Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 241 [Ancestor Huangquan, the terrifying Yuanying]

"Come...guest, your meal..."

Pa pa pa...

The waiter dropped two large bowls on the table.

Xu Changan looked closely and saw two bowls of cooked [wheat rice].

The man in the white robe laughed, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

The old servant beside him chewed wheat rice, his face turned bitter, and he complained from time to time: "Sir, this wheat rice is not even eaten by dogs, it is really the most unpalatable thing in the world!"

"Oh?" The man in white robe said: "Then what is the most delicious thing in the world?"

The old servant said: "The most delicious thing in the world is bread!"

"Hahahaha..." The man in white robe laughed as if no one was around, and said: "No, no... wheat rice is the most delicious!"

"It's not delicious!" The old servant said: "The wheat husk is rough and hard to chew. I don't know why you eat it so deliciously!"

"It smells delicious!" The man in white robe said: "Look, this bread is made of wheat, and wheat rice is also made of wheat. They are the same thing, why do they taste different when they are eaten?"

"It's probably because of the human power!" The man asked himself and answered, "But wasting human power is the most harmful to nature!"

The old servant looked unconvinced and said: "Then Madam won't eat wheat rice!"

Xu Changan wanted to laugh, but felt embarrassed and could only hold it back.

At this time, the fish and meat ordered by Xu Changan also came up.

He was about to move, but the man in white robe grabbed Xu Changan's hand and said, "Don't eat... Your food is mine now!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was puzzled.

The man pointed to the outside of the window and said, "Go west along this road, don't look back, if you walk fast, you may catch up with your sister after leaving the city... Oh no... Your senior sister..."


Xu Changan's body shot out of the window like a cannonball, flying westward in the void, and at the same time, his divine thoughts were spread all over the sky.

His face was extremely gloomy.

In broad daylight, someone took Shen Xizhi away silently?

You know, although Shen Xizhi is a seven-year-old child, her soul is twenty-seven years old, but she didn't send out any distress signals.

The key is that Xu Changan, with such a powerful divine thought, didn't feel anything at all.

This made him furious.

At this time, he had no idea and had to believe the words of the man in white robe.

Because the man in white robe, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like a bad guy.

Let's just look west!

Xu Changan passed through Lulong City all the way, and soon after he went out of the city gate and continued to go west, his mind swept to Shen Xizhi.

Beside a sparsely populated narrow post road between two mountains, a white-haired old man was slowly shaking a wooden horse with his skinny hands. On the wooden horse, Shen Xizhi was sitting.

But at this moment, Shen Xizhi's eyes were dull, and his soul seemed to be polluted.

Seeing this situation, Xu Changan couldn't help but get angry. He passed through the void in three breaths and landed in front of the old man.

"Hehehe..." The old man smiled lightly and said, "Okay... Another junior brother is here... It's not easy for a three-spiritual root to reach the fifth level of the foundation-building period!"

Xu Changan's heart skipped a beat: Can you actually see through my cultivation?

"Your cultivation is a little bit inferior, but it's enough to be my puppet blood soldier..."

"Come on!"


While the old man was speaking, he waved his skinny hand, and a white silk thread shot out from his wide sleeves and came towards Xu Changan.

Xu Changan naturally couldn't just surrender, so he punched him with a bang.

The huge spiritual power fluctuation brought the spiritual power in the air together, and a huge fist phantom condensed in the void in front of him.


The silk thread was hit back by Xu Changan.

"Hehe..." The old man said: "I didn't expect it, it's still a very powerful ant... Hehe... I underestimated you, but even so, you are just a stout ant!"

"Come again..."

The old man waved his right hand, still with the familiar action.

The white silk thread with a strange aura attacked from a distance.

Xu Changan knew that using fists would not work this time, so he gritted his teeth and took out the talisman that he had sealed for many years.

He waved his hand at the old man.


Between heaven and earth, the vast fire spirit power was stimulated, the void fluctuated slightly, and the space fluctuations squeezed like an ocean, and a big sun flew out from behind Xu Changan.

