Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 205 [Exchange of interests, change to Xujiabao]

After taking a bath, Master Baodeng came to the foot of the mountain. He waved his hand and took out a sharp flying sword. In a few seconds, he dug a cave at the bottom of the cliff.

The cave that had just been dug was very damp, so he baked it clean with a spirit stone of fire attribute.

In this way, this cave was not much different from those houses in the mortal world.

However, he waited for Xu Changan for four or five days, but still did not see Xu Changan. As for the female cultivator he asked for, she was gone.

"Damn it..."

At this time, Master Baodeng realized that he had been fooled: "Damn it, what is this place, let me out... Let me out quickly..."

Master Baodeng shouted desperately in the space, but Xu Changan was watching Master Baodeng with relish outside.

Xu Changan's mind moved, and the small Fusang tree that originally stood in this small world was moved away by Xu Changan.

Sure enough!

The next moment, the furious Master Baodeng punched the ground.

The ground trembled, and countless trees were shaken to the point of falling leaves.

Master Baodeng waved his hand, took out the dark lamp, and blew it gently with his mouth.

Whoosh whoosh...

A faint blue flame burned up from the wick, and suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire and burned into the small world.

The thousands of spiritual fields that Xu Changan had just put into the small world were instantly burned black by the flames.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changan was completely shocked: This magic lamp is really a treasure.

But it doesn't matter!

Xu Changan doesn't care about some first-level spiritual plants, these things are everywhere.

But Master Baodeng, you destroyed all these spiritual plants, and there will be no spiritual power in the space in the future. I wonder how you will replenish the spiritual power you lost?

Xu Changan stared at Master Baodeng for a few days, and seeing that he couldn't escape the small world, he didn't care.

But right now, there are important things to do.

All the cultivators of Xiaolinggu have fled, and the old golden elixir is now trapped in the small world by him. The question is: what should be done with the legacy left by Xiaolinggu?

Xu Changan specially convened a meeting for this purpose, calling all the elders of the family to discuss it together.

In the end, everyone found that Chenjiabao’s strength was completely incapable of swallowing Xiaolinggu, and this matter had to be shared with Taixuanmen.

After receiving the news, Qingxu, the only golden elixir master of Taixuanmen, immediately flew to Chenjiabao.

"Disciple meets ancestor Qingxu..."

Including Xu Changan, everyone saluted Qingxu.

Qingxu nodded and said, "Let's talk inside!"

He entered the hall and sat in the main seat, and everyone also sat down.

Qingxu asked Xu Changan: "Xu, nephew, is the old golden elixir of Xiaolinggu safe?"

"Don't worry!" Xu Changan said: "Disciple trapped him in a large formation, and he will never get out in his lifetime..."

Hiss hiss hiss...

Everyone was shocked when they heard Xu Changan's words.

A formation that can trap a Jindan cultivator, isn't that too amazing?

"Okay..." Qingxu didn't ask what the formation was, but nodded and said with a smile: "Xu Changan, I have two good news and one bad news for you, which one do you want to hear first?"

Xu Changan said: "Let's hear the good news first?"

"Okay!" Qingxu said: "The first good news is that your uncle Tianxuan from Tiandu Peak has successfully broken through to the Jindan stage..."

Everyone was overjoyed.

Xu Changan frowned: This is not good news, is it?

Tianxuan, who announced that he would close the life and death barrier many years ago, didn't expect that he actually broke through!

"Congratulations to Uncle Tianxuan!" Xu Changan thought of Tianxuan and his master, and couldn't be happy anyway.

"Second good news!" Qingxu said, "Junior Brother Xu, the Taixuan Immortal Sect said that we should recommend disciples with excellent qualifications to go to the upper sect for cultivation. I plan to recommend you. What do you think?"

Xu Changan thought about it and said, "Is it okay not to go?"

Qingxu said, "Don't be silly. What cultivation resources can our Taixuan Sect and your Chenjiabao have? The upper sect has everything, and in order to welcome new disciples, it has also held a big competition. The first place in the competition can get a good reward. Are you sure you don't want it?"

Xu Changan immediately became interested. He asked Qingxu, "Uncle, what is the reward?"

Qingxu smiled, "It is said to be a piece of innate golden mother..."

"Innate golden mother?" Xu Changan asked: "What is that?"

