Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 185 [Desperate and Re-imagining Nirvana]


Fairy Miaoyin led Xu Changan to the largest mountain behind and said, "This used to be my master's dojo. I haven't cleaned it up since she died. Now I don't have time to find a new place for you to live. You can live here temporarily!"

In fact, it's not that there is no place to live, but there is no better place than here.

So, Miaoyin arranged Xu Changan in the dojo where her master lived.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Okay, no problem..."

"I still have to deal with the affairs of the sect, and I will come to see my husband later!"

Fairy Miaoyin is indeed very busy.

Everyone rebelled collectively, and although she quickly quelled it, and the instigator had been beheaded, it was a time of panic. If it could not be properly appeased and comforted, who knows what would go wrong!

Miaoyin decided to visit each one of them to settle the dissent within the sect.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Okay, you go first, don't worry about me!"

Miaoyin brought the storage bags of the great elder Qu Youke and the second elder Liu Qizheng to Xu Changan: "This is your trophy!"

Xu Changan smiled: "Speaking of which, the two of them are from your Miaoyin Sect. There are some inheritances in it, and it is not convenient for me to see it. Let's do this. Give me the hammer of the great elder, and you can take the rest!"

The hammer is still quite powerful, and Xu Changan doesn't really like the rest.

After Fairy Miaoyin left, Xu Changan did not retreat immediately, but surveyed the surroundings, and then temporarily changed the formation of this Taoist temple. The second-level defense formation and the second-level forbidden god formation were upgraded to the third level.

Then, he sat cross-legged on the ground and opened the golden talisman space.

Xu Changan looked at the items in the golden talisman space and took inventory.

This trip to Qi State has gained a lot.

First of all, the origin.

The origin of fire is the five golden crow feathers. He used one, and there are still four. The four golden crow feathers float in the void, seemingly burning endlessly.

There is also the origin of wood.

The twenty-eight immortal berries are all produced on the Fusang tree, which is naturally the origin of wood.

Each immortal berry is the size of a thumb, and two immortal berries should be able to refine a trace of the origin of wood.

In addition to the origin, Xu Changan also obtained ten [Wind and Thunder Apricots] in the floating fairyland. This thing can be used to refine the Thunder Pill, or it can be directly used to eat by cultivators with thunder spirit roots. One Wind and Thunder Apricot can be equivalent to ten years of hard practice.

There is also a rare second-grade spiritual herb [Nourishing Spirit Flower] that can be used to refine the Healing Spirit Pill.

There is also a portion of [Red Flower Frost].

Finally, the most important thing is the divine mind beads obtained in the strange space above the soul summoning platform. There are two top-grade beads, eight upper-grade beads, and more than twenty middle-grade beads.

All of the above are natural treasures.

In addition to natural treasures, there are also some treasures.

These are all obtained by killing people and robbing treasures.

Xu Changming's eyes turned and looked at a small mountain next to him.

It was indeed a small mountain. Although it was only the size of a palm, the shape of the small mountain was perfectly revealed.

His divine mind was involved in it.

Information about this small mountain also emerged.

[Zhenxian Mountain] is refined from a real mountain. After offering it, it has the power of the mountain and can be used as a treasure for attack or defense. There are 15 layers of restrictions on it.

It is a top-grade spiritual weapon.

This thing can be said to be both offensive and defensive. When attacking, it can be used to smash the opponent. The power of a mountain falls and the opponent can be smashed into meat paste in a moment; when defending, it can be used to block the opponent's attack.


This thing was obtained from the young lady of the Chunyu family.

The contribution of the young lady of the Chunyu family is not limited to this. There is also a storage bracelet, countless low-grade spirit stones, and a Taoist robe worn by women.

Xu Changan's divine thoughts flew into the Taoist robe again.

15 layers of restrictions, and it is also a top-grade spiritual weapon.

Unfortunately, although the Taoist robe is of high grade, it cannot change its shape. It is just a female robe, and Xu Changan can't use it.

He originally wanted to give it to Miaoyin, but Miaoyin was afraid that the people of the Chunyu family would come to the door, so she refused.

Xu Changan ignored the feathered robe for the time being, and turned his eyes to the sledgehammer again.

This is the magic weapon of Qu Youke, the great elder of the Wuyin Sect.

It is also a 15-layer restriction, a top-grade spiritual weapon.

The name is [Muyuan Hammer]

This name is a bit strange, Xu Changan naturally doesn't know why this hammer is called Muyuan Hammer, but it's good to use.

