Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 259 [Yuanying blocks the way, terrifying Old Gu]

The auction is over!

Watching countless people leave the auction venue, Xu Changan, Lao Gu and the other two also stood up and walked out of the box.

"Gurgle..." Lao Gu's stomach rumbled, and he took out a whole huge chicken leg from his storage bag, and then took a bite of half of it without restraint.

"Awesome..." Chen Xuanli gave a thumbs up from a distance: "The old man has practiced this mouth, I can't eat half of it in one bite!"

Xu Changan smiled.

Lao Gu's appearance was indeed a bit funny.

"Little brother, take care..." Just when Xu Changan had just walked out of the box and had not yet walked out of the venue, a tall monk with white hair and a youthful face came to Xu Changan from behind and said with a smile: "The [Broken Transformation Pill] just now was auctioned by you, little brother, right?"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed.

Chen Xuanli became alert.

Lao Gu next to him also stopped with half a chicken leg in his mouth.

"Hehe..." The old man with white hair and a youthful face laughed and said, "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions. I just want to ask, do you still have the Pohua Pill?"

"If you still have it, I am willing to pay the same price and buy another one!"

The old man stared at Xu Changan with a bright gaze.

A golden light also flashed in Xu Changan's eyes. Under the blessing of the Wisdom Eye Talisman, he looked at the old man.

I wanted to see through the old man's cultivation at a glance, but I didn't.

This surprised Xu Changan.

You know, his Wisdom Eye Talisman can see through the cultivation of cultivators who are two realms higher than himself. Now Xu Changan is at the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which means that as long as it is at the sixth level of the Nascent Soul Stage and below, it can be seen at a glance.

The cultivation of the man in front of him...


Nascent Soul Master!

Or, is it a level that is more terrifying than the Nascent Soul Master?

"Sorry... no more!" Xu Changan shook his head and said, "This pill was given to me by my master. There is no second one!"

"Well!" The old man showed a trace of melancholy on his face, and then he suddenly stretched out his hand, patted Xu Changan on the shoulder, and said, "If you have Pohua Pills in the future, you can sell them to me. I am from Jidu and also an elder of Tianchui Sect!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded.

The old man left with a young disciple.

"What a powerful aura!" Chen Xuanli said, staring at the old man's back.

Xu Changan nodded, didn't say anything, and followed Lao Gu to leave the venue directly.

Got in the car.

Old Gu said, "Where are you going?"

Xu Changan said, "Xian Ke Ju!"

"It's okay..." Old Gu sat in the front of the carriage reluctantly, and then slapped the horse's butt in front with his greasy right hand, and the carriage whizzed away. He laughed and said, "It's on the way, I'll take you halfway, but I have to hand over this [Red Lotus Golden Pill] to the master as soon as possible, so I can't take you to Xian Ke Ju!"

"No problem!" Xu Changan said, "We can go there by ourselves!"

The carriage went quickly for about half an incense stick of time and arrived at the intersection of Zhuque Street.

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli got off the car separately.

Old Gu said, "You go right, I go left, goodbye young people, by the way... I remind you, it's dark and the road is slippery, be careful of bad guys..."


Old Gu's carriage left.

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli chose another direction, and Xian Ke Ju was not far ahead, about dozens of miles away.

Jidu at night was very quiet.

Two figures kept jumping on the wide street, and each jump could cover a distance of dozens of feet, with extremely fast speed.

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli walked for about half an incense stick of time, and the road ahead was suddenly blocked by a person.

The man had white hair, but he looked young. Who else could it be but the great man who had just chatted with Xu Changan?

Seeing this man, the two naturally stopped jumping forward.

They couldn't leave even if they wanted to.


The other party didn't say anything at all, nor did he make any moves. He directly suppressed Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli with an extremely strong divine thought.

"Senior..." The two were fixed in place, unable to move.

The Yuanying great man can not only use the power of the rules of heaven and earth, but his divine thought is even more powerful to despair.

The white-haired man didn't see how he moved, and suddenly appeared in front of Xu Changan.

