Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 020 [God-defying golden blood, kill two more people]

A red blood power turned into a mighty energy wave and spread horizontally in the three-foot-high void.

Wherever it went, vegetation was broken and rocks were shattered!

The vegetation and branches used to cover the entrance of Xu Changan's cave were all blown away. If he hadn't sacrificed the small green wooden shield in time to block the wave of blood energy entering the cave entrance, who knows what would have happened.

In a hurry, Chen Jia, a disciple of the Chen family who turned pale, quickly shot out to avoid this wave of attacks.

After ten breaths, the bloody smoke dissipated, and Ding Lan was seen lying on the ground with a pale face, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. Another disciple of the Chen family named Chen Huang also fell to the ground, lying on the ground not knowing whether to live or die.


Chen Jia breathed a sigh of relief. He jumped back to a place about ten feet away from Ding Lan and tried to call out the names of Ding Lan and Chen Huang.

Neither of them responded.

"It's okay to die!" Chen Jia seemed to be muttering to himself, and it seemed that he was trying to test Ding Lan. He only heard him say: "Junior Sister Ding, since you are dead, I will chop off your head and take it back. Give it to the ancestor, I’m sure the ancestor will reward me generously!”

He held a sword and walked step by step towards Ding Lan, who had fallen to the ground.

Just as Chen Jia approached Ding Lan, a huge rabbit suddenly jumped out of the cave next to him and rushed straight towards Chen Jia.

Chen Jia was startled.

Rabbit was very fast, and the two of them arrived in front of Chen Jia before they could even breathe.

"Beast..." Chen Jia quickly calmed down and looked at the rabbit and cursed: "How dare a low-level spiritual beast run wild?"

He reached out and punched the rabbit.


The imaginary picture of killing this spiritual beast with one punch was not seen. Instead, a thick blood shield appeared around the rabbit.

"This..." Chen Jia was slightly surprised: What is going on? Do spiritual beasts also have spells?

Before he could think of anything, he saw a person suddenly appear from behind the rabbit, and stabbed a long knife into his stomach with a sneer.


Blood splattered everywhere!

"Damn it..." Chen Jia, who had reached the sixth level of Qi refining stage, was stabbed through the abdomen by Xu Changan's sneak attack. However, he did not fall down. Instead, regardless of his injuries, he stretched out his five fingers and turned them into sharp claws. Then he grabbed Xu Changan's head.


The blood shield talisman had just received a blow from him, and now it suddenly broke under his grasp.

Buzz buzz...

Immediately afterwards, another small cyan shield emerged.

Xu Changan used the Aoki Shield in time.

The remaining force of Chen Jia's claw fell on the Aoki Shield, but it was not enough to tear the Aoki Shield's defense. It only shook the Aoki Shield twice.

"Damn it!" A jar suddenly flew out of Chen Jia's left sleeve. Black blood sprayed out from the jar and stained the Aoki Shield's shield light, eroding this layer of defense in an instant. .

The black claws covered Xu Changan's head again.

The opponent's cultivation level was much higher than Xu Changan's, and he attacked several times in a row between lightning and flint. Xu Changan had no time to throw out the second defensive talisman.

When the black claw fell, although Xu Changan turned his head to avoid the vital point, it was still inserted into his shoulder, and his flesh and blood were immediately dripping.

Hiss, hiss...

Severe pain came from my shoulder.

He felt numb as if the flesh and bones on his shoulders were melting.

"Die to me..."

Chen Jia took a step forward and raised his left hand. Unfortunately, he had a long knife stuck in his abdomen. When he was about to exert his strength, he felt that his energy and blood were suddenly drained. He lost all strength and sat on the ground exhausted.

How could Xu Changan let go of such a good opportunity? He reached out and pulled out his long knife, and chopped off Chen Jia's head with one blow.

Speaking of which, this long sword was obtained from the bearded man who had been killed before.

The long sword looks mighty, but in fact it is just a mortal weapon. It was stained by blood and has now become rusty and unusable.

After losing his long knife, Xu Changan ignored the pain on his shoulder and turned around to look at Chen Huang, a disciple of Chen Jia who was lying on the ground behind him. He originally thought about walking over and punching Chen Huang, but after thinking again and again, Xu Changan threw out a Golden Thunder Talisman.

Chen Huang on the ground jumped up and was about to escape, but it was too late. Dozens of golden thunder exploded, killing him instantly.

Xu Changan took a breath of air: This Chen Huang is really cunning. He is obviously not dead, but he is lying on the ground and he doesn't know who he is plotting against?

You must know that Xu Changan was already lying on the ground before he rushed out of the cave. At that time, this guy was either plotting against Ding Lan or against his fellow student Chen Jia.

The deception between you and me has reached this level. It is indeed dangerous to cultivate immortality, and the most dangerous thing is the human heart.

"Senior Sister Ding...Senior Sister Ding..."

With the lesson learned just now, Xu Changan did not dare to walk to Ding Lan rashly. Instead, he shouted twice from a distance and said: "I am Xu Changan from Qingniu Town. We are from the same hometown. I saved you..."

Senior Sister Ding didn't respond at all, so Xu Changan walked over and added two layers of blood shield talismans to his body.

Fortunately, Ding Lan really dispersed six drops of blood essence, so there is no danger!

Xu Changan picked her up and put her on Da Bai Tian's back, and jumped on top of her.

Logically speaking, it was best to leave by flying boat at this moment, but Xu Changan was afraid of being too ostentatious and attracting Chen family disciples, so he chose this method to escape.

It wasn't until he sat on Dabai's back that he had time to check his wounds.

But I saw five dark finger holes on my left shoulder, with wisps of black gas coming out.

"It seems that this guy's claws are poisonous..." Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly operated the basic breathing method to remove the poison from his shoulder, but the next second, a shocking scene appeared before his eyes.

Looking inward at his heart, a golden light suddenly scattered, and in an instant a drop of pure golden blood fell out of thin air and merged into his heart.

Then, the second drop, the third drop!

This is...

Xu Changan suddenly remembered the three drops of blood that had been stolen by the golden big card before.

Isn't it red blood essence? How did it become golden? Now it's returned to me?

In an instant, countless strange fires lingered in Xu Changan's heart, but this was not the time to think about these things, he hurried to pay attention to his injuries.

Three drops of golden blood flowed along the blood vessels to the shoulder area. Wherever they went, the damaged tissues and flesh were instantly regenerated and connected together densely. In less than ten breaths, the injury on Xu Changan's left shoulder was actually repaired as before.

The three drops of blood that Xu Changan thought would be returned by the big card were taken away by the golden light after gathering in his heart.

At this moment, Xu Changan felt mixed emotions. He didn't know whether he should be grateful to the card or curse it.

"Dabai, run faster, keep going north... Don't stop..." Xu Changan took out another hidden breath talisman and opened it, completely covering the breath of the two people and the rabbit, and then ran madly all the way north.

After half a day of bumpy ride, when it was getting dark, they finally arrived at a small town on earth: Furong Town!

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