Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 188 [Return to Yan State, evil cultivators massacre the village]

Swoosh, swoosh...

Two stones flew out from the space where Xu Changan was, and in an instant, they flew thousands of feet away and hit the two monks squarely.

The two monks were knocked to the ground in an instant.

As a result, the three people were stunned.

There are other people here?

Xu Changan fell from the sky and folded his green wings.


The three of them bowed to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan didn't say anything, but turned his head to look at Tian Heng and said, "Your name is Tian Heng?"

Tian Heng bowed and said, "Yes, I am Tian Heng, a member of the royal family of the Great Qi Kingdom!"

"Bah..." The old man who was besieging Tian Heng jumped up and said, "You are a dog, so poor that you have lost your family because of bullying. You dare to say that you are a member of the royal family?"

"I am the royal family!" Tian Heng said with a red face, "Our family is just a branch of the royal family!"

Xu Changan was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, but waved his hand directly, took out a small golden bowl and asked, "Tian Heng, do you recognize this thing?"

Tian Heng was very surprised when he saw this thing, and said, "This...this...isn't this my father's mother-child golden bowl? Why is it in your hand?"

While speaking, Tian Heng took three steps back and kept a distance from Xu Changan.

Xu Changan asked again, "What is your father's name?"

Tian Heng said, "Tian Qianqiu..."


That's right!

Xu Changan raised his hand!

Chi Chi Chi...

Two flames flew out and landed on the other two monks who were besieging Tian Heng, instantly burning them to ashes.

"Senior... this..." Tian Heng was stunned.

Xu Changan took out the mother-and-child golden bowl and threw it in front of Tian Heng, saying: "This is a treasure left by your father. Now that I see you, I will return it to its original owner..."

Tian Heng saw that Xu Changan had no ill intentions, so he put away his horse spear, then picked up the golden bowl and said: "Senior... my father..."

He already had a bad premonition.

Xu Changan said: "As you expected, he has fallen!"

"Ah... father... wuwuwuwu..." Tian Heng cried in pain.

After a few breaths, he wiped his tears and asked again: "Senior, can you tell me who killed my father?"

Xu Changan thought for a while and said: "He was possessed by a ghost... I guess he was killed by that ghost!"

This account can't actually be counted on Xu Changan. After all, Tian Qianqiu volunteered to sacrifice Master Chen. Whether Xu Changan killed Master Chen or not, Tian Qianqiu's ending would be the same. He would be dead.

It's just that in the end, this cause and effect fell into his hands, which made Xu Changan feel a little guilty.

"Oh..." Tian Heng looked at Xu Changan, and naturally didn't think that Xu Changan killed his father.

"Let me ask you!" Xu Changan looked at Tian Heng and asked: "Where are you practicing now, and which sect do you worship?"

Tian Heng said: "My mother passed away, and now I have nowhere to practice, so I am considered a casual cultivator!"

In the world of cultivation, casual cultivators are miserable!

Xu Changan nodded, then took out a porcelain bottle from the storage space and threw it to Tian Heng.

"Senior, this is..."

Xu Changan said: "There is a divine bead in it. Take it to the capital of Daqi and find a man named Tian Dan. He is also a member of your Tian family. Give it to him and tell him that I asked him to help look after you!"

That was all Xu Changan could do.

"Tian Dan?" Tian Heng was overjoyed and said: "Could it be the famous royal prodigy of Daqi, Tian Dan?"

Xu Changan nodded and said: "That's right!"


He took out all the mother-child gold bowls and erased his divine thoughts on them, returning the items to their original owners.

Tian Heng fell to his knees and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Senior. May I know your name?"

Xu Changan said, "You don't need to know. In addition, if Tian Dan asks you where you met me, you should say that you met me in the mountains west of Jiaohai City. Remember not to tell Tian Dan the location of this place!"

"Yes..." Tian Heng raised his hand and swore to the sky, "If Tian Heng does not follow the words of the senior, he would rather be struck by five thunderbolts and die!"

Xu Changan grew wings behind him, flapped his wings and flew away again, turning into a stream of light.

This time, continue to go east.

After flying east for about half an incense stick, Xu Changan turned around and headed north to Yiyang County.

After a few days, Xu Changan finally arrived in the direction of Qingniu Town in Yiyang County.

