Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 169 [Reshape Yourself, Innate Skills]

After collecting the Feng Lei Apricot, Xu Changan looked at the top of the hill again and said: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, this top of the mountain has a wide view and you can see thousands of miles away. I will retreat here to recover!"

"Ah?" Fairy Miaoyin said, "The top of the mountain?"

Why don’t you find a secluded place to retreat?


Xu Changan smiled and landed on the top of the mountain with Dabai.

This mountain is not a cliff, just a mountain.

But standing on the top of the mountain, you can still clearly see the surrounding situation.

Xu Changan didn't waste any time. He immediately took out the formation flags from the storage bag one by one. After spending an hour, he set up a second-level defensive formation, a second-level Forbidden God Formation, and a second-level defensive formation on the top of the mountain. Early warning array.

These three formations may not be able to be opened by disciples in the foundation building stage.

Now this fairyland is full of Qi Refining Stage disciples, so except for the two Golden Crows, it is even less likely that anyone will blast away the formation.

Xu Changan said: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, please help me protect the law!"

He left Fairy Miaoyin outside, and also left Baymax outside.

After entering the formation, Xu Changan was still worried and used another [Invisibility Talisman] and an [Invisibility Talisman]. In this way, even those with profound souls would not be able to peek into Xu Changan's formation. situation among them.

He took a deep breath, stepped out, and entered the golden talisman space.

In this formation, only one golden talisman was left.

In the golden talisman space!

The huge golden talisman above his head rotated slowly, and five feathers composed of the origin of the fire path floated around Xu Changan.

Each feather is two feet long and five inches wide.

There was an endless flame burning on it, which seemed to never go out.

This golden crow feather is also a natural and earthly treasure, which contains sufficient fire element origin.

However, it cannot be used directly. If you want to restore the Golden Crow Feather to its fire origin, you must refine it.


Xu Changan turned on the stove, then placed the copper cauldron on the stove, and then he threw a golden feather into the cauldron.

Buzz buzz...

The feathers of the Golden Crow were refined.

In about an hour, the golden feather was refined by Xu Changan into a ball of fire origin the size of a date.

not much!

But Xu Changan's words of drawing talismans were enough.

"Collect..." Xu Changan waved his hand, and the source of fire was directly collected into an ice-type porcelain bottle.

Then Xu Changan did not leave the seclusion, but sat cross-legged on the ground and began to adjust his breathing.

After adjusting his aura to the optimal level, he waved his hand and took out the ancient animal skin and dropped it on the ground.

Next, it’s time to draw the talisman.



A Hongmeng aura was grasped in Xu Changan's hand, and then the origin of the fire was naturally wrapped up by him with his spiritual thoughts.


Xu Changan's own blood seeped out, fusing the two heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the origin of fire and Hongmeng breath.

Use yourself as a talisman.

Use the breath of Hongmeng and the origin of fire as talisman!

Use ancient animal skins as talisman paper.

Xu Changan began to concentrate on drawing the talisman.

About half an hour later, the last stroke returned to the initial stroke, and the animal skin in front of Xu Changan flew up in an instant, turning into a talisman about the size of a foot, suspended in the void.

Nirvana Talisman, done!

Because it is a talisman made from the origin of fire, this Nirvana Talisman appears crimson, with a hint of purple and gold flashing in the crimson.

The talisman patterns on the talisman were running wildly, and in the golden talisman space, countless fire auras were pulled and gathered into the talisman.

After another half an hour, the talisman was finally fully charged.

This Nirvana Talisman has finally taken shape.

"Hahahaha..." Holding the Nirvana Talisman, Xu Changan laughed.

More than ten years!

He has been cut off from the path of immortality for more than ten years. He was already prepared to become a mortal from now on, to end his two hundred years of life and sink into the mortal world. But who could have thought that now I, Xu Changan, would return again.

