Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 257 [Stone Ring Key, Sky Hammer Fishing]


Xu Changan took out a jade slip from his storage bag and handed it to Chen Xuanli, saying, "Look at what this is?"

Chen Xuanli took a look and said, "Sharp Gold Finger?"

That's right!

This is exactly the Sharp Gold Finger that Xu Changan had exchanged for from the elder Mingjing of the Transmission Hall.

Of course, the Sharp Gold Finger is also a good magical power, which was created by a senior Yuanying stage great power. However, after Xu Changan practiced it, he found that its power was just that, and compared with the [Taiyi Breaking Barrier Reincarnation Golden Eyes], the level is too different.

"Yes!" Xu Changan said with a smile: "This magical power I exchanged in the Transmission Hall, now the magical power on auction actually has the word sharp gold in it, and it is also a finger technique magical power, so I thought about buying it for reference!"

"Awesome!" Chen Xuanli said, "I have money!"

"Nine hundred thousand..." The price at the scene is getting higher and higher.

Unknowingly, it has reached one million.

Xu Changan didn't care at all. He stretched out his hand and said, "One million and two hundred thousand!"

The price was raised by two hundred thousand at once, which caused 60% of the followers to leave, but there were still a few people who kept following him and refused to give up.

In the end, Xu Changan bought the [Sharp Gold Black Yellow Finger] at a price of one million and four hundred and fifty thousand.

Xu Changan only had 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones left to use.

The rest were low-grade.

A piece of golden bone was brought to Xu Changan.

At first, it seemed that the bone was not big when it was on the stage, but when it was brought to him, Xu Changan found that the bone was two feet long and one foot wide.

It looked like the skull of a large monster.

The gold was shining, and there were traces of lines emerging on it.

There was no text!

Xu Changan put his hands on it, and the golden spirit power in his body was continuously sent into it. The bone immediately underwent magical changes, and lines spread and opened, and characters appeared one by one.

The first thing that caught his eyes was the five characters [Sharp Gold Mysterious Yellow Finger].

Then, Xu Changan's mind seemed to have entered a void, and he saw an ancient demon emperor of unknown type. The demon emperor was huge and unmatched. He turned his back to the common people, and then stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance.

The void in the distance collapsed, and countless chaotic air flowed in from outside the barrier.

Xu Changan took a breath when he saw this scene: What a powerful demon emperor, he can break this space knot with just one finger.

What kind of profound cultivation must be able to perform such a shocking magical power?

However, his heart also beat up: What a magical power, I hope I can have such power after I learn it.

"Excuse me, do you have any questions?" A disciple of the Chamber of Commerce looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan took out 1.45 million spirit stones from his storage bag and handed them to the man, saying, "No problem, take a look at these spirit stones!"

After the two of them checked and found no problems, they made the transaction.

Xu Changan waved his hand and the golden bone was stored in his storage space.

Of course, it was first placed in the space ring obtained from Mr. Chen's temple, and not directly in the golden talisman space.

Who knows if someone has planted some kind of mark on it?

Xu Changan was not very interested in the dozen or so items that were auctioned next, so he simply took out the purple jade slip and continued to comprehend the formation.

Time passed by little by little.

Finally, it was the second half.

The host knocked the table hard with a small wooden hammer and said, "Next, let's auction a good thing."

"I believe everyone knows that in half a year, the exclusive secret realm of our Great Yan Kingdom royal family [Seeking Benevolence Ruins] will be opened. This is a wonderland that only opens once every three hundred years!"

"For the Xuanmen monks, this is the first time it has been opened, but for the royal disciples, it has been opened many times. Therefore, a royal disciple drew a map of this [Seeking Benevolence Ruins], and our Chamber of Commerce got the resources as soon as possible and is going to auction it!"

"It includes the map chapter , Resources, Strategy, and Monsters! "

"Everyone, this item can be copied. The items auctioned this time are copies. As for whether the content is true, this Chamber of Commerce has no way to verify it and does not guarantee it! "

"If you mind, you don't have to bid!"

