Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 193 [Reverse the innate, the Eight Diagrams formation]

Master Changsheng's face darkened.

He has long known about Chen Jiabao's strength.

Isn't it just a dozen foundation-building stage monks and more than a hundred Qi-refining stage monks?

There is no decent mountain-protecting formation.

Well, even if you have a mountain-protecting formation, at most we monks from Xiaoling Valley will not be able to get in, but why are so many of your own dead now?

From the perspective of Master Changsheng, there was only one explanation: being ambushed.

People from Taixuanmen headquarters came to support?

"I already know..." He took a deep breath, and then asked: "Is there any news coming from over there?"

Before this trip, there were three disciples in the Foundation Establishment stage who carried the Concentric Symbol Xun Guang. If the situation changes, there will definitely be disciples who will explain the situation over there and then send the Xun Guang over.

However, everyone in the Palace of Eternal Life shook their heads one by one.

"Old Ancestor..." Someone stood up and said: "Tai Xuan Sect is not our sect in Yiyang County. We have come all the way to support you. If you think about it, you won't bring all the monks here. We might as well kill them now... "

"Start the war directly!"

An elder at the ninth level of the foundation building stage suggested.

But Master Changsheng shook his head and said: "We can't start a war directly. Taixuanmen still has some background. They have the power of golden elixir, and Taixuanmen and Shangzong Taixuan Immortal Sect are not comparable to our Xiaolinggu. We can only pretend to be casual cultivators and sneak around, but we can never go to war directly!"

"Just wait a little longer. News will probably come from there soon!"

Immortal Changsheng chose to wait.


"Hahahaha..." Elder Chi Lian laughed loudly. He looked at Xu Changan and said, "Junior Brother Xu, you are the first to be able to save the Chen Family Fort and kill so many monks in Xiaoling Valley this time!"

"I didn't expect that Junior Brother Xu would actually have such abilities after not seeing each other for so many years... Sigh... If your master is still here, I don't know how to be happy!"

Elder Chi Lian's attitude towards Xu Changan changed.

It was normal before, but now it has become extremely enthusiastic.

Moreover, the title has also changed, from [Junior Master Xu] to [Junior Brother Xu] now.

There is only one word difference, but this reflects the change in Xu Changan's status in the heart of Master Chi Lian. He already regards Xu Changan as a peer.

"Junior Brother Xu is amazing!"

"Oh, I didn't expect Junior Brother Xu to have such magical powers!"

"The inheritance of Wanghe Peak is no small matter!"

Seeing that Master Chi Lian had changed his title, everyone else also changed their title to Junior Brother Xu.

"Hehehehe..." Master Kong Xuan was even more happy from ear to ear and said: "Master Nephew Xu, you have really made the most of your contribution this time. You are so powerful. I can't even beat you now..."

Xu Changan quickly became humble for a while.

Kong Xuan suddenly said: "What...Senior Brother Chengfeng, didn't you just say that you wanted to challenge my nephew to a duel to try his magical powers? How about a fight between the two of you?"

The Master Chengfeng next to him suddenly became red-faced and said, "That's nonsense, that's nonsense. When did I ever say such arrogant words?"

At first, when Xu Changan killed two foundation-building masters, Master Chengfeng was actually a little dismissive in his heart. He felt that Xu Changan relied on his superior speed.

But after Xu Changan used the magical power of [Great Sun Bathing in the East China Sea] to kill Wei Wujin, Chengfeng would no longer think so.

Fight with Xu Changan?

I'm really looking for death.

People who reach the twelfth level of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment Stage are in trouble, but I am in the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Besides, in this battle, Xu Changan killed eight foundation builders by himself.

"Okay!" Chi Lian looked at everyone and said, "Stop joking now, let's take stock of this sect guard battle, Kong Xuan, please tell us!"

"Hey..." Kong Xuan said: "This time the opponent came to sixteen foundation-building masters. Xu Changan killed eight by himself, and we killed six together. The remaining two escaped and failed to catch up..."

"However, those two guys were also seriously injured. I'm afraid they won't be able to return to Xiaoling Valley in a short time!"

"There are also disciples in the Qi refining stage. There were more than 300 people coming from the other side, and we killed most of them. The remaining ones ran away, only a dozen or so!"

"In this battle, our Chenjiabao did not lose anyone, it can be said to be a complete victory!"

"Yes!" An elder agreed: "That's right, our Chenjiabao will win this time!"

"Okay!" Elder Chi Lian said: "Although we have won a complete victory this time, we still have to be cautious. Xiaoling Valley has suffered such a big loss now, and they will definitely not let it go. If they come back, they will probably be on the offensive. It will be more fierce!"

