Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 253 [Su Xiang’s daughter, Senior Sister Qingyan]

The next morning, Chen Xuanli and Xu Changan walked out of [Xiankeju].

"Get in the car!"

The two got on a luxurious carriage.

In Jidu, ordinary cultivators were forbidden to fly, so if Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli wanted to go around the city, they had to either take a carriage or a short-distance teleportation array.

This time, they found out that the residence of Yaqing Leyi was not too far from Xiankeju, so the two took a carriage to the door of Yaqing.

This is a big house.

At first glance, it is a wealthy family, but if it is matched with the two words [Yaqing], this courtyard seems a little substandard.

"Ahem..." Chen Xuanli grabbed Xu Changan who was about to step forward and knock on the door, and whispered: "If Yaqing asks when we came to Jidu, you just say we just arrived today!"

Xu Changan asked: "Why?"

Chen Xuanli said: "Don't be confused, on the one hand, it shows our sincerity. We just came to visit him when we arrived in Jidu. Second,..."

He lowered his voice and almost put his mouth close to Xu Changan's ear: "You forgot that I am a person with great luck. Today, I am looking for my traces everywhere. If Yaqing finds out, I will be finished!"

Xu Changan pouted and said: "I forgot, but you are still cautious!"

It's not that Xu Changan is not cautious enough, but Xu Changan himself is not a person with great luck, so it's none of his business!

Otherwise, he would be more cautious than Chen Xuanli.

"I know, let's go!"

Xu Changan stepped forward and knocked on the door.

This huge Yaqing mansion doesn't even have a gatekeeper.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming..." A familiar voice came from inside, and then the vermilion door was opened, and an old round head poked out from the door that had just opened one foot.

Old acquaintance, Lao Gu.

Lao Gu looked at Xu Changan, his eyes lit up and said: "Hey... the one who invited me to eat chicken last time... what's your name..."

Xu Changan: …………

"Junior Xu Changan..."

"Yes, yes, yes... Xu Changan..." Lao Gu opened the door enthusiastically, but did not invite Xu Changan in immediately, but looked around.

"What's wrong?" Xu Changan looked puzzled.

Old Gu said, "You came empty-handed?"

"…………" Xu Changan's face was a little embarrassed, but he reacted immediately and patted the storage bag fiercely: "What do you mean you came empty-handed? I brought something!"

Old Gu immediately stood up straight, and then his expression was full of respect. He stretched out his left hand in front of Xu Changan: "Give me a chicken to try first!"

Xu Changan smiled and really took out a roast chicken from the storage space and handed it over.

Speaking of which, it was bought in Lulong City before. Xu Changan bought a full 100 tables for the seven-year-old Shen Xizhi. Later, when Shen Xizhi grew up and started to eat the foundation-building pill, these meats were left over.

Some storage bags have magical preservation capabilities, so the roast chicken Xu Changan took out at this moment, except that it was not steaming hot, was no different from the roast chicken in Lulong City.

"Hehehe..." Old Gu was overjoyed and took the roast chicken, saying, "Please..."

"Our master accompanies His Majesty in the Golden Terrace every morning to discuss state affairs, so he hasn't come back yet. You two little guys, go to the reception room and wait..."

Old Gu enthusiastically led the two to the reception room.

I have to say that this mansion is quite big.

Well... it's just a little shabby.

But shabby has its advantages, and the vicissitudes of life make it seem that it has enough historical accumulation.

"Don't say the wrong thing when you meet Yaqing later!" Chen Xuanli reminded Xu Changan again.

After about an hour, the two drank tea and chatted in the living room, and Old Gu finally came.

"You..." He pointed at Xu Changan and said, "Follow me!"

Xu Changan said, "Is Lord Yaqing back?"

"No!" Old Gu said, "The young lady of Prime Minister Su's family... let me invite you over!"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Chen Xuanli took a deep breath in shock, then raised his hand to tidy up his hair, his face full of confusion.

"The black-faced boy, wait here and don't move!" Old Gu pointed at Chen Xuanli.

Chen Xuanli's face became even darker.

"Let's go!"

Old Gu didn't say much, and led the way in front.

After crossing several courtyards, they came to a large courtyard, in which there was a main hall, several side halls, and some scattered houses.

A burst of elegant bamboo flute sound came from the hall.

