Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 268 [Outer perimeter opened, run away]

Boom boom...

Just when the cloud of enlightenment above the stele forest closed for less than an incense stick of time, a huge sound was heard, and fog rose from the depths of the stele forest, and countless lights of various colors shot out from a vortex.

Chen Xuanli said: "The outer periphery is open... Go in quickly!"

Zhen Qingyan said: "Don't worry, it's not that the sooner you go in, the more you can get. This outer periphery is very large, and the divine consciousness is almost unusable here, and you can't fly, so don't worry!"

If the divine consciousness cannot be used, many things cannot be used.

For example, various flying magic tools.

Even if the magic tools are not used, most cultivators cannot fly, because when flying, divine consciousness is also needed.

The three walked to the door of the vortex unhurriedly, and many people had already entered.

Xu Changan and the other two entered one by one.

Because this [Qiu Ren Ruins] in Shouyang Mountain is not a secret realm, but a real space, but this space is blocked by the innate formation. Therefore, after Xu Changan and the other two entered the outer periphery, they did not appear randomly at a certain location as they did when they were looking for secret realms before.


This time, entering is entering, not teleporting.

Therefore, the team members will not be separated!

As soon as he entered the outer periphery, Xu Changan's eyes were cast forward.

The sky was high and the clouds were light!

The weather was fine.

A towering mountain stood in front of him, with almost no traces on the left and right, and it was very big.

Countless cultivators left the entrance and exit one by one and spread out to the outer periphery.

Xu Changan tried to display his divine consciousness, and found that his powerful divine consciousness could only extend to a radius of ten feet.

As for Chen Xuanli, it was even worse.

"Oh my..." He shouted, "My divine consciousness can't be released!"

Cannot be released, that is, it can only look inside oneself, and can't sweep out of the body.

Just like the disciples of the first, second and third levels of the Qi Refining Stage.

"Let's go!" Chen Xuanli said, "Let's go find the Yu Dao Shen Ma!"

Zhen Qingyan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Forget it, this [Yu Dao Shen Ma] is just a legendary item. I've only heard of it, but no one has ever seen it, let alone got it!"

"So, no one knows whether it's true or not!"

"Let's look for the [Enlightenment Tea] first!"

Xu Changan took out the Spirit Wing Talisman and activated it, and found that this thing couldn't be used either.

The way to fly is blocked.

It doesn't matter if you can't fly, there is still the [Absolute Shadow Talisman].

So, Xu Changan took out three Absolute Shadow Talismans and gave one to Zhen Qingyan and Chen Xuanli respectively, saying, "This is the talisman I made. Sticking it on your body can increase your speed when walking. Although it's not as fast as flying, it's much faster than a human!"


Pah Pah...

The three people stuck the Absolute Shadow Talisman on their bodies, and then each turned into a black shadow and slipped out.

“Big Sister…”

More than a dozen disciples wearing silver Taoist robes with the glittering hammer mark embroidered on their collars also walked out of the stele forest into the periphery.

Everyone looked at Big Sister.

The purpose of their trip was not to explore, nor to find treasure.

There was only one purpose: to capture someone.

If they could capture the guy that the ancestor wanted, they would be greatly rewarded when they returned.

"Hmm..." Senior Sister Zhongli waved her hand and took out the jade token with the concentric mark again. She looked at the light spot on it and pointed to the direction where Xu Changan disappeared just now, saying, "Over there... Hey... This kid is so fast!"

"It doesn't matter!" A disciple who looked like a middle-aged man said, "This outer perimeter is open for a month. Although this kid is fast, he will definitely not run non-stop. We just need to keep up with him. There will always be a time to stop him!"

"That's right!" Zhongli said, "You can't use divine thoughts here. Let's hurry up and follow him, but I can warn you... When you attack, be careful and don't kill him. The ancestor said that he wants to search this kid's soul and make sure he is alive!"


More than a dozen people chased in the direction where Xu Changan and his group disappeared.

The disciples of Tianchui Sect guessed correctly that although Xu Changan was fast, he couldn't walk all the time. After walking for a while and pulling away from other cultivators, they had to look for natural treasures.