"Junior Brother Xu!" He looked at Xu Changan: "How many days will it take to build the mountain protection formation?"

Xu Changan calculated and said: "If I still have one disciple to set up the formation alone, it will still take half a month. If someone helps the disciples to set up the formation together, it can be completed within two days!"

In the past, many people were not optimistic about Xu Changan's formation, so almost no one except Kong Xuan helped.

Now that he said this, everyone looked a little embarrassed.

But soon, Master Chengfeng was the first to express his position: "Brother Chi Lian, it was my fault before. From now on, I will fully assist Junior Brother Xu in setting up the formation!"

There was no conflict between us in the first place, it was just because of different ideas. Although Master Chengfeng was not big-minded, he could still distinguish basic rights and wrongs at critical times.

"I will also fully assist Junior Brother Xu!"

"We all assist Junior Brother Xu!"

All the foundation-building stage disciples have expressed their stance.

Xu Changan said: "Okay... everyone, Xu Changan will show his shame and arrange something for each of you to do!"

Two days later, the formation was all set up!

In the place where the spiritual energy of the back mountain is the strongest, Xu Changan bowed his hands towards Chi Lian: "Senior brother, now that the formation is complete, you can give it a try!"

"Okay!" Master Chi Lian said, "Then try it!"

Xu Changan took out a formation flag and said: "Open..."

Countless runes flashed out from the formation flag he held. On the surrounding ground, silver light flowed crazily along the lines. Within a three-mile radius, a huge semicircular formation expanded.

Countless spiritual powers were extracted from the underground spiritual veins.

The thing Xu Changan inspired was not the mountain-protecting formation, but the core energy supply source of the mountain-protecting formation: the Spirit Gathering Array.

"The Spirit Gathering Formation has been activated!" Xu Changan's body flew into the sky, and he took out a huge formation flag in his hand and said: "Everyone, activate the mountain protection formation!"


At this moment, a blue light from the south suddenly shot straight into the sky, and Master Kong Xuan shouted: "Go to Heaven, open..."

Then, a second beam of light flew from the south to the east and southeast: "Dui Ze position, start..."

The third ray of light from the east rose into the sky: "From the fire position, start..."

"Thunder position, activate!"

"Kun status, activate!"

"Genshan position, activate!"

"Kan water level, start!"

"Xunfeng position, activate!"

Eight beams of light rose into the sky.

The location of the spirit gathering array where Xu Changan is located is the center of the array.

The position of these eight light pillars is the formation eye.

Xu Changan's body flew into the sky and shouted: "Here..."

The formation flag in his hand kept shaking, and the formation flags in the other eight directions also started to move. Thick streams of various colors flowed crazily along certain lines on the ground, and then turned into complex shapes. The lines are shining with various colors of light, which is spectacular when viewed from the air.

Finally, they come together from eight directions.

The eight rays of light rising into the sky suddenly turned and headed towards Xu Changan.

Xu Changan used the formation flag to set the eight lights!


The third-grade mountain guard formation turned into a bright film of light, slowly rising from the horizon, and finally merged into one place, like a large upside-down transparent bowl, covering the entire Chenjia Fort.

The third-grade mountain-protecting formation is completed!

"Hahaha..." Master Chi Lian laughed and said, "It actually happened..."

Boo hoo hoo…

Eight rays of light fell on Xu Changan's location from eight directions.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I didn't expect it to happen!"

"Our formation is so powerful, it can defend against the full blow of the Golden Core cultivator!"

"The third-level formation will no longer be afraid of the disciples of Xiaolinggu!"

"Junior brother Xu is still very talented!" Someone gave a thumbs up and praised, "I didn't expect you to come up with a way to use the spirit gathering array to provide energy for the large array. It's really amazing!"

"Not at all!" Kong Xuan said: "Actually, this method is not uncommon. Unfortunately, few people can perfectly integrate this spirit gathering formation into the mountain protection formation, so although they have ideas, they cannot deploy it!"

Chi Lian said: "Anyway, Junior Brother Xu has made great achievements for our Chen Family Fort. By the way, Junior Brother Xu...does this formation have a name?"


Everyone also looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said: "It has a name, it's called [Reverse Innate Bagua Wind and Thunder Formation]..."

Kong Xuan asked: "Master nephew, what is the innate nature?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "My Bagua position is arranged due to my spiritual veins. It is a bit different from the traditional Innate Bagua position, so it is called Reverse Innate Bagua!"

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