Old Gu stood at the door of the hall: "The lady of Prime Minister Su said that you can go in by yourself, Mr. Xu!"

Xu Changan was full of doubts in his heart. He held two talismans in his hands and stepped into the hall with a vigilant look. At the same time, his mind was open at any time, and his storage bag was in a state of awakening.

He didn't think that there was any trick of a young lady falling in love with a young man here.

However, after Xu Changan walked into the hall, his vigilance was instantly relaxed.

On the wide red chair opposite, sat a woman with fair skin and wearing a black Taoist robe. The woman was holding a recorder in her mouth and playing melodiously. When she saw Xu Changan coming in, she immediately showed a faint smile on her white face and stopped the bamboo flute.

"Long time no see, Junior Brother Xu..."

Xu Changan was excited. He took a deep breath, then arched his hands and said, "Meet Senior Sister Zhen..."

With a rumble, the door of the hall behind closed automatically.

The light in the hall dimmed slightly, and the sunlight cast a few spots from the window onto the spotless ground.

You two looked at each other, and there was no word for a while.

Xu Changan thought for a while and asked, "Changan has always had a doubt in his heart!"

"You say!" Zhen Qingyan put the recorder in her hand on the table in front of her, and sat up straight without moving.

Xu Changan asked, "That day... was it Sister Zhen's real body, or an illusion?"

Zhen Qingyan's fair little hand suddenly stretched forward, and half of her arm, like a white lotus root, slid out of the wide black Taoist robe, and then her arm bent, and her little hand covered her little mouth, giggling.

"After so many years of not seeing each other, Junior Brother Xu didn't ask whether Sister's cultivation had broken through, nor did he ask me how I had been doing these years, but asked me this?"

Xu Changan nodded.

Zhen Qingyan's sparkling eyes revealed a sly smile: "Guess..."

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "How did you sneak into Yaqing's mansion again and become the daughter of Su Xiang's family?"

"It's very simple, Su Xiang is my adoptive father..." Zhen Qingyan said: "I am a little surprised, how did you come to Jidu and not practice well in Taixuanmen... Yo yo yo, it's incredible, I can't even see your cultivation level?"

Xu Changan had a hidden talisman on his body, so Zhen Qingyan naturally couldn't see it clearly.

Xu Changan curiously opened his eyes and looked at Zhen Qingyan. It didn't matter if he looked at it, he was shocked and said: "You are already at the eighth level of the Golden Core Stage?"

Isn't this too against the sky?

Zhen Qingyan's eyes, however, had a hint of sadness.

"Hey..." She sighed softly and said, "Forget it, let's talk about it later. Go to the living room in front first. Lord Yaqing should have returned!"

"Do your business!"

"Well!" Xu Changan glanced at Zhen Qingyan and turned away reluctantly.

After Xu Changan left, Zhen Qingyan immediately stood up.

An old woman with white hair but steady steps hurried over and said, "Princess... come and see..."

Zhen Qingyan followed the woman to the back of the main hall.

Behind the screen formed by the huge stone platform, there is a tall bronze tripod.

On the tall bronze tripod, there are Taotie as a divine pattern and Xuanniao as a totem, which are fangs and claws, ancient and shocking.

In the void above the tripod, there is a seven-inch long golden dragon. The dragon is flying above the tripod, and it occasionally emits a few dragon breaths, but the boiling dragon breath is quite small and not enough to be transmitted outside the hall.

"Princess!" The woman said, "The one who caused the Yan Kingdom's royal family's national destiny to turn into a dragon yesterday should be Master Xu!"

"Hmm!" A trace of heat rose in Zhen Qingyan's eyes, but it was extinguished immediately. She looked at the bronze tripod in front of her and smiled bitterly: "Thinking about how prosperous the national destiny of my Great Shang was back then? If the luck condensed by the national destiny is less than a handful!"

"Sad and lamentable..." Zhen Qingyan's eyes instantly became sharp again: "Hateful, hateful..."

The woman said: "Miss, don't worry, with the help of national heroes such as Prime Minister Su and Lord Le, the time to destroy Qi is just around the corner, and the restoration of my Great Shang will naturally not be far away!"


Not long after, the golden dragon collapsed and turned into a palm-sized golden cloud that fell on the divine tripod.

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