Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 208 [Re-establishing the Grand Formation, the Third-grade Illusion Formation]

This golden elixir can be used to make another [Meteorite Jade Talisman].

The oil lamp is a treasure, so put it away first.

Xu Changan quickly put away several things.

Then, Xu Changan looked at this small world.

This small world is not quite the same as he imagined.

How long has Master Baodeng been here?

Twenty years!

How long has it been outside?

Two years!

Time flows ten times faster, no problem.

But the problem is that Master Baodeng originally had twenty years of life left, but it was all lost here.

In other words, here, it is ten times the time outside, but at the same time, life is lost at ten times the speed.

This is different from the Golden Talisman Space.

In the Golden Talisman Space, although time is accelerated ten times, the flow rate of life is not ten times.

Fortunately, Baodeng stood in front of Xu Changan and let Xu Changan know the characteristics of the space here, otherwise, he might really put his family here.

Wouldn't that be a trap for his family?

I have to be careful in the future.

"Come..." Xu Changan waved his hand, and the Fusang tree was planted in the ground again.

He also transplanted a large number of spiritual plants.

In the small world, a trace of spiritual power slowly rose.

Xu Changan took a step out and left this void.

He came to the golden talisman space, and then sat down cross-legged. The flow rate of life here is unchanged, so it is safer to come here.

Xu Changan took out the black oil lamp.

The Netherworld Treasure Lamp!

Xu Changan smiled: I guess the reason why Master Baodeng made the treasure lamp of different sizes is probably related to this treasure.

So, this treasure must be extraordinary.

The remaining divine thoughts on it were directly wiped out by Xu Changan, and then his divine thoughts surged into it.

29 layers of restrictions.


Xu Changan took a breath: Holy artifact...

It turned out to be a holy artifact.

Holy artifacts, also called ancient treasures, are also a kind of magic weapon.

The restriction level of magic weapons is generally between 17 and 23 layers, 17 layers of low-grade, 19 layers of medium-grade, 21 layers of high-grade, and 23 layers of extreme grade.

For holy artifacts (ancient treasures), the restriction is generally between 25 and 31 layers.

Of course, holy artifacts are also magic weapons. The reason why there are so many layers of restrictions on them is related to the nurturing of the natal magic weapon.

Generally speaking, cultivators will make their own natal magic weapons when they are in the Jindan stage. Most cultivators will complete the production of this magic weapon at the end of the Jindan stage.

For example, Qingxu and Qingling, the early Jindan, are unlikely to completely refine their own natal magic weapons.

The level of the magic weapon is related to nurturing.

The longer the nurturing time, the more levels of restrictions there are.

Most of the magic weapons that have reached the level of holy weapons are treasures that can only be nurtured by those cultivators in the [Refining Void Stage] or even the [Combination Stage] and [Mahayana Stage].

In other words, the owner of the black oil lamp in front of Xu Changan was once a terrifying and desperate great man.

The lowest level is Refining Void.

"29 layers of restrictions..." Xu Changan smiled bitterly: "With my current cultivation, I don't know if I can refine them all in ten years..."

You know, the higher the level of the magic weapon, the more difficult it is to refine the restrictions behind it.

After putting away the Netherworld Treasure Lamp, Xu Changan opened the storage ring again.

"Damn it..." Seeing the things in the ring, Xu Changan couldn't help cursing.

Because there were no spirit stones in it.

Those spirit stones were thrown into the underworld by this old thing and melted?

Fortunately, there were some other things in the storage ring.

Several defensive spirit tools, and some messy pills. , There are also several jade slips of different colors.

Xu Changan took it and took a look. It was a fire-attributed technique and some fire-attributed spells.

The last purple jade slip recorded countless spiritual herbs and recipes, and the text was actually written in Zhou seal script, called: Dan Dian.

This is...

"This is actually a very advanced collection of alchemy!" Xu Changan was overjoyed.

He has a talent for alchemy, but he does not have a high-level theory related to alchemy, so his achievements in alchemy are insufficient.

I don't know what level of alchemy book this Dan Dian is?

Xu Changan currently has no time to make alchemy, so he waved his hand and put the Dan Dian away.

Next, continue to retreat!

Xu Changan took a deep breath, adjusted to the best state, and began to practice with one mind and three purposes.

First, practice the divine mind to control the nerves of the emperor to enhance the power of divine consciousness.

