Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 191 [Strong attack, continuous killing of foundation building]

"All disciples, gather in the back mountain!"

Elder Chi Lian roared.

The disciples who were originally scattered throughout Chenjiabao also quickly returned to the back mountain.

Hiding behind Elder Chi Lian.

In fact, there are not many disciples in Chenjiabao. There are only fourteen disciples in the foundation building period, including Xu Changan.

As for the disciples in the Qi refining stage, there are about a hundred.

The remaining mortals number in the hundreds.

Facing the attack of a powerful enemy, Chenjiabao's foundation-building monks stood at the front. Fourteen of them were the strongest defense.


However, when faced with the approach of a strong enemy, there are always some people who hold back. Elder Chengfeng snorted coldly at this moment, and then kept complaining: "I have already said that we are not the opponent's opponents, and we are the ones who evacuate." The best choice, but you don’t listen, why do you want to set up a big formation here? "

"It's okay now, I can't leave even if I want to!"

His eyes were full of resentment.

Especially for Xu Changan, the way Elder Chengfeng looked at Xu Changan made him feel as if he was going to swallow him whole.

Xu Changan said nothing.

Chi Lian said: "Now is not the time to worry about these things, quickly open the big formation in the back mountain!"

Chenjiabao has a large formation.

The formation on the front mountain was destroyed by the monk Xiaolinggu, but the formation on the back mountain was intact.


The eighteen disciples each waved the formation flag, and in an instant, a large red formation rose from the ground, looking extremely thick.

But in fact, this formation is just a second-grade formation.

It can block the full blow of the Foundation Establishment disciples, but if there are as many Foundation Establishment disciples as there are in front of them, even if this large formation can withstand it for a while, it will not be able to break through for a long time.

"Quick, quick, quick, spiritual stone, spiritual stone..."

"We need spiritual stones here!"

"There are not enough Gen spirit stones!"

The disciples guarding the formation shouted.

Xu Changan looked back and saw that the consumption of this formation was not from the spiritual veins in the ground, but from spiritual stones as energy supplements.

The cost is very high.

The formation here had just risen, and the monks from Xiaoling Valley over there also fell in front of the mountain-protecting formation one by one.

The first person was at the twelfth level of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment Stage. He had a strong aura, and there was an aura of a superior person in his movements. Xu Changan took a look and saw that the other person's cultivation might not be as good as Changsheng's, but it wasn't much different.

"Chi Lian..." The man stood outside the formation and shouted to Elder Chi Lian: "Hand over Xu Changan's family members. I promise to leave immediately and never set foot in Chen Family Fort again!"

"Otherwise, if I break this bullshit formation, none of you will be able to escape. I will send you all to Xianning forever!"

The old man hasn't discovered Xu Changan yet.

Elder Chi Lian smiled coldly and said: "Wei Wujin, aren't you the elder of Xiaoling Valley, why are you pretending to be a casual cultivator? Stop talking nonsense and show me the real deal!"

"Okay!" Wei Wujin nodded coldly and said, "You are an old stubborn person who doesn't understand current affairs. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"


As soon as he raised his hand, a flying sword was thrown out. The flying sword was red in color and swelled in the wind. In an instant, it turned into a ten-foot long red sword.


Wei Wujin pointed his finger, and the long sword fell from the sky and struck hard at the mountain guarding formation.


Huge energy fell on the mountain-protecting formation.

The semicircular light film of the similarly crimson formation trembled slightly and trembled a few times. At the same time, the brilliance on the formation also dimmed by three points.

"What a strong blow..." Chi Lian's eyes narrowed slightly.

If he were to face Wei Wujin on the opposite side, even he would not be able to bear the force of such a powerful blow.

"Hahaha..." Wei Wujin laughed loudly and said, "This mountain-protecting formation is nothing more than that. Let's see how I break your formation today..."

"All disciples listen to orders and set up formations..."

"Yuqing Twelve Golden Immortal Sword Formation!"

Give an order!

Twelve of the sixteen elders outside suddenly sat down in a certain order.

"No!" Xu Changan roared and said, "This is the Yuqing Twelve Golden Immortal Sword Formation. If they form this formation, the mountain-protecting formation will collapse in an instant!"

Once the opponent's sword formation is formed, Chenjiabao's mountain-protecting formation will be broken. At that time, hundreds of monks from Xiaoling Valley will rush in. No matter what, they will be unable to save their lives.

