Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 140 [Teaching the Dharma and Imparting the Soul, Building the Foundation with the True Mind]

"Want to leave?"

Xu Changan waved his hand, and another soul-catching golden bell flew out.


The golden bell, which was originally only the size of a rosary, turned into a foot in radius after being activated. It shook towards Qingling's golden elixir, and the golden elixir suddenly seemed to have lost control and was sucked in by the golden bell.

"Let me go, you let me go!"

The golden elixir contained a wisp of Qingling's soul, and she shouted loudly.

At the same time, another man's voice came over: "Xu Shixi, your great revenge has been avenged. How about I make a deal with you?"


Xu Changan said nothing, and flew out with a nerve knife.



Qingling and Chen Yuchang's souls were directly cut off by his nerve knife. Now they are extremely weak and can no longer talk.

There is another golden elixir under the soul-catching golden bell.

The Jindan Patriarch cultivated for his entire life, and his lifelong insights and mana were condensed into this golden pill. Although the Jindan cultivator is dead now, this golden pill has not disappeared.

It can also be used to make the Meteoric Pill Talisman.

However, it is quite troublesome to make the Meteoric Pill Talisman. It is not just the Jindan that is needed, but also some other materials.

Xu Changan collected this golden pill and put it into the Golden Talisman Space.

Xu Changan did not dare to stay here for a long time. He waved his hand to collect Qingling's body, then walked out of the stone room, and after building a wall outside, he left quickly.

Leaving Doujiao Mountain, he went directly back to the sect's own dojo.

Xu Changan checked the formation of the dojo, and then stepped into the Golden Talisman Space.

The most eye-catching thing in the Golden Talisman Space is the two golden talismans.

This is the breakthrough reward of the Great Golden Talisman.

After Xu Changan broke through the eleventh level, he was rewarded with a talisman. At that time, he was fighting with Zhen Qingyan and had no time to learn talismans.

Later, he swallowed Chen Chong's blood and broke through to the twelfth level, and another talisman fell.

So, there are now two talismans in the golden talisman space.

"Learn it!"

He took a deep breath and began to draw the first talisman.

Two days later, the drawing methods of the two talismans were imprinted in Xu Changan's body.

Two talismans, one is the [Spirit Wing Talisman], and the other is the [Falling Snow Talisman].

As the name suggests!

After the [Spirit Wing Talisman] is activated, the user can condense a pair of wings behind him through the spiritual power in his body, helping the user to cross mountains and rivers and fly in the sky.

After the [Falling Snow Talisman] is activated, continuous falling snow can be formed in a fixed area, which can be used as a means of attack. If one can draw the powerful Falling Snow Talisman in the future, one talisman can easily freeze the whole world.

So terrifying!

After learning two talismans, Xu Changan looked at the green tree again.

"Junior Sister Ding..." He waved his hand and pulled the tree in front of him, and asked: "Are you used to it here?"

A thin, almost transparent soul floated out from the soul-nourishing tree.

Ding Lan's voice was also a little weak: "Junior Brother Xu... This tree nourishes the soul, I feel very good!"

"That's good!" Xu Changan smiled and said: "I have a method of refining the spirit here. I will teach you the [Qi Refining Chapter] first. When you are proficient, you can practice the spirit here. After your spirit recovers a little, I will let you enter the reincarnation!"

"Yes!" Ding Lan was not polite. She nodded and sat cross-legged in the void.

Xu Changan closed his eyes and recited the Qi Refining Chapter of [The Heavenly Emperor's Control of the Spirit].

After listening to it, Ding Lan tried to practice it for a while, and was immediately shocked and said: "Junior Brother Xu, this is the most top-level method in the world of cultivation. You just gave it to me like this?"


Ding Lan was moved.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Silly girl, this technique is only to help you enrich your spirit. When you enter the six paths of reincarnation, you will naturally forget it completely. It doesn't matter if I pass it on to you!"

What's more, the technique of refining the spirit that Xu Changan taught Ding Lan only includes the Qi Refining Chapter.

The Heavenly Emperor's Control of the Spirit is a top-level technique that covers everything from the Qi Refining Chapter to the Feathering Chapter.

Next, Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a fruit.

This fruit is the size of a fist and is red all over. Only the gold color on the fruit stem can distinguish its type: Dragon Blood Bodhi.

