Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 245 [Mingjing is shocked, and the growth of Chaoyuan]

Xu Changan put away the animal skin and walked out of the Sutra Library.

Elder Mingjing followed him out happily: "Junior Brother Xu, be careful and don't make any mistakes. My life and property are all in your hands!"

Xu Changan turned his head and stared at Mingjing for three breaths.

He felt that if he really made a mistake, Mingjing would probably slap him to death.

"Don't worry!" He folded his hands: "Tomorrow, I will bring the Growth Chaoyuan Pill!"

"I'm leaving!" After Xu Changan finished speaking, he took the teleportation array to Changfeng Valley. After arriving at Changfeng Valley, he turned into a stream of light and returned to his own dojo.


In front of the Sutra Library, Mingjing took a deep breath: "I finally have hope for my life!"

The longer a person lives, the more he has an incomparable desire for life.

Five hundred years are not enough!

He still wants a thousand years.

It's a pity that even if he breaks through, Mingjing can only stop at a thousand years of life in this life.

"Come here!" Ming Jing waved his hand, and two foundation-building disciples came to him.

Ming Jing said, "I will leave the Sutra Library for a while. Unless the old man Yun Meng comes in person, no one else should inform me!"

"Go, you two, keep an eye on the Sutra Library!"

After saying that, Ming Jing waved his hand and left, returning to his own dojo.

He wanted to meditate for a while to calm himself down. The most taboo thing for a cultivator is to have a turbulent and excited heart. This is not only not conducive to cultivation, but also not conducive to longevity for a dying person.

However, after returning to the dojo, he could not calm down no matter what.

"Hey..." Ming Jing stood up from the mat and said, "It's all because of this Growth and Destruction Pill. That's all... I'm not willing to give up. I might as well go to Changfeng Valley and watch that kid make pills with my own eyes!"

So, Elder Ming Jing also came to Changfeng Valley through the teleportation array, and then asked Xu Changan about the direction of the dojo, and then flew to the outside of the psychedelic array.

"Hey... this kid, there is another illusion array around the dojo?"


He thought that the illusion array around Xu Changan's dojo was easy and ordinary, so Ming Jing stepped into it without thinking.

However, after entering the illusion array, he found that the array was not simple.

Woo woo woo...

What came into view was a gloomy desert!

The huge white skeleton was comparable to the mountains, and meteors fell from the sky and passed through the gaps in the skeleton.

The cold wind blew from all directions, making Ming Jing feel a tremor in his soul.

"Good boy, what a great illusion array... Hehe, but this little illusion array still can't trap me..."

Ming Jing Zhenren waved the dragon-headed crutch in his hand, and a powerful breath burst out, and the illusion in front of him was instantly broken.

"Nothing more than that... Hahaha..."

Ming Jing seemed to have seen Xu Changan's cave, and then stepped out and came to the door of his cave.

"Junior Brother Xu!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, an evil dragon rushed out from the door of the cave. He thought it seemed to be a real evil dragon, but Ming Jing saw a milky white baby sitting on the head of the evil dragon.

The baby was two or three years old and was crying at him.

Ming Jing was shocked.

He knew this baby very well. When he was in the early stage of foundation building, he went out to travel and beat a mortal child to death. It was this child.

Oh my God!

This is the demon in my heart.

Surprisingly... this is still an illusion array!

"Xu Changan... good boy... good boy..."

"This illusion array is probably of the third grade... hehe... I don't believe I can't break it!"

"Just wait!"


In Xu Changan's dojo!

He was meditating.

He held his breath.

Because he was about to refine the Growth Chaoyuan Pill, he naturally couldn't be careless about this matter and had to be fully prepared.

At this time, he found that the old guy Mingjing had come.

Not only did he come, but he was also very self-righteous and thought he could break the illusion array?


Originally, Xu Changan was going to let the old guy out, but since he wanted to break the array himself, let him try.

It's also good to test the ability of my [Hidden Moon Illusion Sea Xumi Array].

Xu Changan closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

An hour later, his spirit and divine consciousness reached the peak.

"Get up..."

The Bailian Treasure Cauldron was sacrificed by Xu Changan.

The palm-sized treasure tripod instantly turned into a foot-sized one, with an oil lamp underneath, and a wisp of blue flame burning on the oil lamp.