This formation must not be allowed to take shape.

"Uncle..." Xu Changan looked at Chi Lian and said, "Please open the front line of the formation and let the disciples out. The disciple will disrupt their formation. Don't worry, I have seen their formation before..."

Chi Lian was a little worried.

Xu Changan said: "Uncle, if we don't give the order, our entire army will be annihilated!"

"Yes!" At this time, Elder Chengfeng also spoke: "Didn't Xu Chang'an say before that if the monks from Xiaoling Valley come, he can handle it alone!"

Xu Changan sneered and said nothing.

Elder Chi Lian took a deep breath and said: "Open the front line of the formation and send Xu Changan out..."

"Master Nephew Xu..." Kong Xuan next to him looked at Xu Changan worriedly.

But Xu Changan smiled and said: "Uncle Master, you haven't seen the disciple's magical power yet. Let's see how the disciple kills the enemy..."

Bang bang...

Two Jue Ying Talisman and one Spirit Wing Talisman were attached to Xu Changan's body.


His speed was extremely fast, his wings flapped slightly, and he flew through a gap opened by the formation.

"Who are you……"

Wei Wujin, who was directing the formation of the formation outside, was startled when he saw Xu Changan, and then his pupils widened: "Xu Changan... You are Xu Changan... What a good boy, you are still alive..."

"Hurry up and return grandpa's mythical beast to grandpa..."

While speaking, Wei Wujin raised his hand, and the ten-foot flying sword was activated again, and struck Xu Changan's head in the air.

The power is astonishing, and the speed is extremely fast.

It can be seen that the attack of this move has been engraved in Wei Wujin's muscle memory.

However, although the flying sword above his head fell very quickly, Xu Changan escaped even faster.

With the Jueying Talisman combined with the Spirit Wing Talisman, his body moved laterally across dozens of feet in almost a single thought, successfully dodging the opponent's blow.

"Muyuan Hammer, drop it for me..."

The Muyuan Hammer filled with fire spirit power turned into a huge hammer like a hill, falling from the sky with red flames. Its power and power seemed to be more powerful than the flying sword banned by Wei Wu just now.

However, this hammer did not hit Wei Wujin, but the other monks who were setting up the sword array.


Suddenly, the monks who were setting up the sword array had no time to stop them, and were hit hard by the sledgehammer.

A disciple on the fourth floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage was killed on the spot, and several others were also disrupted by the massive attack.

This Yuqing Twelve Golden Immortal Sword Formation cannot be set up in a short time.

"Shuzi..." Wei Wujin was furious and said: "I will kill you..."

One could imagine Wei Wujin's anger when he lost a disciple who was in the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Come on... fight with me..." Wei Wujin waved his hand and took out his red flying sword.

Xu Changan sneered and said, "You have a beautiful idea..."

Fight with you?

Wait until your family has arranged the Yuqing Twelve Golden Immortal Sword Formation?


His wings trembled slightly, and he flew out again. This time, his target was another disciple at the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Xu Changan came to the disciple's side with lightning speed, and the Death Wheel that had been brewing in his hand was thrown out with a snap. At the same time, with a flash of spiritual thought, a nerve knife flew out.

This nerve knife is not the kind with 100% power, but only 30% power.

Although this powerful nerve knife cannot kill the disciple, it is enough to disrupt the opponent's spiritual thoughts and prevent the opponent from escaping immediately.

In this way, the death wheel was firmly thrown on the opponent.

The Withered Sky Scripture in Xu Changan's body turned slightly, and a steady stream of vitality was drawn out from the body of the seventh-level monk in the foundation building stage.

In the space of two breaths, the monk began to age visibly to the naked eye.

His hair turned white, and his face was withered and folded.

"This..." Countless people inside and outside the formation watched this scene with fear.

"This is... this is the Ku Rong Sutra, the Wheel of Life and Death..." Master Kong Xuan said excitedly: "This is the supreme inheritance from my Wanghe Peak..."


As soon as Master Kong Xuan finished speaking, the disciple on the seventh level of the foundation building stage was sucked out of his life and turned into a mummy and fell to the ground from the void.

"Shuzi... despicable and shameless..." Wei Wujin, who was above Xu Changan, roared angrily.

However, just when he was unable to yell, Xu Changan drove another death wheel into the body of a Xiaolinggu elder who was at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

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