"There are a total of 100 copies in this auction!"

"This auction adopts a bargaining method, and no longer auctions the price!"

"The Chamber of Commerce sets the price at... 50,000 medium-grade spirit stones per copy..."

"If there are friends who need it, raise your hands and buy it quickly. There are only 100 copies!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the whole hall immediately started to talk.

Chen Xuanli said: "This is good. Regardless of whether it is true or false, and how credible it is, it is still okay to take it first to understand this Qiuren Ruins!"

"I want one!"

"I want one too!"

Xu Changan thought that not many people would want this kind of thing, but the 100 copies of the Chamber of Commerce were still sold out at a very fast speed.

He didn't buy it because Chen Xuanli bought one.

Just look back at Chen Xuanli's copy.

The hall was in chaos!

The host was also very patient. He waited for half an incense stick of time. When everyone finished discussing, he smiled and raised the hammer in his hand and said, "Next, there is something to be auctioned. Please take a close look!"

A dignified female cultivator came up with a mahogany tray and placed it on the table.

There was also a piece of red cloth on the tray.

The host uncovered the red cloth.


An old and simple breath emanated from the tray.

Throughout the auction venue, countless cultivators' divine thoughts swept over the tray, and saw an ancient stone ring there.

That's right, it was a stone ring.

The stone ring was made of ordinary stone, the size of a palm, but it was engraved with many patterns.

After seeing the stone ring, Xu Changan felt like he was struck by lightning.


Where have I seen this thing before?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his brows furrowed.

After two breaths, he finally remembered.

Doujiao Mountain, underground, Ou Sheng Tomb!

He had been to this place many times, and even lived in the stone chamber for more than four years the first time.

So every detail in the stone chamber was very clear.

This stone ring was almost exactly the same as the gap pattern on the gate guarded by the two stone Weng Zhong.

In the past, Xu Changan's mind was mainly focused on the two stone Weng Zhong, and this small gap did not attract his attention. But today, when the stone ring was suddenly taken out, Xu Changan immediately searched for this detail from his memory.


It is very likely that this stone ring is the key to open the door of the stone chamber.

In other words, if there is no stone ring, one day Xu Changan may not be able to enter the Ou Sheng Tomb even if he has dealt with the two Weng Zhong at the door.

"Everyone!" The host looked at the stone ring with a smile and said, "To be honest, I don't know what this thing is. I believe many people don't understand it either. According to the seller, this is an ancient artifact passed down from generation to generation in their family. Although it is not a powerful magic weapon, it is also an antique!"

"Everyone, an unknown and unknown stone ring, the starting price is one million medium-grade spirit stones!"

"Each bid must not be less than 50,000!"

"Please bid!"


The host's hammer hit the table hard.

The whole hall suddenly became silent.

No one bid.


Because no one knows this thing, it's just a stone ring, no one knows its name, no one knows its purpose, and it wants one million middle-grade spirit stones right away. Am I just too bored to go and take a picture of it?

In the hall, in a box.

There are two people sitting in this VIP room, one is an old man with white hair and a youthful face, and the other is a young man who looks young.

"Grandpa..." the young man whispered, "It seems that no one is buying... This is your 30th auction..."

"Yeah!" The old man didn't mind. He replied calmly, "It doesn't matter. We still have a lot of time. When we are free, we can attend the auction. As long as the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce doesn't mind, we won't mind either. Hehehe... It won't delay our refining, right?"

"Yeah..." The man laughed immediately, "Grandpa... Our Tianchui Sect is the first refining sect in the entire Yan Kingdom. Who dares to offend us? Their Yanbei Chamber of Commerce is just like that!"

"Yeah!" The old man nodded and said, "This is nothing. If our plan succeeds, the whole world will know the reputation of our Tianchui Sect. Hahahaha..."

"Yuan Yi, you are gifted. Grandpa has to consider you. Otherwise, he would not take the risk to come up with this method!"

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