Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 255 [Yanbei Chamber of Commerce, Auction Venue]

Chen Xuanli was lying in the carriage.

Xu Changan was sitting there in a proper manner, holding a jade slip in his hand, and putting it on his forehead, as if he was looking for something seriously.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Xuanli asked.

Xu Changan said: "The book of alchemy!"

"Learning alchemy in the carriage?" Chen Xuanli turned over and sat up.

Xu Changan said: "No, I want to see what kind of elixir Yaqing asked me to shoot!"

Found it!

Red Lotus Golden Pill.

Xu Changan took a look and was slightly surprised: a fourth-grade elixir.

He couldn't refine this grade of elixir at present.

The fourth-grade elixir is generally for Yuanying period cultivators to swallow.

And the use of this Red Lotus Golden Pill is even narrower.

When refining this thing, you must collect a wisp of fire from the [Red Lotus Karma Fire] to make a pill, but this pill is very heaven-defying.

Eating it can eliminate part of your own karma.

It is hard to say how much karma can be eliminated, it depends on the quality of the pill.

The lower grade ones must have the least, and the best ones have the most.

No... Xu Changan was puzzled: Lord Yaqing is not a Xuanmen monk, why does he need this thing?

Could it be that the incense monks also have karma?

Xu Changan was puzzled, so he stopped trying to figure it out and threw the pill recipe into the storage bag.

A bottle of Red Lotus Golden Pill, 400,000 medium-grade spirit stones, converted to lower grade, is 80 million.

Not a small amount, but not expensive either.

I just don't know if these 400,000 are enough. Lord Yaqing is not thinking of taking advantage of me.

Xu Changan suddenly felt a cold breeze blowing on his back.

At this time, the old Gu who was in charge of driving the carriage said, "Two young masters, we're here... Hehehe..." He pulled open the curtain in front of the carriage, revealing an old head, smiling, with thick greasy chicken fat on his mouth.

The two jumped off the carriage.

This time, it was much smoother to go into the nameplate hall to apply for the nameplate.

Getting the nameplate means getting the ticket to enter the [Seeking Benevolence Ruins].

"Where are we going now?" Chen Xuanli asked.

Old Gu said, "Yanbei Chamber of Commerce, we still have to attend their auction in the evening... You follow me, we'll go there in advance, and we can have a meal at the Chamber of Commerce in the evening!"

Xu Changan: …………

Fortunately, a place like Yanbei Chamber of Commerce is far enough away from the palace. As long as it is a thousand feet away from the palace, Chen Xuanli will not worry about the fact that he is a great fortune person leaking out.

Yanbei Chamber of Commerce is very large, and it not only sells items used by Xuanmen monks, but also sells things needed by incense and national scholars.

This Chamber of Commerce may not be as big as Liancheng Chamber of Commerce in the whole world, but it is a local snake in Jidu, and its power and scale are far beyond the other chambers of commerce.

Ordinary cultivators can enter it freely.

But after entering Yanbei Chamber of Commerce, not everyone can enter the auction.

You need an invitation letter.

"Everyone, please show your auction invitation letter!"

Two national scholars with foundation-building cultivation were guarding the door, looking at Xu Changan and the other two.

The old man took out a letter covered with oil from his sleeve and said, "Is it this thing?"

"This..." The gatekeeper looked disgusted: The invitation letter was made like this?

But when he opened it, he was immediately frightened and trembled, saying: "It turns out to be a distinguished guest from Yaqing Mansion... Please come in, please come in..."

Old man Gu raised his head and walked in with a loud snorting step. Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli naturally followed him. The old man turned back and came to the door and asked: "Um, let me ask you two, is there a restaurant with free food here?"

"Yes!" The man at the door said: "It's on the second floor!"

"Okay, okay..." Old man Gu was overjoyed. He blinked at Xu Changan and said: "Don't you immortals have storage bags? Give me one!"

Xu Changan looked contemptuous and said: "This, is not good, is Yaqing Mansion shameless?"

Old man Gu said seriously: "Who is from Yaqing Mansion, nonsense... How could others know that I am from Yaqing Mansion?"

"Give it to you!" Old man Gu took the storage bag from Xu Changan's hand and disappeared in a flash.

