Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 238 [Time goes back, seven-year-old senior sister]

"Spare your life...please spare your life..."

Song Junyi was so frightened that he peed when he heard the news...

He didn't know until now that Xu Changan was not only gifted with alchemy, but also had unparalleled talent in fighting.

He is on the seventh level of the foundation stage and is no match at all.

"Suck..." Within Xu Changan's body, the Kurong Heavenly Sutra turned, and a steady stream of vitality was sucked out of Song Junyi's body.

The hair on Song Junyi's head turned gray instantly.

However, Xu Changan did not completely absorb it, but left some vitality for Song Junyi, and then said: "Song Junyi... you have ten years of longevity left in your body. If you perform well within ten years, I will give you the rest." The vitality is returned!”

"If you don't perform well, you won't need this chance of life!"

Xu Changan picked up the birth wheel, sealed it with a jade talisman, put it in a jade box, and handed it to Qingye.

Qingye caught the jade box with slightly trembling hands. She no longer knew what to say.

Before, she always felt that she was very smart and unparalleled in resourcefulness; she thought Xu Changan was just an ascetic monk who could only make alchemy, but now, she had really seen the tip of the iceberg in Xu Changan.

This junior brother is really unexpected.

"Teacher...junior brother..." Qingye also put all the little calculations and thoughts in his heart away.

Xu Changan said: "I'll give this to you... wait ten years and you will make the decision!"

"Everyone..." Xu Changan looked at everyone again: "This elder is going to retreat. From now on, all affairs of the Changfeng Valley Alchemy Hall will be decided by Elder Qingye. If you have anything to do, just look for her. You don't need to look for me. Just step aside. Bar!"

The disciples trembled and left in fear.

Xu Changan took some formation flags, spirit stones and other formation materials from his storage bag, and arranged a third-level Forbidden God formation around the hall.

"Senior Sister Qingye, I'm going to retreat. Please pay more attention to all matters in Changfeng Valley!"

"Huh..." Qingye took a deep breath and said: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, junior brother. I was worried that you couldn't deal with Song Junyi before... Don't worry, now you have stabilized the situation for me and subdued senior brother. , If I can't manage this Changfeng Valley, then I, Qingye, will really have no shame in living in this world!"

"Okay, please, senior sister!"

Xu Changan turned and left.

"Wait a minute..."

Shen Xizhi rushed over from behind and said: "Junior Brother Stinky, have you forgotten me?"


Xu Changan stopped and scratched his head and said, "What do you mean?"

Shen Xizhi took his arm, pulled hard, then rolled his eyes at him and said, "Pu Zhen Dan!"

"Don't worry!" Xu Changan said with a smile: "Remember, after I go back, I won't do anything but refine your elixir as soon as possible, okay?"

"Hmph..." Shen Xizhi raised his head proudly: "That's pretty much it, but in order to ensure the quality of my elixir, I have to watch you from the side..."

"have to!"

Xu Changan said: "Let's go, I will let you supervise the whole process!"

After getting along for a while, Xu Changan felt that although this senior sister was a little nervous when doing things, she was still good overall.

He rubbed Shen Zhizhi's head fiercely: "Follow me, we are about to reach the magic array!"

Shen Zizhi looked angry: "Don't rub other people's heads!"

Xu Changan laughed.

After crossing the misty formation, the two entered Xu Changan's dojo.

Xu Changan first meditated and adjusted his inner breath, then took out the [Hundred Refining Cauldron] and started refining elixirs.

The level of the Pure Pure Pill is not high, it is just a second-grade pill.

But refining this thing is not simple, because it contains a herb called [Xiaohui True Leaf].

The true leaf of the true leaf is a kind of regular grass. It is the same type as the [Chigui Square Barley] that Xu Changan got before. The difference is that the true leaf of the true leaf is relatively not so rare. As long as there is Money can still be obtained.

And the effect is not that outrageous.

The same is not true for the square barley, which is almost nowhere to be found.

When refining elixir, in order to ensure that the rules in the grass of rules are not lost, the grass of rules must be smelted last.

Xu Changan put all the ingredients except the true leaves of the true leaves into the cauldron for purification at one time. After all the other herbs were purified, he put the true leaves of the true leaves into the cauldron.

