Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 228 [Divine Thoughts are Complete, Wood-type Divine Power]

Early the next morning, Xu Changan followed Shen Xizhi to the entrance of the third senior sister [Qingye]'s cave.

After asking for information, several formations in front of the cave were opened.

A woman wearing a green robe came out.

Hiss, hiss...

When they first met, Xu Changan was a little surprised.

Is Third Senior Sister so beautiful?

This shameless Shen Zizhi also said that he was very ordinary.

How ordinary is it!

Pretty big!

No... It should be said that against the backdrop of her green clothes, her skin is as smooth as fat, her long eyebrows are curved, and her eyes are like red phoenixes, with light flowing out of them, agile and energetic.

His figure is even taller and taller.

If we talk about the overall beauty, she is only slightly inferior to the Fairy Miaoyin that Xu Changan saw in Da Qi before.

"My younger brother Xu Changan, I have met Third Senior Sister..." Although Xu Changan was shocked in his heart, his face showed sincerity, and he handed over his hand respectfully.

Qingye smiled, showing two rows of white, neat and beautiful teeth, and said, "It's the fifth junior brother..."

"Senior sister, don't blame me!" Xu Changan said: "I have been a disciple for two years, but when I first became a disciple, my spiritual sense was somewhat damaged, so I went into seclusion immediately. I couldn't come to visit senior sister in time. Please forgive me!"

"Hehehe..." Qingye said: "It's okay, we are all one family!"

Xu Changan took out a [Spirit Wing Talisman] from the storage bag and handed over an [Invisibility Talisman]: "I made the talisman myself to show my shame to you, Senior Sister!"

Because he felt a little rude, Xu Changan took out two very interesting talismans as a way of making amends.

Unexpectedly, Qingye could see the extraordinary quality of the talisman at a glance and said: "This talisman is very is well made. I have long heard that my junior brother once won the first place in the talisman competition in the past. It is true when I see it today." That’s extraordinary!”

"This is... a talisman that can transform spiritual power into wings?"

"Is this an invisibility charm?"

Xu Changan looked surprised: "Sister, can you tell?"

"Hmm..." Qingye said: "I have also dabbled in making talismans, but these two talismans given to me by my junior brother are the real good talismans!"


Qingye invited Xu Changan to the cave, and the three of them sat down to drink tea in order of priority.

She took out a small metal cauldron from her storage bag, wiped away the divine thoughts on it with a wave of her hand, and then sent it to Xu Changan: "Junior brother, this is our first meeting, the meeting gift... you're welcome!"

Xu Changan picked up the small cauldron and took a look at it, and said in shock: "Third Senior Sister, is this actually a top-grade spiritual weapon?"

"This... this is a bit too expensive!"

"You're welcome!" Shen Xizhi spoke this time. She pressed her little hand on the tripod in Xu Changan's hand and said, "You don't know yet, but Third Senior Sister is a real little rich woman with a lot of good things. This Baoding is nothing, just take it!”

Qingye chuckled and said: "Sister, I still have this thing. You can keep it and use it first. If you find a better furnace one day, just give it back to me!"

"Then you're welcome, little brother!" Xu Changan cupped his hands: "Thank you, senior sister!"

After returning from Qingye Dojo, Xu Changan began to retreat.


The metallic innate skills in his body started to work, and a golden cyclone a hundred feet high suddenly formed outside Xu Changan's cave.

Vast golden spiritual power is gathering here from the surroundings all the time. However, because Xu Changan's illusion array is larger in scope and reaches a height of thousands of feet, although the momentum here is huge, there is no need to worry about others seeing it.

In the golden talisman space, Xu Changan was running the metallic technique and practicing the [Heavenly Emperor's Control of the Nerve]. Invisible flying knives from his mind flew out of his mind and slashed towards the green tree section in front of him.

At the same time, Xu Changan picked up the tripod that Qingye had just given him and started refining it.

This tripod, which is of the highest quality as a spiritual weapon, is called [Hundred Refiners tripod].

Focus on three things and start practicing!

There is no age in cultivation, and I don’t know the year when I ask.

In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed.

In twenty years, Xu Changan successfully raised his metallic cultivation from the first level of the foundation building stage to the fifth level.

Of course!

This is because Xu Changan had already broken through all the realms when he cultivated the Fire Spiritual Root before, so it would be much easier to practice the Golden Spiritual Root for the second time, also from the first level to the fifth level.