Second, practice his own innate nameless technique in spiritual power, and absorb the fire spiritual power between heaven and earth for his own use.

Third, refine the restrictions of the magic weapon.

Do three things at once!

There are as many as 29 layers of restrictions on the top-grade holy artifact [Netherworld Treasure Lamp]. Refine it slowly.

One day, two days, three days!

Time passed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, nine years have passed since Xu Changan sat cross-legged in this golden talisman space.

In nine years, Xu Changan's divine consciousness has improved slightly, but it has not reached the great perfection of the foundation-building chapter.

He refined 27 of the 29 layers of restrictions on the Netherworld Treasure Lamp.

At this point, Xu Changan smiled bitterly.

He didn't expect that the more he went on, the more difficult it would be to refine the restrictions.

In the previous year, he refined about 25 layers of restrictions.

Then, in the second year, he refined the 26th layer in a whole year.

But in the last seven years, he refined the 27th layer.

To refine the 28th and 29th layers, Xu Changan estimated that it would take another 20 to 30 years.

Or even longer!

Oh my God...

I don't want to live anymore.

As for cultivation, Xu Changan did not break through to the fourth level of the foundation-building period.

It was still the same old problem. He absorbed spiritual energy quickly, but the spiritual power between heaven and earth was too thin.

Thirty percent of the spiritual power of Chenjiabao was supplied to Xu Changan, and the remaining 70% was shared by the elders and disciples.

Even so, it was still too weak for Xu Changan.

Xu Changan stepped out of the dojo.

Nine years inside, less than eleven months outside.

"Senior Brother Xu..." After Xu Changan came out of seclusion, Fu Nianzhen got the news and came to the meeting hall of Chenjiabao first.

"Senior sister!"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: "Call me junior brother in the future, I'm not used to calling you senior brother!"

Fu Nianzhen pouted and said: "You are now in the third level of the foundation building period, and I am still in the first level. Now I have to call you senior brother..."

Xu Changan's face became serious, and he said with a straight face: "If you call me senior brother again, I will call you uncle..."

"Hehe..." Fu Nianzhen was amused by him and laughed. After laughing, she said: "We will go to the upper sect in half a year. Don't retreat recently!"

"I know!" Xu Changan nodded.

"By the way!" Fu Nianzhen took out a jade slip and said: "Uncle Kongxuan said that he helped you find the things you asked him to find. See if it is useful..."

Xu Changan took the jade slip and took a look. It recorded a high-grade sect formation. The formation was called [Hidden Moon Fantasy Sea Xumi Formation].

It is a third-grade illusion formation.

It is said that after it is arranged, it can emit fairy mist, hide one side, and hide the area within a radius of 100 miles into nothingness.

This is also a kind of mountain protection formation.

Xu Changan knew that he would not be able to come back in a short time after going to the upper sect this time. In order to ensure the safety of his disciples and Xujiabao, he thought of the mountain protection formation.

The defensive formation is already there, and if there is another illusion formation, it will be even more perfect.

"I have seen the formation, junior brother, this is the list of materials..." Fu Nianzhen put a list in front of Xu Changan and said, "Most of the formation materials are in our warehouse, and I have also asked people to refine a lot of formation flags, but these are still missing..."

Xu Changan looked at the missing materials and said, "I have all these!"

Xu Changan still has a lot of powerful storage bags here, with a lot of good things in them, and there is no shortage of formation materials.

He looked at Fu Nianzhen and said, "Senior Sister Fu, you are really meticulous... I will retreat for a few days, and then start to set up the formation..."

Two months later, a huge formation was activated again.


After the formation was activated, the entire Xujiabao and the fairy mountains within a hundred miles around it all disappeared.

The surrounding white smoke filled the air, and even the divine thoughts could not penetrate it.

Xu Changan and the elders flying in the sky were overjoyed.

The Chi Lian Zhenren, who had broken through to the twelfth level of the foundation-building period, nodded and said, "Great...If there are enemies attacking in the future, we will open the illusion formation first, and they won't even be able to find the door of our Xujiabao!"

"Not bad..." Kong Xuan also nodded: "If there was this formation at the beginning, it would be easier to deal with Xiaolinggu!"

Xu Changan's goal was also achieved.

After the Chenjiabao was hidden, even if a high-level cultivator flew through the void, he would not be able to find that there was a cultivation family below.

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