In the end, in order to increase the success rate of the elixir, he had to add two drops of his own blood.


Because after all, it is very difficult to make alchemy with something like the grass of rules. If it fails, it will be a bad dish.

Fortunately, it did not fail.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Twelve white pills flew into the void.

"It's done..." The little girl raised her head, widened her eyes and looked at the pill pills running around in the void, laughed, and said: "Junior brother, it's done, it's done, it's done..."


Xu Changan nodded, and then under the influence of his spiritual thoughts, he collected all the pills and dropped them into the jade bottle.

"How is it? How is the quality?" Shen Xizhi looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan waited patiently for three breaths. After all the elixir patterns fainted, he scanned it with his spiritual mind. It didn't matter. He was frightened and said: "It's not good..." "

"What's wrong?" Shen Xizhi's voice trembled when he heard what Xu Changan said, and there was a hint of crying in the trembling voice.

Xu Changan said: "Twelve Puzhen pills, all of them are top-grade..."

"Great..." The little girl jumped up happily, but after a few breaths, she realized something was wrong: ""

"I want top-grade, not top-grade..."

She was about to cry again.

Xu Changan looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, Senior Sister...I saw that this pill is so important to you, so...I worked hard to refine it. So twelve top-grade pills came out at once...I can't control this..."

"How about you wait a few years before eating it?"

Xu Changan gave a weak suggestion.

Shen Xizhi sat in her seat and hesitated for a long time before saying, "Junior brother, I'm sorry... I shouldn't complain about you... Maybe, this is my fate!"

"If I eat this now, I should be able to return to the age of seven. I'm too young and don't know much. You have to remember to take care of me..."

"Woo woo woo woo..."

Xu Changan stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair for a few times, saying, "Don't worry, I will definitely take care of you..."


Shen Xizhi made a decision. She took a deep breath, then took a pill of the best Puzhen Pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

A golden smoke screen rose in front of Xu Changan.

The golden smoke screen completely enveloped Shen Xizhi's body, and then the smoke spun wildly. Above the vortex, there were golden mysterious runes, flashing the message of time, one by one, mysterious and ethereal.

After about a dozen breaths, the smoke in front of her completely dissipated, and a white little girl about four feet tall appeared in front of Xu Changan.

He was much shorter than Shen Xizhi, but his face still retained Shen Xizhi's original appearance, but the loose clothes were a little too suitable.


Xu Changan asked uncertainly: "Are your memories still there?"

Pu Zhen Dan can reverse time and wash away everything.

So Xu Changan is not sure whether Shen Xizhi's memory is still there?

Shen Xizhi looked at Xu Changan with a confused face and asked: "Who are you?"

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "It seems that this Pu Zhen Dan can not only wash away everything on the body, but also the soul!"


How to answer?

Who am I?

"Ahem..." Xu Changan coughed twice, then took a deep breath, looked at Shen Xizhi with a very sincere look, held her shoulders with both hands, and said: "Actually... I am your long-lost father..."

"Get lost..."

Shen Xizhi screamed, "Damn Xu Changan... You really want to take advantage of me..."

"You are my junior brother... For life, for life... I am your junior brother!"

"I am your senior sister!"

A seven-year-old child yelled at Xu Changan, but Xu Changan laughed: "Hey... I thought you had lost your memory!"


Shen Xizhi said: "You want to take advantage of me, no way..."

"But..." Shen Xizhi said: "I have no mana now, and this dress can't shrink down, what should I do?"

It turns out that Shen Xizhi's Taoist robe is also a treasure, the kind that can be freely contracted and released, and can also change the style at will.

But now she has returned to the age of seven, and her spiritual roots have not yet awakened, so it is equivalent to having no mana and divine thoughts, and there is no way to operate this dress.

Xu Changan said: "It's okay, I'll take you to the mortal world to buy some clothes to wear first!"

"Hmmmm..." Shen Xizhi nodded, and suddenly said: "Brother... I don't know why, I really want to play hide-and-seek now..."


This... my body has returned to my childhood, has my childishness also awakened?

Xu Changan said with a smile: "Don't worry about playing hide-and-seek, look at the illusion array I set up outside, a thousand feet in radius, I'll throw you in to play hide-and-seek later, and see if you can find your way home!"


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