Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 264 [The second son of Emperor Yan, fighting for the divine monument]

Soon after Master Qingyun landed on the fourth divine stele, a male cultivator in ordinary clothes took a step forward and landed on the fifth stele.

When this person appeared, countless cultivators and national scholars in the entire stele forest were shocked.

"Second prince?"

"This is... I know, this is the second son of Emperor Yan..."

"Oh my God, the prince personally participated in the competition for the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence, isn't he afraid..."


"I heard that the second prince is the most respectful to the wise and humble of His Majesty, but I didn't expect that it was true. He was not the first to climb the divine stele, but the fifth!"

Xu Changan nodded.

This is a bit interesting.

The Ruins of Seeking Benevolence was originally a private land of the Yan royal family. Originally, only the royal family could enter.

Now it is open to the outside world, but the prince's nobility is unmatched in both the cultivation world and the Yan country.

Who dares to offend?

Therefore, when the second son of Emperor Yan landed on the fifth stele, the four people in front of him were a little uneasy. They stood up and saluted the second prince.

"Meet the Second Prince..."

The four of them saluted.

The ones below all bowed their hands: "Meet the Second Prince..."

"Hehehe..." The Second Prince smiled sincerely, then returned the greetings to the four people in front of him and everyone, saying: "No need to be polite, I came here to compete fairly with everyone. If anyone doubts my strength, you can come up and compete with me. If you can defeat me, I will leave this stone tablet without any complaints!"

That's what he said, but who dares to really run over and fight with the prince?

Are you going to die?

"Second Prince..." Zheng Youjing, the living hell on the second stone tablet, stood up and bowed to the Second Prince: "Or, Your Highness, come to my stone tablet. My stone tablet is higher!"

The Second Prince laughed and said generously: "No problem... I said that I want to compete fairly with everyone. You don't need to be humble!"

At this moment, countless people in the entire stele forest praised the Second Prince.

"As expected of the Emperor of Yan!"

"I think the Second Prince has inherited His Majesty's character of respecting the wise and humble!"

"The Great Yan Kingdom has a successor!"

"The Second Prince's character is admirable..."

While everyone praised the Second Prince, Zhen Qingyan smiled faintly and whispered to Xu Changan: "The second son of the Emperor of Yan, named Yan Pingjing, is a man with deep scheming, good at disguise, and greedy for money and lust. In fact, his character is far inferior to that of the Crown Prince!"

"If you have a dispute with this person, you have to be careful. Of course, you don't have to be afraid of him!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded.

A man in a black Taoist robe jumped onto the sixth stone tablet.

Everyone sighed again.

This is the pride of the Great Yan Kingdom, a disciple of Pingtianmen, named Lin Guifan.

"Lin Guifan..." Zhen Qingyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said, "Husband, you have to be careful of this person. This is the number one prodigy of Dayan. Now he has reached the great perfection of the Golden Core Stage. It is said that... he once fought against a cultivator of the early stage of the Nascent Soul with three moves and walked away calmly!"

"He is a real prodigy!"

"It is also said that he has touched some of the power of rules!"

The number one prodigy of the Golden Core Stage of Dayan?

Xu Changan narrowed his eyes: touching the power of rules, that is naturally very strong.

"It's my turn..." Zhen Qingyan said, "I will take a seat first. If you can't get the divine tablet in the end, we can comprehend on the same divine tablet together. This divine tablet is very large, and it is not crowded for two people to sit!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded.


Zhen Qingyan's green dress fluttered, and the whole person landed on a tall divine tablet in a chic manner.

She turned around, threw the cushion on the stone tablet, and then turned around and sat down.

As soon as Zhen Qingyan appeared, the entire Stele Forest cultivator was shocked again.

"Oh my god, the daughter of Prime Minister Su..."


"The most beautiful woman in Jidu, the daughter of Prime Minister Su... You haven't heard of her, but she rarely goes out, so no one has seen her!"

"She is indeed the most beautiful woman in Jidu, a beauty!"

"She is actually in the late Jindan stage, not simple!"

Several blazing rays of light fell on Zhen Qingyan.

However, no one dared to go up and compete with Zhen Qingyan for a seat.

It's very simple. Zhen Qingyan is the daughter of Prime Minister Su and the eighth level of Jindan stage. Who dares to come up and cause trouble?

"Brother Chen, you are free to do whatever you want. I'll go up first!" After seeing Zhen Qingyan go up to the stele, Xu Changan no longer hesitated. He exerted a little force on his feet, and his whole body flew up, and landed easily on the stele next to Zhen Qingyan.

