xu Changan did not reply to her words, but looked at Ding Lan deeply, with unspeakable sadness and disappointment in his mind.

Thinking back then, in Furong Town, Xu Changan secretly searched for this [Nine Nether Blood Sutra] from Ding Lan, and then tried to hide it from Ding Lan.

Today he told Ding Lan that he thanked her for giving him the [Nine Nether Blood Sutra], but he didn't expect Ding Lan to admit it directly.

Xu Changan could judge from this that the girl with dimples in front of him was probably no longer the pure Ding Lan.

A faint fragrance surged into Xu Changan's heart.

Will that innocent girl like an orchid never come back in this life?

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