You only need to constantly condense the golden spiritual power, and then fully refine the Dantian and strengthen the meridians. There is no need to worry about the important shackles of cultivation.

Because there is no need to lock it up.

Otherwise, just by absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth, you will never be able to rise to the fifth level in thirty years.

Even a monk with a single spiritual root is impossible.

After all, when ordinary monks practice, they must at least take some pills, but Xu Changan did not take any pills and achieved a breakthrough through pure cultivation.

In thirty years, Xu Changan's metallic dantian broke through to the fifth level of the foundation building stage.

At the same time, due to repeated condensation over time, his spiritual thoughts also made a breakthrough.

Finally we have reached the great consummation of the foundation building chapter.

The foundation building period of spiritual thoughts is complete.

"Cut..." With a loud shout, an invisible flying knife of spiritual thought flew out from his sea of ​​consciousness, whizzing past the green tree sections.

Nowadays, even if Xu Changan faces a monk at the twelfth level of the foundation building stage, who is not an alchemist or a monk with powerful spiritual thoughts such as practicing sound waves, under normal circumstances, a single blow can make the opponent lose his combat effectiveness.

As for those cultivators in the late stage of foundation building, they can be killed directly with one sword.

In thirty years, Xu Changan refined the two great tripods, Bailian Treasure Tripod and Wancao Treasure Tripod.

After refining, Xu Changan discovered the magic. It turned out that Zhu Zimu's [Wancao Treasure Tripod] can not only be used to refine pills, but also a magic weapon that can attack and defend. After being activated, it can be transformed into the size of a mountain, which can be used for attack and defense.

In addition to these two treasures, Xu Changan also refined [Netherworld Treasure Lamp], but unfortunately, it took a full twenty years to grind down the 28th layer of restrictions.

Let's continue!

Xu Changan took a deep breath and continued to practice!

This time, he practiced the wood-attributed technique [Ku Rong Tian Jing] again, while refining [Netherworld Treasure Lamp], and separated his mind to read the alchemy classics and some techniques and magical powers left by Zhu Zimu, and verified each other.

Still doing three things at the same time.

Unknowingly, another twenty years have passed.

Xu Changan gnawed off another layer of the most difficult bone. He finally refined the 28th layer of the restriction on the Netherworld Treasure Lamp. He only needed the last layer, the 29th layer.

The wood attribute dantian also improved from the third level of the foundation-building period to the fifth level.

Now, Xu Changan's three dantians have all reached the fifth level.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, walked out of the golden talisman space, and then went directly to the outside of the dojo.

Thanks to the ten-fold time blessing, the fifty years in the golden talisman space actually only took five years outside.

Five years!

Changfeng Valley has not changed at all.

No one cares whether Zhu Zimu is dead or not.

Xu Changan naturally doesn't care. He came to a mountain behind Changfeng Valley.

The wood attribute spiritual power circulated crazily in his body.

"Get up..."

At a certain moment, a green wood vine quickly drilled out of the soil and rocks, extending dozens of feet in an instant.

Then the second, third, fourth, and fifth vines flew out.

The five vines, under the guidance of Xu Changan's mind, expanded and grew rapidly, and then twisted together in the air.

From a distance, it looked like a small hill formed by twisted vines.

This was a magical spell that Xu Changan learned from Zhu Zimu's martial arts book, called [Tongtian Vine].

It can be used in an instant, and the vines will lock and entangle the opponent. Even a cultivator who has reached the great perfection of the foundation-building period cannot escape for a while.

This is an unstoppable weapon in battle.

Of course!

Vines can not only grow in soil and rocks, but also in the void.

According to the records of the wood attribute book, this thing can be used until the Nascent Soul stage. If a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage uses it, tens of thousands of vines will fly out in a thousand feet around in an instant. Not only are there more vines, but the speed is also faster, and the entanglement power is also stronger.

Even the Yuanying stage master could not escape, and it could even entangle the soul of a person.

If the thorns on the vine were released, it could attack the opponent's body.

"Not bad!" Xu Changan took a deep breath: "With this method, it will be much easier to hit the wheel of life and death in the future!"

You know, the wheel of life and death is very powerful, but it's a pity that it's not easy to hit the opponent.

Now Xu Changan relies on his divine thoughts to paralyze the opponent's actions, but unfortunately his divine thoughts will always run out. If facing a group attack, this Tongtian vine is much more useful than divine thoughts.

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