Qingxu said: "Now you are also a cultivator in the foundation building period. With your current qualifications, it should not be difficult to condense the golden elixir in the future. Once the golden elixir is condensed, the cultivator can refine his own [natal magic weapon] according to his own situation. This innate golden mother is a first-class refining material and is the best choice for secret natal magic weapons!"

"It even contains a golden origin."

Qingxu looked at Xu Changan with a smile: "Xu, nephew, are you sure you don't want to go?"

Xu Changan's heart was hot: the golden origin.

If I get this thing, I may have one more spiritual root.

In addition, Xu Changan is not very good at refining pills now. Although he can use the bitter wood cauldron to refine pills without a golden spiritual root, there are many restrictions on using the bitter wood cauldron to refine pills, and many pills cannot be refined.

So, he wanted to get this golden origin a long time ago.

"Uncle Master..." Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "Disciple... I'd better not go. I have a mortal enemy with the Ji family. If I meet the masters of the Ji family, I'm afraid I will die and won't be able to enjoy any good things!"

"Alas..." Qingxu sighed deeply and said, "This is the next bad news!"

"The order of the sect: The supreme elder of our sect, the great master of the Nascent Soul stage, Ji Zhengfeng, has passed away forever because of the exhaustion of his lifespan. All of us disciples should be sad!"

A trace of sadness appeared on Qingxu's face.

Then a trace of sadness appeared on the faces of almost all the disciples of Taixuan Sect.

Xu Changan also grasped the sad expression very well, but he was very happy in his heart: Good guy, this Nascent Soul boss who scared me died by himself?

That's great!


"Uncle Qingxu!" Xu Changan stood up and bowed deeply to Qingxu, saying: "Disciple is willing to go to the sect to practice, I wonder when is the best time to go?"

Qingxu said: "Originally, it should be soon, but now that the Grand Elder Ji has suddenly passed away, all the celebrations of the entire sect have been postponed for three years, it should be three years later!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded.

"Ahem..." Qingxu cleared his throat and said: "Okay, now let's talk about business, everyone, how to deal with Xiaolinggu, I want to hear your opinions!"

Everyone didn't know what to say.

Xu Changan said: "We will listen to your opinion, ancestor!"

"Okay..." Qingxu was not polite either. He nodded and said: "In this case, then I will talk about it!"

"Xiaolinggu is also a paradise. Although it is not as vast as Taixuanmen, it is still much stronger than Chenjiabao!"

"It is natural to develop a sect from this place!"

"But, I think it is not easy for nephew Xu to wipe out Xiaolinggu. If Xiaolinggu develops into the power of Taixuanmen, if the upper sect knows about it, it will definitely turn this place into a branch of Taixuanxianzong. From then on, Xiaolinggu and my Taixuanmen will become branches of the upper sect."

Qingxu's words make sense.

If this matter is brought to the surface, then in theory, Xiaolinggu is a branch of Taixuanxianzong.

But in this way, Xu Changan has made great efforts but got nothing.

Xu Changan said, "Uncle Master, what do you mean?"

Qingxu said, "I have negotiated with the other peak masters of Taixuan Sect. This Xiaoling Valley will still be called Xiaoling Valley in the future. We will send some cultivators from Taixuan Sect to manage it. As for the cultivation resources obtained in the future, they will be divided among everyone!"

"How about your Xujiabao taking one end and our Taixuan Sect taking one end?"

Xu Changan was stunned and said, "Uncle Master, this is Chenjiabao..."

"No..." Qingxu said, "From today on, this place will be called Xujiabao. In the future, this place will have no connection with Taixuan Sect. Your Xujiabao is just an ordinary family in the cultivation world!"

Xu Changan understood.

This is an exchange of interests.

Xiaoling Valley was conquered by him, but the peak masters of Taixuan Sect enjoyed the fruits of his labor. It is obviously unreasonable.

In order to appear reasonable, they gave up part of their interests and turned Chenjiabao into Xujiabao, which became Xu Changan's private property.

Of course!

Xu Changan got more than just Xujiabao.

He also got half of the cultivation resources of Xiaolinggu.

"Okay..." Xu Changan bowed and said, "Disciple thanks Uncle Master!"

"Hehe..." Qingxu said, "You don't need to thank me, but the elders and peak masters of Taixuan Sect should thank you..."

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