This time, Xu Changan used the [Netherworld Treasure Lamp] as the source of the flame.

It was the same as before!

After the furnace was heated, Xu Changan directly threw more than a dozen materials into it.

Then the powerful divine thoughts were separated to control the purification and refining of various herbs.

In this way, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

"Gulp..." Xu Changan took out two drops of [Stone Bell Immortal Milk] and dripped them into the alchemy tripod.

At the same time, the [Ruler Ruler Square Ke] with rectangular leaves and vertical paper strips was also sent into the treasure tripod by Xu Changan.

This was his second time to refine the rule grass.

The most important thing about the rule grass is the rule power inside.


As the herbs were refined, a wisp of mysterious aura emanated from the herbs. Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it. His powerful divine consciousness once again penetrated the furnace and wrapped the escaping rule aura, not allowing any leakage.

In this way, after another half an incense stick of time, all the materials in the furnace were purified.

The most critical step is here.

Xu Changan stretched out his fingers, and a trickle of blood dripped from the index and middle fingers of his right hand into the furnace.


Xu Changan's divine consciousness moved back and forth in the furnace frantically, mobilizing various herbs and rule forces to fuse at the same time.

This is the most difficult step, and also the most critical step.

Most of the alchemists who failed in alchemy failed at this step.

Fortunately, Xu Changan has a magical blood that can reconcile the properties of various herbs and perfectly fuse them together.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

"Chirp chirp..."

The pills seemed to have life, chirping and running around in the furnace.

Suddenly, the lid of the alchemy cauldron was pushed open by the powerful breath inside, and twelve golden streams of light flew into the sky, running back and forth in Xu Changan's dojo.

It worked...

Xu Changan's face was neither sad nor happy.

He had never made a mistake when using his own blood as a fusion agent to make pills.


Xu Changan took out a porcelain bottle, and the twelve rays of light fell into the porcelain bottle under the pull of his mind.

Wait for a few breaths first.

After a few breaths, Xu Changan waited for the pills to faint with pill patterns one by one, and his mind also entered the porcelain bottle.

He also saw the quality of Chaoyuan Pill clearly.

The result was exactly the same as the last time he made pills for Li Xuenong: ten top-grade Chaoyuan Pills and two top-grade Chaoyuan Pills.


Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he lived up to his trust.

The porcelain bottle turned over, and a top-grade [Chaoyuan Pill] was poured into his palm.

Four lines appeared on the jujube-sized pill, and around the pill, there was a cloud of fairy mist, mysterious and high-level.

From the size and appearance of this pill, it was exactly the same as the ordinary top-grade pills, with almost no difference.

But the next moment, the difference came.

The spiritual power outside gathered spontaneously and condensed around the pill.

Even formed a cyclone.


The next day!

Xu Changan opened the cave.

The discouraged voice of Elder Mingjing came from outside: "Junior Brother Xu...Junior Brother Xu...Are you there?"

"Open the formation, I am convinced!"


Xu Changan waved the formation flag, and a passage opened in the illusion formation in front of him.

At this time, Mingjing could see Xu Changan's real cave clearly.

"Hey... you kid..." He hurried over to look at Xu Changan and said, "You, the formation around this cave is comparable to the mountain protection formation of a sect. What are you afraid of?"

"In my Taixuan Xianzong, are you afraid of someone harming you?"

"Hehe..." Xu Changan smiled and said, "Yes, senior brother, if someone sneaks over and steals your growth [Chaoyuan Pill], how can I explain it to you?"

Mingjing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Junior brother... this... works?"

His eyes were full of expectations, his whole body was excited, and his throat couldn't help but twitch twice.

Xu Changan opened his palm and said, "Senior brother, look, what is this?"

A Chaoyuan Pill fell into his palm.

Mingjing said, "Top-grade Chaoyuan Pill?"

At this moment, the surrounding spiritual power gathered and formed a cyclone floating above the Chaoyuan Pill.

Chaoyuan Pill began to absorb spiritual power to grow.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing this scene, Elder Mingjing was so happy that he almost died. If he hadn't forced himself to calm down, Xu Changan would have suspected that this old guy could have sent himself away.

"I have fulfilled my mission. Please!" Xu Changan gave the pill to Mingjing.

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