Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 220 [Fifth-grade animal hide, golden nirvana talisman]

"Brother, take it... This is the jade talisman!"

Deacon Liu gave Xu Changan a jade talisman and said, "If someone comes, the jade talisman will have a prompt. At that time, you just need to come to the task hall and complete the transaction with the other party. However, the fee will be calculated based on the actual transaction amount, and the excess will be refunded and the shortage will be supplemented!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Changan took the jade talisman and left the hall.

Shen Xizhi chased him like crazy and said, "Brother, why are you running so fast?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "You are my creditor now, so I have to stay away from you?"

Shen Xizhi said, "What's the big deal? I am still your senior sister... So, if you have difficulties, I will definitely help you..."

"But you don't have to worry, hehehe... We alchemists are the ones who have the most contribution points!" Shen Xizhi smiled strangely: "With your alchemy talent, you will definitely be able to earn a lot of contribution points in the future!"

Xu Changan said, "I would like to hear more about it!"

Shen Xizhi did not mind the trouble and patiently explained to Xu Changan.

It turns out that contribution is very important in this sect. Contribution is used as a trading currency for everything. Of course, when disciples trade with each other, they can also use spirit stones.

Theoretically, one contribution is equal to one spirit stone.

So how do you earn contribution?

Very simple!

The first one is to go to the task hall to receive tasks such as "Bean Pod Mountain Blue Spider Silk Sac" just like Taixuan Sect. After completing the task, you can get the corresponding contribution points as rewards.

Secondly, there are professional alchemists like Shen Xizhi.

Helping disciples to refine pills, shouldn't you give some contribution points? A furnace of pills takes only half a day, and you can easily earn thousands or even tens of thousands of contribution points.

It's the same when refining pills for the sect. It depends on the quality. If you produce a top-grade pill, the contribution points will be even more frightening.

As for the best?


Shen Xizhi has never refined a top-grade pill. It is said that the Qi-gathering pill refined by Master Zhu Zimu more than 30 years ago did produce a top-grade pill.

But then again, the Qi Gathering Pill is only a first-grade pill, even if it is a top-grade one, it is not worth much.

The two of them walked back while talking. Just as they stepped into the gate of Changfeng Valley, the jade talisman in Xu Changan's storage bag sent a prompt message.

"So soon?" Shen Xizhi looked at his jade talisman and said, "Someone is interested. Let's go back and negotiate..."

"Okay!" Xu Changan glanced at Shen Xizhi and said, "Senior sister, if you need contribution points later!"

"I understand!"

Shen Xizhi's slender little hand patted her non-existent chest again and said, "Don't worry, everything is up to you, senior sister!"

"But... these contribution points of yours are all earned by me with great effort, you have to return them to me in the future!"

"Return, return, return..." Xu Changan said, "I promise to return them to you!"

The two returned to the mission hall through the teleportation array again.

"Junior brother Xu..." Deacon Liu put away the jade talisman and said, "Come with me..."

The three walked into a room at the back of the hall.

A white-haired old man had been waiting for a long time.

"This is Senior Brother Qin... He has what you want, you two can talk!" Deacon Liu introduced: "Senior Brother Qin, this is Junior Brother Xu..."


The old man looks very ordinary, but his cultivation has reached the twelfth level of the foundation-building period, and he is only one step away from entering the golden elixir realm.

He twisted his beard, then took out a piece of seemingly worn-out spiritual beast fur from his storage bag and spread it directly on the table. The fur was three feet long and two feet wide!

Xu Changan estimated that he should be able to draw two [Nirvana Talismans].

"Junior Brother, look..." Senior Brother Qin said: "This is a piece of fifth-grade spiritual beast fur. I don't know what kind of creature it is, but I can tell you for sure that it is definitely a fifth-grade spiritual beast skin!"

"Well..." Deacon Liu spoke at this time: "The fur has been identified by the sect, and it is definitely fifth-grade. The sect can guarantee this!"

The sect takes money to do things, and taking the agency fee is naturally useful.

Xu Changan was still worried. He put his hand on the fur, and then the spiritual power in his body stretched out a little.

Buzz buzz buzz...

On the fifth-grade animal skin, there were runes showing one after another.

Looking at the aura on it, Xu Changan was basically sure that it was definitely a spirit beast higher than the fourth grade.

