Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 160 [Qi State Jiaohai, floating fairyland]

Qi State, Jiaohai City!

This is a small city by the sea. Although the city is small, it is packed with people.

On a street near the seaside in Jiaohai City, there is a sign reading "Bian Que's Disciples" hanging in the middle. Several clerks are busy taking out various herbs and drying them.

The dark-faced Chen Sangou came out carrying a basket of tangerine peels, and threw the basket of tangerine peels on the mat with a crash.

"Hey..." The widow who was doing laundry next door looked at Chen Sangou and said, "You are so energetic!"

Chen Sangou patted his chest proudly, and then cast a flirtatious look at the widow: "Sister-in-law, do you want to see my real strength, tonight..."

"Go away, motherfucker..." The widow angrily put her wet hands on her waist and said, "Chen San, do you believe it or not that I told your doctor Qian that he would send you back to your hometown?"

"Definitely..." Chen Sangou lowered his head and said, "Sister-in-law, I was wrong, I don't want to go back to my hometown!"

"Humph..." The widow snorted and glanced at him, then laughed again: "Look at your worthless look!"

"Three dogs, come and help..." Qian Langzhong from the front hall yelled.

Chen Sangou hurriedly ran from the back to the front hall.

"Go..." Doctor Qian took the patient's pulse and mouthed toward the door: "The patient just vomited on the floor, go and clean it up!"

"Hey..." Chen Sangou was considered a well-behaved and obedient person. He hurriedly picked up the tools and went to clean the door.

The moment he crossed the threshold, he hurried back and said with a horrified look on his face: "My mother... there is a monster!"

Mr. Qian's face suddenly turned dark: "You're talking nonsense in broad daylight. Are you awake?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Qian suddenly saw a tall white rabbit slamming into the door.

"My mother..." Qian Langzhong was so frightened that he fluttered and sat on the ground.

The patients seen in the front hall also dispersed one by one.

"Come here, come here, there's a monster!"

Mr. Qian yelled desperately.

But I saw the big white rabbit pushing a fainted man into the hall, and then it actually imitated the human behavior, flopped and knelt at the door of Qian Langzhong, and kept kowtowing.

"Ah this..."

Seeing this scene, most of the fear in Qian Lang's heart suddenly dissipated.

Are you asking me to save people?

The chaotic streets and the people running around have stabilized, and everyone is looking this way.

" this a monster?"

"No, I think it looks like a big white bear!"

"This guy is quite humane!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Mr. Qian boldly stood up from the ground and walked towards Xu Changan who was lying on the ground.

He first touched Xu Changan's forehead: "Chen Sangou, bring a wet sweat towel over here..."

Then, Doctor Qian felt Xu Changan's pulse again. His brows furrowed and he said, "This is a sign of mental damage..."

At this time, Chen Sangou also brought over his wet sweat towel.

Doctor Qian said: "Let's apply it on him first. The fever is severe. In addition, go get my gold and silver needles. I want to give him acupuncture... His mind is seriously damaged, so he must start from the heart meridian to drive away evil spirits." barrier……"

Half an hour later, Xu Changan actually opened his eyes faintly under Doctor Qian's acupuncture.

"Hey..." Mr. Qian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You are really lucky, you woke up..."


Hiss, hiss...

As soon as Xu Changan said one word, he almost fainted again with a headache.

"Don't talk..." Mr. Qian said, "You need to rest for a while... um... this big rabbit of yours, this..."

Xu Changan looked outside and saw Dabai kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

He gave Baymax a look.

Dabai immediately understood, immediately stood up, walked out, and disappeared.

"Huh..." Seeing Dabai turn around and leave and not come back again, Langzhong Qian was completely relieved.

Xu Changan was arranged to lie down in a stuffy room. He closed his eyes and began to practice [Celestial Emperor's Control of the Nerve].

There was no way, the loss of spiritual energy this time was too great. It can be said that after his spiritual shield was shattered, his whole soul almost collapsed.

After practicing in the hut for a full month, Xu Changan's spiritual consciousness was slightly restored. He couldn't wait to stand up and weakly came to the hall of Mr. Qian.