After eating this thing, the eater can break through a level without obstacles. Of course, it is limited to cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage.

Xu Changan smiled.

Now he is already in the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage. As long as he eats this fruit, he can definitely build a foundation directly without any accidents.



Xu Changan took a deep breath.

Who would have thought that a poor boy with rubbish talent had survived all these years by accident and would now set foot on the true path of immortals.

In the world of cultivation, only when one reaches the foundation-building stage can one be considered to have truly set foot on the path of immortals.


At this moment, a message light came from outside the formation into the hall.

Although Xu Changan was in the golden talisman space at this moment, he could see everything clearly.

"Thirteenth brother, come out quickly, there is something important..."

It was Li Chijian's voice.

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect, quickly put the Dragon Blood Bodhi up, and then stepped out of the Golden Palace.

The large array at the door opens in sequence.

Li Chijian stood outside Xu Changan's door with a grimace.

"Old Thirteen, you are really awesome..." Li Chijian looked at Xu Changan's dojo with a sour look: "In the entire Taixuan Sect, you are probably the only one with a three-level formation at the door, right?"

That's not bad.

Because currently, apart from Xu Changan, there is no third-level formation mage in the entire Taixuan Sect.

"Hehehe..." Xu Changan chuckled and said: "Elder brother, I will help you place a few at the entrance of Wenjian Palace later!"

"Okay!" Li Chijian was overjoyed: "Then I'll thank my junior brother first!"

"You're welcome!" Xu Changan waved his hand and said: "Back then, you tried your best to help me block Ji Shigu. What is this trivial matter? By the way, senior brother, you said there is something important, what is it?"

"Good thing!" Li Chijian laughed loudly and said, "Let's go to I Ask the Sword Palace and talk about it later. All the disciples are here!"

"Hehehe... I'm telling you, your senior sister has made a breakthrough!"

Xu Changan was confused:? ? ?

Li Chijian said again: "Fu Nianzhen has broken through the foundation building stage!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was really shocked now.

Fu Nianzhen, has he broken through to the foundation building stage?

"Today is such a happy day!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, I just have something happy that I want to share with you!"

Li Chijian and Xu Changan came to Wenjian Palace.

Many disciples have gathered in Wenjian Palace.

All the disciples of Master Minghe have arrived, and the rest include Zhaixing and Mingyue, two Masters in the foundation-building stage.

As for Master Kongxuan, he was sent to Chenjiabao Station and became an elder of the branch. I heard that his status was not low.

Zhaixing and Mingyue didn't look very good today.

At first they thought Minghe's disciples were easy to bully, so they joined forces to start a farce of brothers fighting each other. Unexpectedly, just over twenty years later, two of Minghe's disciples had successfully built the foundation.

"Congratulations to Senior Sister Fu!" Xu Changan said: "I didn't expect you to build a foundation!"

"Hehehe..." Fu Nianzhen chuckled, and his spiritual consciousness scanned Xu Changan's body again, and said: "Junior Brother, you, have actually reached the twelfth level of Dzogchen?" "


Everyone turned their heads suddenly and looked at Xu Changan.


Zhaixingzhenren, who was drinking tea just now, involuntarily dropped the cup in his hand to the ground.

Xu Changan’s twelve levels of Dzogchen?

This news is far more shocking than Fu Nianzhen's foundation building.


Because it's incredible.

Two months ago, when Xu Changan just came out of seclusion, he was only at the ninth level of the Qi refining stage.

After twenty years of seclusion, it was shocking enough to break through from the sixth level to the ninth level during the Qi refining period.

But in just two months, how did you break through from the ninth level to the twelfth level?

"Impossible...absolutely impossible..." Mingyue's voice trembled a little as her consciousness burst out and swept over Xu Changan unscrupulously.

But the result she saw made her open her mouth in shock: "The twelfth floor... Oh my God, it's really the twelfth floor..."

"Hiss, hiss..."

Master Mingyue and Master Zhaixing were immediately numb.

Li Chijian also looked at Xu Changan blankly, not knowing what to say.

Ning Xiangxuan, Qin Kuo and others all looked at Xu Changan as if they were monsters.

Twelve floors?

Are you kidding me?

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