Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 235 [No matter what grade, you lose]

Yunmeng smiled!

She asked, "What about you four... Do you have any opinions?"

Her eyes turned to Xu Changan and the other four.

The four shook their heads and bowed, saying, "We will listen to the orders of the Supreme Elder..."

"Well!" Yunmeng said, "Let's decide who will be the elder of your alchemy hall based on the topic you chose, Song Junyi, and the quality of the elixir you refine!"

"But what elixir should we refine?"

Yunmeng's eyes swept over Xu Changan's face and said, "How about Chaoyuan Pill?"

Song Junyi's legs softened in fear, and he said, "Grandmaster, no... How precious are the materials for Chaoyuan Pill? We may not be able to refine it, but if we lose your materials and fail to decide the winner, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"Disciple thinks that we should refine this second-grade [Gathering Spirit Pill], please grant me permission, Grandmaster!"

Gathering Spirit Pill is a pill used by disciples in the foundation-building period!

Song Junyi has refined the most of this stuff, and he is most familiar with it and is the best at it.

Yunmeng said: "Well... Let's refine the [Gathering Spirit Pill] as you suggested, Nianzhen, distribute the materials..."


Fu Nianzhen took out a dozen jade boxes and walked over, then opened the jade boxes one by one. Each jade box contained a kind of material, and each jade box contained five portions.

Each person just needs to take one portion.

"Please choose the materials!" Fu Nianzhen waved her hand.

All the materials here were carefully selected by her, and all of them were top-grade.

Song Junyi came up and was the first to choose the materials. He wanted to take the best ones himself and leave the inferior materials to his junior brothers and sisters. Unexpectedly, all the materials in this jade box were actually top-grade.

Well, since he couldn't get any advantage in the materials, he would show his real skills.

Song Junyi was not afraid.

He was naturally gifted in alchemy, otherwise Zhu Zimu would not have accepted him as his disciple.

Moreover, it is said that Song Junyi once refined a third-grade elixir. Although they were all low-grade, they were also considered to have been refined beyond the level.

Song Junyi was extremely confident in his alchemy skills.

He could not compete with his master, but he was more than enough to compete with you little shrimps.

"For the sake of fairness!" Yunmeng said again: "You all use the same alchemy furnace and alchemy fire..."

Five lowest-level alchemy furnaces were put up.

This was the unified alchemy furnace used when the sect held a big competition.

As for the alchemy fire, use the fire-generating talisman.

"Now start the time... start..." Fu Nianzhen was responsible for the timekeeping.

The other elders were responsible for supervision and witnessing.

The five people each opened the fire-generating talisman and began to roast the alchemy furnace.

After the alchemy furnace was hot, several people took out the materials almost at the same time and threw them into the alchemy furnace.

But the throwing methods were different.

Song Junyi, Shen Xizhi, Zhang Changfeng and Qingye only threw one kind of material in.

Xu Changan was different. He threw more than a dozen materials in at once.

"Ah this..."

In the hall, the elders were suddenly surprised beyond words.

Without the three spiritual roots of fire, gold and wood, you can't make pills, but haven't we seen pills being made?

How can you make pills like this? Put all the materials in at once?

Isn't this bullying people for being ignorant?

Everyone present was surprised and then sneered. Only Elder Li from the Punishment Hall smiled and twirled his beard with his hands.

Song Junyi, the eldest brother, was particularly concerned about the outcome of this competition, so when he was making pills himself, he also used his mind to observe the situation of his junior brothers and sisters around him.

Seeing Xu Changan throw all the materials in at once, he was shocked at the time and almost shook the pill fire in his hand.

However, after calming down a little, Song Junyi smiled: Make pills?

This guy has just entered the door, and the master hasn't had time to teach him how to make pills, right?

He doesn't even know the most basic techniques?

It seems that this guy is definitely not my opponent. My opponents should be Qingye and Zhang Changfeng.

Wait, within ten breaths, this guy will definitely blow up the furnace.

Song Junyi was refining the elixir himself while waiting patiently, and at the same time he was mentally prepared for Xu Changan to blow up the furnace.

His furnace explosion cannot affect me.

However, ten breaths passed quickly.

Xu Changan did not blow up the furnace.

"This..." Song Junyi was a little puzzled: Why is this happening? Shouldn't the furnace explode?