Chen Xuanli said, "He is just a coachman. What if he can't open the storage bag?"

Xu Changan said, "Let's go, forget about him. Let's go to the auction house on the third floor and wait!"

This is an open auction venue. The ordinary seats in the hall can accommodate more than a thousand people.

Of course, there are some VIP boxes in the back.

Those boxes are customized. Xu Changan was naturally sent to a box in the back because he held the sign of Yaqing Mansion.

"Hey..." Chen Xuanli said, "I didn't expect that the two of us could get such treatment?"

Not long after the two sat down, old man Gu walked into the box with a bulging storage bag. He sat down with a smile and said, "This is enough to eat!"

The next step is to wait.

Xu Changan would not waste time. He took out a purple jade slip, put it on his forehead, and then read it slowly.

This is the jade slip about the formation that Yunmeng gave him.

Slowly comprehend it!

About two hours later, more and more people came to the auction, and the entire venue was gradually filled.

The auction officially began.

"Everyone..." A fat host who looked like a 45-year-old mortal walked to the stage. He knocked on the table and said: "Dear distinguished guests, welcome to our Yanbei Chamber of Commerce. I hope you can spend a wonderful night and hope that everyone can gain something!"

"Without saying too much, let's start the auction of our first item tonight. Please come on stage!"

A female disciple in the foundation-building period came on stage holding a jade bottle and placed it on the table.

Lao Gu said: "This woman is not bad-looking, much better than those women in Chunmanlou..."

"Boy!" Lao Gu suddenly looked very serious. He patted Xu Changan on the shoulder: "Hurry up... get ready, this Red Lotus Golden Pill is coming, the master's things can't be missed!"

"Ah?" The two were speechless.

Is there a Red Lotus Golden Pill in this bottle?

No way, we didn't see it, can you see it?

But the next moment, the host said: "The first item for auction today is a furnace of medium-grade [Red Lotus Golden Pill], a total of twelve pills..."

"As we all know, Red Lotus Golden Pill is a fourth-grade pill. After eating it, it can remove one's own karma!"

"Start bidding now!"

"The starting price is 50,000 medium-grade spirit stones, and each bid increase must not be less than 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones!"


After saying that, the host's hammer fell hard on the table.

"Amazing..." Chen Xuanli gave a thumbs up and asked: "Old Gu, how did you know that the first auction item is Red Lotus Golden Pill?"

Old Gu said: "I didn't see it, you immortals rely on seeing, I use wisdom!"

"Wisdom?" Xu Changan felt insulted: "What wisdom?"

Old Gu said: "Look... did that girl take out a pill bottle?"

"Yeah!" The two nodded.

Old Gu said again: "The pill bottle, isn't it filled with pills?"

"Pills...isn't it Red Lotus Golden Pill?"


Chen Xuanli vomited.

Xu Changan was speechless: This old man's idea is really novel, but he guessed it. Do you think he is angry?

"Eighty thousand!"

"Ninety thousand..."

"I'll offer one hundred thousand!"

"Eleven thousand!"

Don't mention it, there are quite a lot of people vying for this Red Lotus Golden Pill.

After all, this thing can remove karma.

But karma is actually a bit useless. Golden Pills and even cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage will not be affected by it.

Only when you comprehend the rules of heaven and earth can you feel the threat brought by karma.

So, the competition is not too fierce.

"Two hundred thousand!" But the price was slowly raised to two hundred thousand.

Xu Changan also started bidding: "Two hundred and ten thousand..."

"Two hundred and twenty thousand!"

"Two hundred and thirty thousand!"


Finally, Xu Changan raised his hand: "Four hundred thousand!"

Four hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

Then, the whole venue was silent, and no one competed with Xu Changan anymore.

"Hey..." Xu Changan said, "Lord Le Yi is amazing. He actually guessed that it was 400,000?"

Old Gu curled his lips in disdain: "Bullshit... He only has this much spiritual stones after searching his house!"


"Congratulations to the friend in Box 6 for winning the first lot!"

Soon, a service staff came over and showed the Red Lotus Pill to Xu Changan for inspection. Xu Changan took out 400,000 medium-grade spiritual stones and gave them to the other party. The transaction was completed.

In any case, the task assigned by Le Yi was completed.

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