Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 023 [Apprentice to Qingxu, registered disciple]

The speed of the cloud boat was very fast. It only took Xu Changan three days to fly a million miles away. However, the cloud boat also cost a lot of money. He changed the spirit stones nine times in three days, which cost a total of forty-five yuan. .

On this day, the spaceship was traveling due east, and suddenly it came to a large mountain. The mountain was stretched across it, dense and green, shrouded in clouds and mist, and it seemed illusory and real.

"Tai Xuan Baili, flying is prohibited!"

A young man wearing a dark green Taoist robe suddenly appeared in the void, riding a crane and blocking Xu Changan's flying boat.

"Fellow Taoist...please get off the boat!"

Xu Changan had no choice but to drive the flying boat to the ground.

The young man in dark green robe also fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist!" The young man bowed his hands to Xu Chang'an politely: "A hundred miles from here is the mountain gate of Taixuanmen. According to the sect's regulations, anyone within a hundred miles of Taixuanmen No flying!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Changan and Ding Lan were overjoyed.

"Have you arrived at Taixuanmen?" Xu Changan quickly returned the greeting: "Hello, senior brother, we are here to become apprentices at Taixuanmen and seek enlightenment!"

"Become a disciple?" The man's face suddenly became a little playful, "Tai Xuan Sect is one of the best sects in Yangshuo County. How can you worship me just when you say it? What kind of spiritual roots do you two have?"

Ding Lan was about to speak, but Xu Changan stood up first and said, "Senior brother, I have another opportunity to meet with the elders of the sect. I must meet the elders of the sect before I can speak!"

"Forget it!" The young man nodded and said, "Just follow me and I will take you to see the deacon and elder of the mountain gate!"

Xu Changan and Ding Lan sat on Dabai's back and flew with the young man's crane. They arrived at a mountain gate in about half an hour.

Covered in moss, the stone walls are majestic, and a huge archway at the entrance of the mountain is nearly a hundred feet high. The three words "Tai Xuan Gate" above it reveal endless majesty, one point more than when Xu Changan stared at "Chenjiabao" The scary emotion comes.

As if someone had imposed a ban on this sect, Xu Changan guessed that if a mortal came here, they would definitely pay homage and pay homage to him.

"Two fellow Taoists, wait a moment!"

The man in dark green robes walked into the mountain gate with his hands folded. After half a moment of burning incense, an old man who seemed unable to open his eyes wandered out.

The old man's beard and hair were all white, and he looked at Xu Chang'an with a stooped figure: "I am the deacon and elder of the outer sect of Taixuan Sect. If you have anything to say, just tell me. If you come to the Xianmen for entertainment in your spare time, I will forgive you. No!”

"Yes!" Xu Changan estimated that the old man did not dare to lie at the gate of the mountain, so he took out one of the Taixuan Immortal Tokens from the storage bag and sent it to the rickety old man: "Senior, take a look. , we are here to ask for help!”

"My Immortal Order?" The white-haired old man put away the dark sign in shock and said: "I have been guarding the mountain gate for thirty-six years, and I have never seen my Immortal Order. You two wait a moment. moment!"

Suddenly a ray of white light flew out from the old man's sleeves, and instantly fled to the sky, and then went back to the mountain. After only a few dozen breaths, Xu Changan raised his head and saw two magnificent rays of light escaping from the void. Sliding past, it landed at the mountain gate.

Two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, stood in front of Xu Changan and others.

The man is dressed in white, with a square face and a dignified face; the woman is dressed in a goose-yellow Taoist robe, with a relaxed posture and a peach-blossom face.

If you look at them by worldly standards, these two people are only in their thirties or forties, but Xu Changan knows that such immortals with earth-shattering cultivation cannot really be only in their thirties or forties. Under their youthful appearance, they may all be old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years.

"I've met Master Uncle Qingxu and Master Uncle Qingling!"

The old man quickly saluted.

Xu Changan and Ding Lan also quickly bowed slightly.

"Well..." The man in white robe nodded Qingxu and said: "No need to be polite, just give me the Taixuan Immortal Order!"

The old man quickly sent the immortal order.

Qingxu took it in his hand and nodded, saying: "This order was given to the human world by my master back then, but it was used by cause and effect. There should be two of them in total!"

Xu Changan confirmed it without a doubt and quickly took out another Immortal Token from his storage bag and said: "Senior, don't blame me, the other one is here!"

"Haha..." Qingxu saw through Xu Changan's thoughts at a glance, and he smiled slightly and said: "He is a thoughtful person. The human heart is the most dangerous in the immortal road, so naturally I will not blame him."

"Are you descendants of the Ding family in Dakai Town, Yangshuo County?"

Qingxu's eyes fell on Xu Changan.

Xu Changan didn't know his cultivation, but he felt that this man's eyes were as sharp as if he could see through people's hearts at a glance. Although he seemed ordinary, he really didn't dare to tell a lie.

"Senior, we are not...but my junior sister's surname is Ding!" Xu Changan pointed at Ding Lan.

Qingxu nodded and said: "According to logic, if you carry this order up the mountain, my master should personally accept you as his disciples. Unfortunately, you are late. The master has already passed away sixty-three years ago." Deng Xian Ning! ”

"But the masters are of the same blood, and the cause and effect are connected!" The woman in yellow robe next to him took over the words and said: "It is the cause and effect of the master, and it is also the cause and effect of our disciples. Let's do it, girl, come here... From now on, you will be me His true disciple!”

Qingxu nodded without saying anything, and Ding Lan was immediately overjoyed.

Qingxudao did not comment, he just glanced at Xu Changan and asked: "What kind of spiritual root do you have?"

Xu Changan was afraid that the man in front of him would reject him because of his poor spiritual roots, so he said: "My disciple has five elements spiritual roots..."

He originally had all ten elements of mixed spiritual roots, but before entering the mountain gate, he used the invisibility talisman to hide his other five attributes of thunder, wind, ice, light and darkness.

Although his rubbish qualifications were cut in half, Xu Changan still saw a trace of disgust in the eyes of the majestic man in front of him.

Five elements of spiritual roots are also rubbish enough.

"Alas..." Qingxu sighed and said: "The road is difficult, but it always leaves a ray of opportunity for all living beings. That's all. From now on, you are my registered disciple!"

As he spoke, Qingxu took out a jade token from his arms and threw it to Xu Changan through the air.

After Xu Changan took the jade token, he took a look and saw four large gilded characters on it: Registered Qingxu!

This means that Xu Changan is the registered disciple of Taoist Qingxu.

"This..." The woman in the yellow Taoist robe next to him looked at Qingxu, slightly stunned, and said: "Brother...this..."

"Junior sister, no need to say more!" Qingxu waved his hand, and his wide sleeves fluttered up and down in the mountain wind: "You should practice in the outer sect first. If you have any doubts, you can ask the deacon elder Zhao Dewu; if you have the opportunity to break through the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage in the future, come to the back mountain to find me, and I will accept you as a true disciple!"

After saying that, Qingxu turned into a stream of light and left.

Xu Changan stared at the light in amazement, and shouted: "Master has not asked the disciple's name yet..."

It's a pity that the light had already flown away and could not hear Xu Changan's words!

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