"Little friend... you have been to an ancient ruins... right?" The white-haired old man stared at Xu Changan, his eyes were extremely stern and full of greed: "Hehehe... that ancient ruins is in our Great Yan country, right?"

The elder of the Tianchui Sect had his hands behind his back. Within a radius of dozens of miles, every blade of grass and every movement and stillness were covered by his divine consciousness.

In Xu Changan's mind, his divine consciousness was running wildly.


In a moment, everything became clear: bad... someone had calculated.

Doujia Mountain, Ou Sheng Tomb.

The man in front of him must have known the existence of Ou Sheng Tomb, but he didn't know where it was, so he used the extremely inefficient method of selling the door key to fish.

So that's it!

He was really careful, careful, and careful, but he was still calculated.

Damn it!

Looking at the great man in front of him, Xu Changan was a little desperate.

"Hehehe..." The old man with white hair and childlike face said: "It doesn't matter, you can say it, or you can choose not to say it. Anyway, even if you say it, I won't believe it. After a while, I will use the soul-sucking method, Search your soul carefully and you will definitely get the answer!”


"Little friend, come with me to the Sky Hammer Sect!"

The old man waved his hand, held Xu Changan with one hand and Chen Xuanli with the other, and then left.

No matter how hard they struggled, Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli could not move at all.

He was about to fall into a devil's cave before his eyes.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly came from the void.


The familiar snort with some disdain came from an unknown distance away. Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli listened to it in their minds, but this snort sounded in the ears of the powerful Nascent Soul. But it suddenly resounded through the soul like thunder.


The white-haired old man suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his strong spiritual suppression was also broken.

Although Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli were held by the old man, they were able to move.

"Let's go..." Almost at the same time, both of them punched with all their strength.

As a result, the punch did not fall on the powerful Nascent Soul, but the two of them were pushed away.


In the void, a second hum came.

Countless invisible rules of heaven and earth condensed into a tyrannical attack, which suddenly hit the powerful Nascent Soul's chest. The man was directly knocked away a hundred feet away, and several mouthfuls of blood spurted out.

"Go quickly..."

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli left quickly. At this time, they had no worries at all. They both flew away quickly close to the ground.

It wasn't until the door of Xiankeju that I felt like I had escaped.

Chen Xuanli patted his chest and said, "I'm scared to death...what does this guy mean?"

"I don't know!" Xu Changan pretended to be confused and shook his head, saying: "You must be a lunatic to ask me if I know any ancient ruins. Isn't this a disease?"

"He doesn't think that my [Breaking Pill] was picked up from ancient ruins, right?"

Chen Xuanli stared at Xu Changan and said, "Don't say it's him, I think it's all, otherwise how did you get the elixir?"

Xu Changan curled his lips: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It was all thanks to Lao Gu just now. If it hadn't been for this old guy's two snorts, we would really be finished today!"

"Hiss, hiss..." It was okay not to mention Lao Gu. When he mentioned Lao Gu, Chen Xuanli suddenly gasped: "This sloppy old man is actually so strong?"

"This must be the powerful Nascent Soul, right?"

Chen Xuanli did not have Xu Changan's magical power, and did not know the cultivation level of the white-haired old man just now, so he thought that the other party was just a Great Golden Pill. In his knowledge, the one who could suppress the Great Golden Pill was naturally Nascent Soul.

Xu Changan said: "I don't know... let's not worry about this for now, let's go... go in and talk about it later!"

"Yeah!" Chen Xuanli nodded, but immediately, he smiled again.

Xu Changan asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Chen Xuanli said: "Look, let me just say that I am...ahem...a person of great luck..." His voice was very low: "Otherwise, both of us will have to explain today, I am the lucky one..." Ruhong, survive the disaster!"

"Indeed!" Xu Changan also nodded solemnly, and then cupped his hands towards Chen Xuanli and said: "I am really grateful to Senior Brother Chen for being able to come back alive today. Let's go...go back to the dojo first!"

Entering Xiankeju is basically safe.

After all, Xian Keju's strength in Jidu is extraordinary. No matter how powerful the white-haired old man is, he would not dare to come here to cause trouble.

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