Xu Changan went up to the stele, which attracted a lot of discussion.

It's very simple. No one has seen Xu Changan!

"Who is this?"

"He is not from Jidu!"

"I don't know him... He should be a genius from Xiajun!"

"Oh my god, I can't even see his cultivation level!"

Xu Changan landed on the stone tablet, and no one came to provoke him.

It's very simple. Although Xu Changan looks unfamiliar, others can't see through his cultivation level, so they don't know how strong he is.

The key is that nearly half of the divine tablets have not been occupied. At this time, the best choice is to occupy other stone tablets, rather than fighting with a cultivator who doesn't know his confidence, right?

As for Chen Xuanli being beaten just now, it's very simple.

This guy's cultivation level is only at the foundation-building stage, and there is nothing hidden. It would be strange if he didn't get beaten!

"This ninth stone tablet is mine!"

A stocky male cultivator laughed and landed on the eighth stone tablet.

There were less than ten breaths left, and the other stone monuments were occupied one by one.

The Thirteen Divine Monuments were all filled with people.

At this time, I don't know why Yan Pingjing, the second son of Emperor Yan, changed places with Lin Guifan, who was in sixth place, and sat on the sixth stone tablet. Like Xu Changan, he was next to Zhen Qingyan's stone tablet.

"Hehehe..." Yan Pingjing chuckled, and slightly cupped his hands towards Zhen Qingyan in a seemingly gentle manner, and said: "Miss Su Xiang's family, hello Miss Su... I am Yan Pingjing!"

Zhen Qingyan responded with a kind smile and said, "I have met His Highness the Second Highness!"

"No need to be polite!" Yan Pingjing quickly waved his hand and said: "Oh, speaking of which, Miss Su and I are also destined to be together. In fact, I met you at Prime Minister Su's house a few years ago... On your birthday last year At that time, I also gave you a special gift. I wonder if you still remember it, Miss Su? "

Zhen Qingyan's face looked a little embarrassed: Remember?

I don’t seem to remember.

Have you given it away?

However, superficial words still have to be given. After all, the other party is the second son of Emperor Yan, so Zhen Qingyan smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank you, Your Highness!"

"You're welcome... Sister Su, speaking of which, I am the Second Highness of the Yan Kingdom. You are the daughter of Prime Minister Su, so we can be considered childhood sweethearts!"

Zhen Qingyan's expression suddenly changed.

She didn't like this title.

Of course, Xu Changan next to him also turned his head, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Su sister..." Yan Pingjing climbed up the pole, and the more he shouted, the more affectionate he became. The names changed three or four times in an instant: "The enlightenment in the forest of steles in this month is the Taoism of the sages of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom. Condensation, if you want to achieve better enlightenment, it is actually the mutual confirmation, the fusion of yin and yang!"

"If you are willing, Sister Su, the two of us can sit on the same monument and discuss the Tao together, how about that?"

Yan Pingjing's face seemed sincere, but the greed and vulgarity in his eyes flashed away.

Zhen Qingyan naturally disagreed, and she shook her head coldly: "Thank you very much, I don't have the habit of discussing things with others... In addition, Your Highness, I am not that familiar with you, so there is no need for the word Su Mei." Shout!"

"Huh?" When Yan Pingjing saw Zhen Qingyan's attitude, he couldn't help but feel angry. He had long forgotten what the teacher had told him before going out, such as Corporal Lixian and Winning over Xuanmen, but he showed his true nature and smiled. He said: "How is that possible? Sister Su, you have a bad memory. We have known each other since childhood and are childhood sweethearts. Don't you know me?"

Zhen Qingyan smiled slightly: "Really? Doesn't His Highness know that I am Su Xiang's adopted daughter, not his biological daughter? Since Your Highness is very familiar with me, can you guess whether my surname is Su?"

This silent counterattack immediately pushed Yan Pingjing into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Throughout the Forest of Steles, countless pairs of eyes were staring at him.

The eyes of these people were full of admiration and respect just now, but now they all changed.

You know, this is the world of cultivation, not a secular dynasty.

Although the Yan State is powerful, it does not have the absolute power to suppress Xuanmen, so the monks can completely ignore the royal family.

"Hahaha..." At that time, a monk laughed unabashedly: "Your Highness, I don't seem to want to talk to you... When talking to a girl, you should do your homework first. At least you must know her last name, haha. Ha ha……"

"I am Du Daxing, a disciple of the Tiandao Sect. You are speaking without restraint. Please don't be angry, Your Highness..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Tiandao Sect?

Hearing these three words, almost everyone present changed their expressions slightly.

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