At that time, the fairy Miaoyin of the Five Sounds Sect also gave Xu Changan a piece of animal skin, which was a fourth-grade white tiger skin of a Yuanying stage spirit beast.

The aura emanating from the white tiger skin was not as good as the fur in front of him.

"The grade is no problem!" Xu Changan asked: "Brother Qin, can you make a price?"

Brother Qin nodded and said: "One million spirit stones... and I only want water attributes..."

Xu Changan nodded and said: "Okay!"

This price is really not expensive, after all, it is a fifth-grade one.

Xu Changan took out one million water-attribute spirit stones from the storage space, put them in a worn-out storage bag, and gave them to Brother Qin.

Senior Brother Qin took a look at it and said, "No problem..."

Deacon Liu said, "Junior Brother Xu, according to the rules, you still have to pay the sect 50,000 contribution points..."

"I'll do it..." Without Xu Changan saying anything, the senior sister Shen Xizhi next to him took out the nameplate directly: "Deacon Liu, my junior brother has just joined, so please use mine first..."

Transaction completed!

The two came out of the hall and took the teleportation array back to Changfeng Valley.

"Junior brother..." As soon as he entered Changfeng Valley, Shen Xizhi asked: "Why did Senior Brother Qin ask for the water-attributed spiritual stone? Is there any difference?"

"Are the water-attributed ones more expensive?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "No... The five-element spiritual stones are actually of the same value. Senior Brother Qin's main cultivation is the water-attributed spiritual root, and now he has reached the twelfth level of the foundation-building period. So I guess he must want to absorb the spiritual power in the spiritual stone to break through the physical barrier and step into the realm of the golden elixir!"

What is a spiritual stone?

It is an ore produced in the spiritual vein.

There are naturally vast spiritual powers of various attributes in the spiritual stone, which can naturally be absorbed.

The only disadvantage is that once the spiritual power in the spiritual stone is opened, it is released at one time. If it cannot be used up, it will be wasted.

And if the number is too small, it will be useless.

It requires millions of spiritual stones of the same attribute to be opened at the same time before it can be used, and it is only fierce for a moment.

So some people use this method to impact their realm.

But in normal practice, few people absorb the spiritual power in the spirit stone, because it is too wasteful.

Unless those powerful people who are against the sky can absorb the spiritual power in the spirit stone in an instant with their natural talents and peerless skills, otherwise it is really not worth the loss.

"Sister Shen!" Xu Changan bowed his hands: "I will be in seclusion for two years to repair the damage to my mind... Anyway, thank you for your care, and I will definitely repay you after I come out of seclusion!"

"Okay!" Shen Xizhi said: "I will also be in seclusion to impact the foundation-building realm!"

"Little Junior Brother, goodbye..."

Xu Changan walked into his own dojo, and three third-grade formations closed.

He was still worried, and raised a hidden breath talisman in his own dojo. After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, he stepped into the golden talisman space.

Xu Changan took out the fifth-grade animal skin and divided it into two in the middle. A piece of animal skin was cut into two pieces.

Put away one piece, and spread the other piece on the ground.

Then Xu Changan sat on the futon and meditated for half a day, adjusting his soul and breath to the best.

The piece of innate gold mother was placed in front of him.

The divine thought invaded it and pulled it hard.


A medium-sized gold origin was drawn by him.

This gold origin was still the innate origin.

"Cut..." Xu Changan waved his hand and cut, only taking one tenth of the gold origin, which was enough for him to refine the [Nirvana Talisman].

Use your hand as a talisman pen.

Use animal skin as talisman paper!

Use the primordial breath and the gold origin as talisman ink.

In Xu Changan's mind, the method of drawing the Nirvana Talisman became clearer than ever before.

Half an hour later, Xu Changan finished the last stroke on the animal skin, connecting the beginning and the end.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

A stream of light began to flow in the complex looping runes. The golden spiritual power between heaven and earth was drawn in, and it gradually penetrated into the animal skin. After charging for about half an hour, the animal skin that was two feet long and one foot and five inches wide suddenly turned into a beam of light and flew away, hanging in the air.

Its size also became one foot long and wide.

On the Nirvana Rune of about a foot, golden light radiated in all directions!

The golden Nirvana Rune was finally finished.

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