"Nirvana Talisman, Nirvana Talisman... I hope you won't disappoint me!" Xu Changan held the crimson talisman, shook it and murmured to himself: "After reshaping this talisman, I will be the root of the fire spirit. I’m a monk, and I don’t know if it will be full of fire spirit roots!”

" doesn't matter if it's full or not, the key is to reshape the spiritual roots!"

"Rebirth of spiritual roots is the first step!"


"bring it on!"

Xu Changan's clothes fell to the ground one by one!

He stood naked in this golden space, and then the Nirvana Talisman, which was about a foot in size, was slapped on his chest.

Buzz buzz...

The talismans turned into lines and merged with Xu Changan's blood and muscles.

The origin of the fire path and the breath of Hongmeng were integrated into his flesh and blood, and these things came to the broken spiritual root under the flow of blood.


Xu Changan roared suddenly.

A pain that cannot be described in words erupted from the infinite depths of his body.

It seems that the soul is being broken, and it seems that the soul is being reshaped.

This kind of pain hurts to the bone marrow, no, it hurts to the depths of the soul.

I don’t know how long it took!

Xu Changan suddenly felt that his body no longer hurt.

He sat up straight away as soon as his body relaxed, and then his consciousness entered inside and looked inside himself.

He saw that where the broken spiritual root was, a red fire spiritual root grew up, and its length was ten!

"This..." Xu Changan was trembling with excitement: "A fire spiritual root with a length of ten...hahahaha...from today on, I am also a genius in cultivation!"

"Although other people's spiritual roots are born, mine is reshaped after birth, but it is not worse than others!"


Xu Changan took a deep breath, his eyes moved slightly: "It's a pity that there is no fire attribute practice method that can be practiced at present!"

He stood up from the cushion and was about to step out of the golden talisman space.


At this moment, the remaining four fire attribute golden crow feathers in the golden talisman space suddenly jumped without any signs.

Countless fire spiritual energy rushed into Xu Changan's body.

These fire spirits penetrated into his body from the 480 million pores on his body, and then flowed in a special direction. Xu Changan did not need to practice, nor did he need to control the direction. Anyway, these spirits entered the flesh and blood of his body from the pores, and then flowed into the meridians from the flesh and blood, and finally flowed into the dantian from the meridians.

A trace of fire spirit was directly compressed into the dantian by him.


Xu Changan's mind was clear this time, and his heart was as pure as water.

He finally knew why this happened.


This is a natural Gongfa!

Without time to think, Xu Changan sat on the cushion again, and then his mind turned into a torrent of rivers and entered his body with the spirit, and then he visualized the flow of these fire spirits in his body and began to comprehend.

This comprehension was not important, but time passed slowly like running water.

One hour!

Two hours!

One day!

Two days.

In a blink of an eye, nine days passed.

Nine days later, Xu Changan suddenly opened his eyes.


Two flashes of fire flashed in his eyes.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Changan laughed.

Why are there various techniques between heaven and earth?

Who created them?

Who created them?

Almost all cultivators have thought about this question.

Obviously, it was created by cultivators.

Legend has it that every cultivator will begin to comprehend his own Tao after entering the Jindan stage. Once he comprehends his own Tao, he will create a technique of his own. In this way, there will be countless techniques and magical powers in the world.


This is just an ordinary technique.

There is a technique that is not realized, but given by the way of heaven.

This technique is called a natural technique!

And every natural technique is a powerful technique that is invincible in the world. This technique is not available to everyone, nor can it be comprehended by cultivators with only one spiritual root.

To comprehend such a technique, two conditions are required.

First: extraordinary talent, at least a single spiritual root.

Second, reach the legendary extreme.

That is the thirteenth level.

Whether it is the thirteenth level of the Qi Refining Stage or the thirteenth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, it will be fine.

Coincidentally, Xu Changan had the above two conditions at this moment, so it was natural for him to comprehend this innate skill.

This is a skill specifically for cultivating fire spiritual power, which was comprehended by Xu Changan.

Xu Changan is the first person to practice this skill.

This skill has no name yet.

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