The last treasure is a stone drum given by the old man Jiang Chi in the strange space above the soul summoning platform: the divine drum Zuoyuan.

I don't know what this thing is used for.

It seems to have no attack or defense function, no restrictions, no grade.

It's not even a treasure!

But Xu Changan tried it, and the Zuoyuan stone drum can suppress the Wuyin Gate's Wuyin Tianbo formation.

Start refining!

Xu Changan waved his hand, took out the [Zhenxian Mountain] and began to refine it.

In a blink of an eye, two months passed.

Xu Changan not only refined [Zhenxian Mountain], but also refined [Muyuan Hammer], and drew a lot of talismans.

Originally wanted to refine the elixir, but unfortunately he only has one fire spirit root now, and does not have the conditions for refining the elixir, so he gave up.

After refining the two treasures, Xu Changan took a step out of the golden talisman space.

Sixty days inside, only six days outside.

As soon as he left the Taoist temple, he saw Fairy Miaoyin coming over with a dignified look.

"Husband, are you out of retreat?" She raised her head and smiled.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Yes, I am out of retreat... Fairy, you don't have to call me husband when no one is around in the future!"

The Taoist couple between the two is not a real Taoist couple, but a fake Taoist couple pretending to calm Miaoyin down.

"Uh..." Miaoyin took a deep breath with a complicated expression and said, "Well, Brother Xu... This is something I found in the sect, I hope it will be of some use to you!"

As she spoke, she took out some animal skins and talisman papers.

Those talisman papers were okay, they were all top-grade third-grade, and there were about seventy or eighty pieces in total, which was not a lot, because Miaoyin was not a sect that made talismans after all.

There was a piece of animal skin that surprised Xu Changan.

Although this thing cannot be compared with the animal skin he used to draw the fire attribute nirvana talisman last time, it is also very precious.

"This is a white tiger skin!" Miaoyin said: "I heard from my master that this white tiger was once a cultivation of the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "Thank you, these things are really useful to me!"

"Have you settled the internal affairs of your sect?"

"Yes!" Miaoyin nodded and said: "I readjusted their respective positions, and then I opened up some of the exercises that only the sect leader can refer to them in the name of the sect leader. Now the sect is completely stable!"

Xu Changan asked: "Does the opening of the exercises that only the sect leader can comprehend affect you?"

"No!" Miaoyin smiled slightly and said: "Husband... uh... Senior Brother Xu, have you forgotten? In the floating fairyland, I felt a trace of fairy music. Now I have also made corresponding revisions to the exercises of our sect. I will break through soon!"

She is now at the eleventh level of the foundation-building period. If she breaks through again, she will be at the twelfth level of the great perfection.

Xu Changan took out the top-grade [Chao Yuan Dan] from his porcelain bottle and handed it to Miaoyin: "Anyway, knowing you has been a great help to me. This [Chao Yuan Dan] is a thank you..."

"Thank you!" Miaoyin took the Chao Yuan Dan and trembled: "Brother Xu, this is Chao Yuan Dan, why are you so good to me?"

Her eyes were watery as she looked at Xu Changan.

She knew the value of Chao Yuan Dan better than anyone else.

At the beginning, Fairy Miaoyin's master paid a heavy price to obtain this kind of pill, and he only got a low-grade one.

But now, Xu Changan actually gave her a top-grade one directly.

Xu Changan did not answer Miaoyin's words, but said: "With this elixir, you will soon reach the golden elixir realm, right?"

"Yes!" Miaoyin said: "I plan to retreat immediately to reach the twelfth level, and then within ten years, I will be able to reach the golden elixir realm!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "I also need to retreat, and I will borrow your family's dojo for a while!"

"Well!" Miaoyin said: "Then... let's talk about it after we come out of retreat!"

Xu Changan entered the dojo again.

He did not retreat, but took out the alchemy furnace!

He put two immortal berries into the alchemy furnace for refining. After an hour, a wood origin was refined.

Xu Changan looked at the remaining nine [Hongmeng Breath] above his head, his eyes shrank slightly, took a deep breath, and took out the animal skin.

He decided to refine the wood attribute [Nirvana Talisman].

The fire-attributed Nirvana Talisman had allowed him to grow a fire spiritual root, but this fire spiritual root did not occupy all of the original five-element spiritual roots. It just grew out of the broken spiritual root like a branch.

The broken wood spiritual root was still there, and the spiritual roots of other attributes were also there.

So Xu Changan had a guess: Could it be that all spiritual roots could be reborn and grow to ten times the length?

If so, it would be against the will of heaven.

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