The big sun bathed in the East China Sea!

Moreover, this was not the magical power used by Xu Changan.

This move was the magical power of the golden crow he spit out with the swallowing talisman in the floating fairyland that year.

The strongest attack power of the peak of the golden elixir.


The big sun gushed out and fell towards the old man.

"Good boy..." The old man's eyes lit up. At this time, he could no longer sit there indifferently, but stood up directly, waving his sleeves constantly, and then a shield condensed by pure spiritual power condensed in front of him.


The powerful big sun hit the shield and smashed it directly.

However, although the air shield was broken, the sun that Xu Changan had sacrificed also broke apart, and countless flames flowed out.

The old man did not use any magical powers or magic weapons at all, but simply used his spiritual power to condense the air shield and blocked Xu Changan's killer move.

This shocked Xu Changan.

At the same time, there is also some despair.

The strength of his opponent was a little too much beyond his understanding.

"Something capable!" The old man stood there and looked at Xu Changan and said, "This move is [Great Sun Bathing in the East China Sea]. Legend has it that this is the attack move of the Golden Crow in the Fucha Fairyland of Daqi State. You can even do this." Can you get it?”

"Boy, are you from Qi?"

"No!" Xu Changan took a deep breath, then cupped his hands and said: "Senior has great magical powers, and I admire him very much. I was just lucky enough to enter Fucha Wonderland back then."

"What kind of talisman is this talisman?" The old man said, "Bring it to me and show it to me!"

In order to delay time, Xu Changan took out a Devouring Talisman and threw it to the old man: "Senior, this is what this junior got in a secret realm... There are three in total, and I used one. Two more!”

"If you like it, I will contribute everything to you. I hope you will let my senior sister go... Both of us are three spiritual root monks. We are not gifted. I hope our senior can give us a way out!"

Xu Changan can no longer consider the issue of integrity now. His senior sister's life is important, and his own life is even more important.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

But the old man laughed crazily and said: "Let you go...boy, you haven't heard of my name yet..."

"I am Master Huang Quan, others call me Patriarch Huang Quan!"

"Meeting me today is your good fortune...I can keep you alive for a thousand years, haha..."

"follow me!"


This is the old man's third attack.

He still did not use magic weapons, because facing an ant, there was no need to use any magic weapons.

His right hand turned into a claw and grabbed it from the air. Yin energy surged in the huge cuffs, and black air flow filled the entire space.

This seemingly casual grab seemed to contain some kind of spatial law, imprisoning Xu Changan in place, unable to move at all.

At this time, Xu Changan's shortcomings also appeared.

Not to mention his level of cultivation, when faced with an attack from a slightly stronger opponent, he didn't have many ways to counterattack, just a few back and forth attacks.

Either the wheel of life and death, or the sun bathing in the East China Sea.

It can be said that magical powers and means are extremely scarce!

"Old ghost from the underworld..." Seeing that the other party was determined to catch him, Xu Changan could no longer be humble and polite. He roared, took out a dark oil lamp from the storage space, and used the fire spirit power in his body to They all mobilized and blew hard on the dark treasure lantern.

Although the holy weapon with 29 levels of restrictions was only refined to 28 levels by Xu Changan, the power of his holy weapon was fully revealed.

A faint blue flame appeared, and then instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire and rushed towards Master Huangquan.

The huge claw condensed by Master Huangquan was burned by the sea of ​​​​fire and collapsed directly, but the fire still did not stop and rushed to Master Huangquan's arm again.


The sleeve of Master Huangquan's large robe on his right hand was half burned, exposing his skinny arm.

But the unfathomable power on the opposite side was not damaged at all.

Xu Changan was about to collapse.

I used all my cultivation and trump cards, but I only burned half of the opponent's sleeves?

The power of the Nascent Soul stage is truly terrifying.

How to fight this time and how to move forward?

Is it possible that I really want to become his bloody puppet today?

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