He had never rested all the way, and now he fell from the clouds and landed in the town.

This place can also be regarded as his hometown, so take a rest here.

According to Xu Changan's plan, he would not return to Xujia Village. He would rest for half an incense stick to restore his mind and feel the local sentiments, and then go directly to Chenjiabao.

Go and pick up his wife and children.

He came to a noodle shop with good business, sat down and said: "Just give me a bowl of vegetarian noodles!"

Before he started eating, he heard people talking around him.

"It's miserable... I went to see it specifically, the whole village was stained with blood..."

"The whole village, more than 4,000 people, only more than 30 people survived!"

"Oh my God, that was such a good place, now it has become a ghost market!"

"Isn't it?" said an old man in a gray robe, "My daughter-in-law passed by there when she went to visit relatives at her parents' home the day before yesterday. It was so gloomy and scary. The air was full of blood. It was so scary that my daughter-in-law is so scared that she dare not go out now!"

Xu Changan's eyes wrinkled slightly.

He heard a piece of news from these people's words: there is a place where many people died.

"Okay, okay..." At this time, the store owner put a bowl of plain noodles in front of Xu Changan, and then looked at the diners who were discussing fiercely and said, "You don't want to live? We still want to live. If people hear you talking like this, those immortals will come down to earth and kill us all!"

"That's right!" Someone next to him said, "Shut up, there are still two immortals in Qingniu Town now!"

Xu Changan frowned even tighter, and he had a bad premonition.

Then, he grabbed the shopkeeper's hand and asked, "What's going on? Where did someone die? Where did the immortal kill someone?"

Xu Chang'an's expression was horrifying, and the shopkeeper took a step back, then fell to his knees and said, "Please spare my life, immortal..."


The people who were eating immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

Xu Chang'an took out a large piece of silver and put it on the table, saying, "Tell me in detail, I will compensate you for the meal money of those people just now... Don't worry, I won't kill you..."

"This...this..." The shopkeeper put away the silver, took a deep breath, looked around and saw that there was no one around, and whispered, "Xujia Village... Don't you know yet? Xujia Village was massacred by a group of immortals... It was horrible, everyone died... Everyone died... More than 4,000 people..."


Xu Chang'an was instantly excited.

Xujia Village?


His hands trembled on the table, and the spiritual power in his body could not be restrained from gushing out.

The shopkeeper's body was blown three feet away by the heavy spiritual energy on his body.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "Excuse me, store owner. I want to ask you, do you know which monk slaughtered Xujia Village?"

"I don't know, I don't know..." The store owner waved his hand.

Xu Changan didn't ask any more questions. He took a step out of the restaurant and flew towards Xujia Village.

In a few breaths, Xu Changan landed in Xujia Village.

Bloody smell?

The wind was full of bloody smell.

There were broken walls and ruins everywhere, and it was quiet. There was no sound of a person, not even the sound of livestock.

The whole village was as silent as death.

A huge tomb was erected in the middle of the village, and a monument was erected in front of it: The Tomb of the Villagers of Xujia Village!

It means that all the people of Xujia Village were buried together.

Xu Changan took a step and flew into the sky.

From the air, there were two huge cracks in the whole village.

They were formed by someone using great magic power to drive the sword intent to cut down.


It is definitely an immortal.

Because even that hateful robber couldn't do such a heartless thing.

As for where the immortal was, Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: It must be Xiaolinggu.

Because apart from Xiaolinggu, he couldn't think of any cultivators who could be so cruel.

He looked in the direction of his home.

His family's formation was destroyed and the house had been razed to the ground.


Xu Changan left quickly and headed for Dingjiawazi again.

He was afraid. Since he had implicated Xujia Village, would he not implicate Dingjiawazi?

This was Ding Lan's hometown.

Fortunately, Dingjiawazi was fine.

Ding's mother and Ding Dajun were both there, as was the golden-backed Cang spider of the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

After secretly collecting the Cang spider, Xu Changan came to the town again.

With a slight sweep of his divine consciousness, he took in one-tenth of the entire town.

After scanning six times, he finally found the two cultivators mentioned by the noodle shop owner.

Both of them were wearing Taoist robes of Xiaolinggu's unique style.

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