"Can you get out of bed?" Mr. Qian was surprised.

Xu Changan smiled, his face a little pale.

He used his spiritual power to open the storage bag with difficulty and took out a piece of gold. He said, "Thank you for saving my life. You can take these things!"

"Haha..." Mr. Qian was not polite. He accepted Xu Changan's gold and said, "You are not an ordinary person... you are also an immortal, right?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Can you tell?"

"Hey..." Mr. Qian didn't hide anything, and said: "Our Jiaohai City is such a big place, and there are not many people in it. If we are locals, we basically all know each other, but you are not one of us." native!"

"Nowadays, more and more immortals from outside come to Jiaohai City, and most of them come for the [Fucha Wonderland], so I think you should be an immortal!"

Xu Changan's eyes moved and he said: "That's right!"

He was immediately interested in what Doctor Qian said about the [Floating Raft Fairyland] and asked, "However, I have not heard of the floating raft fairyland. My visit to Jiaohai City was just an accident. Doctor Qian, can you explain to me the situation of the floating raft fairyland?"

"Hehe, I don't know much!" Doctor Qian said, "Legend has it that every 120 years, in the eighth month of the Gengzi year, the water of the Tianhe River will flow back in the East China Sea. At that time, there will be floating rafts traveling between the East China Sea and the Tianhe River. If the immortals can step on the floating rafts, they can go to the Tianhe River!"

Xu Changan asked, "What is in the Tianhe River?"

Doctor Qian said, "Oh, I just heard that there is a golden crow coming out of Fusang, but I don't know the details!"

Xu Changan asked again, "Sir, what is this floating raft? ”

“Hahahaha…” Doctor Qian laughed and said, “Fucha is our local word, which means a small sampan, or you can understand it as a raft!”

“Next year is the Gengzi Year, and there is more than a year before the opening of this [Fucha Fairyland], so there are many cultivators in Jiaohai City now!”

“Thank you!” Xu Changan took out two golden yellow and white objects from the storage bag and placed them in front of the old man, saying, “Doctor Qian, please help me find a quiet place. I want to practice for a year. Of course, the larger the yard, the better, and the more remote it is, the less people will disturb it, the better!”

“Okay, okay…”

Doctor Qian found a large and spacious yard for Xu Changan, and drove all the people in the yard out, and sent people to patrol outside the yard day and night to ensure that Xu Changan would not be disturbed.

Xu Changan and Dabai entered the hospital, first spent a month practicing the Emperor's divine power to restore some of his divine thoughts, and then spent another ten days to set up three second-level formations.

Normally, it would only take Xu Changan two hours to set up these three second-level formations.

But now his mind was severely damaged, and it took him ten days to complete it.

However, with the formation, it would be faster.

Xu Changan entered the Golden Talisman Space with a bang.

In the Golden Talisman Space, practicing the Emperor's Controlling Nerve, not only with the help of the Soul-Nourishing Wood, the recovery will be twice as effective with half the effort, but also with the blessing of ten times the time flow rate.

Xu Changan practiced in the Golden Talisman Space for about sixty months, and in almost five years, his soul was restored to 30%.

Of course, as his mind became stronger, his practice speed would become faster and faster.

So, when he entered the Golden Talisman Space for almost ten years, Xu Changan's mind was completely restored.

Ten years in the Golden Talisman Space, one year outside.

There is still one month before the opening of the [Floating Cha Fairyland].

Xu Changan was not in a hurry.

Because he didn't know whether he had the conditions to enter the Floating Cha Fairyland.

After all, he is not from Qi, and he has no sect. The key is that he has no cultivation now, only spiritual consciousness.

Of course, he also needs to know what this floating fairyland looks like. If it is too dangerous, Xu Changan will give up, after all, he has no cultivation now.

Also, if there are no natural treasures he needs in this fairyland, he will give up.

The most important thing for Xu Changan now is to find the origin of the five elements.

Rather than fighting for those illusory treasures.

But whether he goes to the fairyland or not, Xu Changan is currently facing a problem: self-protection.

He still needs to refine some talismans.

But he has used up all the animal skins on his body.

If he wants to draw talismans, he has to buy some talisman paper.

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