I don't know what this guy is doing?

Half an incense stick, at most half an incense stick of time, the furnace will definitely explode.

Song Junyi was refining the elixir while waiting for Xu Changan to blow up the furnace.

However, another half an incense stick of time passed, and Xu Changan did not blow up the furnace. Instead, a stream of furnace ash rose from his cauldron, as if all the dregs were driven out.

"This..." Song Junyi frowned: This guy is serious.

As an alchemist, he naturally knows that some people are born with extremely powerful spiritual consciousness and can purify five or more medicinal materials at the same time, but it is too fast to purify more than ten kinds at the same time.

This guy, is his spiritual consciousness really powerful?

Song Junyi had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, the fragrance of medicinal materials emanated from Xu Changan's alchemy furnace.

Song Junyi was even more shocked!

What does this mean?

The fragrance came out, which means that some medicinal materials have really been purified.

Hiss hiss hiss...

Not good!

Soon, half an hour passed.


Twelve green lights flew out of Xu Changan's furnace, and twelve pills jumped in the void.

Xu Changan took out the jade bottle and collected it with a thought.

The pill is done!

At this time, Song Junyi put the eighth kind of herb into the furnace for purification.

His mind was in a trance.

His eyes also raised a little and looked at Xu Changan.

He didn't expect that the other party could really make a pill!

This shows that the other party's talent for alchemy is extremely terrifying.


At this time, there was a loud noise from Shen Xizhi's furnace, and then a puff of black smoke came out of the furnace. Because of her short stature, her head was almost close to the furnace when she was refining the pill.

With such an explosion, Shen Xizhi turned black from her forehead to her neck.

"Puff..." Yunmeng, who was sitting on the high platform, almost laughed when she saw this scene.

Shen Xizhi stuck out her tongue at Xu Changan.

Then he turned and ran out of the hall to clean up.

Another hour later.

Twelve beams of light shot out from Song Jun's alchemy furnace, and the elixir was ready!

After another stick of incense, Zhang Changfeng and Qingye's elixir was also refined.

In terms of the time it took to refine the elixir, Xu Changan was the fastest, taking only half an hour, Song Junyi was the second, taking an hour and a half, and Zhang Changfeng and Qingye took nearly two hours.

"My elixir is wasted!" Zhang Changfeng said, "All the twelve pills in my furnace are low-grade... Hey... I really don't have the talent for alchemy!"

Among Zhu Zimu's disciples, Zhang Changfeng had the lowest talent for alchemy. Zhu Zimu accepted him because he had a good talent for cultivation, otherwise he would not have reached the false elixir realm so quickly.

As for Shen Xizhi, she was too young after all and had just broken through the foundation-building stage.

Normally, she could refine a second-grade pill, but today she was a little nervous in front of everyone, and Xu Changan's quick creation of the pill affected her mind, so for various reasons, Shen Xizhi failed.

That's normal!

But Shen Xizhi's talent for alchemy is not low.

"My pills don't work either!" Qingye looked at the pills she had refined and said, "There is only one middle-grade one, and the rest are all low-grade..."

After that, she looked at Xu Changan with expectation.

Xu Changan's face was as calm as water, without a trace of ripples.

Song Junyi also looked at Xu Changan: "Junior Brother Xu... How is the quality of the pill you refined?"

Xu Changan did not say how the quality was, but only said one sentence: "You lost!"

"I lost?" Song Junyi was immediately furious: "Junior Brother, isn't it a bit early for you to say that?"

"The pill I refined this time is of very high quality..."

"Are you sure I lost?"

This time he performed exceptionally well and refined twelve pills of all top quality.

Song Junyi has already won.

As for the best quality?

Haha... Even if the master was alive, he could not refine the best quality [Gathering Spirit Pill].

As a result, Xu Changan said lightly: "Even if the twelve pills you refined were all top still lost!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was filled with countless sighs.

Song Junyi thought he had misheard, and he was stunned: "What did you say?"

Xu Changan said: "I said, even if you refine twelve top-grade pills, you will lose... So, I don't need to look at the quality of your pills, you will lose..."

"Why?" Song Junyi was excited: "I have twelve top-grade pills, why should I lose?"

"Isn't this simple?" Elder Li of the Punishment Hall laughed and said: "Song Junyi, think about it again, hahahahaha..."

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