The spiritual energy in the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence is extremely rich, and the area is very large. It is only opened once every three hundred years. It is conceivable that there are absolutely many kinds of spiritual herbs, especially the aged spiritual herbs.

"Boom..." Xu Changan waved his hand and rolled up a whole piece of thousands of first-grade spiritual herbs together with the land, and then threw it into the small world.

"Are you crazy?" Chen Xuanli looked at Xu Changan and asked; "What do you want it for?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "Spiritual herbs, I am an alchemist, these are all aged spiritual herbs, so theoretically speaking, the probability of producing high-quality herbs when refining pills is greater!"

The sect has no shortage of these spiritual herbs, and Xu Changan himself has even less shortage.

But after putting them into the small world, there are great benefits.

Now the spiritual energy in the small world is still too weak. If it is thicker, spiritual beasts can be raised in the small world.

Of course, Xu Changan didn't know what it was used for, but he would just wait and see. When this small world matures, the spiritual energy will definitely be useful.

"I'll help you!"

Zhen Qingyan also helped to search for first-grade grass. Whenever she came across a large area of ​​grass, she would take it away piece by piece and give it to Xu Changan.

At this time, the cultivators of the Tianchui Sect also caught up with them. They hid about a hundred feet away from Xu Changan.

"What should we do?"

A disciple looked at Zhongli and asked.

Zhongli's face was very ugly: "It turned out to be him... This is difficult!"

Before in the Sage Stele Forest, the scene of Xu Changan killing the living Yama with one move appeared in everyone's mind again.

How can we catch such a fierce guy?

Relying on the large number of people, it should be no problem to kill Xu Changan, but if we catch him, it will be too difficult.

What's more, Xu Changan has two helpers.

Zhongli glanced at Xu Changan again and said, "That guy in the foundation building stage is not a concern. I will hold the female cultivator of the eighth level of the golden elixir stage. The remaining thirteen of you should go and surround him. It should not be difficult, right?"

Then there came fourteen golden elixir disciples from the Tianchui Sect to hunt down Xu Changan.

All of them were golden elixir.

The leading woman, Zhongli, was a great golden elixir of the tenth level of the golden elixir.

"Yes, senior sister!" Everyone nodded.

Zhongli took out the soul-nourishing wood again and said, "If we can't capture him alive, it's the same to kill him directly and take his soul back. The young master is waiting for our news outside!"

"Follow me!"

Soon, fourteen golden elixir surrounded Xu Changan and the other two.

If it were normal times, the three would have discovered it long ago.

However, this is the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence.

The divine consciousness here is suppressed and cannot be released, so when these dozen golden elixir disciples followed, no one discovered them.

Even Xu Changan didn't discover it in time.

It was not until the enemy surrounded them from all directions that Xu Changan and the other two realized something was wrong.

"Tianchui Sect?" Zhen Qingyan looked at them, frowned, and said, "Daoist friend from Tianchui Sect, what do you mean?"

"Tianchui Sect?"

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli were shocked when they heard about this sect.

You know, the one who intercepted them in the middle of the night on the street in Jidu was the white-haired Yuanying master who claimed to be from Tianchui Sect.

"Not good!" Chen Xuanli said, "It must be that old man who is causing trouble again..."

"What should I do?" Chen Xuanli looked at Xu Changan.

He was only a foundation-building cultivator, and a random big golden elixir could kill him.

Xu Changan said: "Didn't I put a Jueying Talisman on you...Running is the best plan..."

"While their encirclement has not yet formed, I will shout one, two, three, and the three of us will run together, don't gather together!"

"See, left, middle, right, I will run forward, and you two will run left and right..."

There are fourteen great golden elixirs on the opposite side, so they have to run!

Just when the opponent was still a hundred feet away from the three of them, Xu Changan shouted decisively: "Run!"


Three black shadows fled in three directions at an incredible speed!

The speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

The disciples of the Tianchui Sect on the opposite side were all stunned.

"Big sister, this..."

The opponent ran away before the encirclement was formed, what should we do?

"Chase..." Zhongli said angrily: "Everyone, follow me to chase Xu Changan... Follow me..."

Hua la la!

The fourteen great golden elixir masters chased after Xu Changan in a mighty way.

Since they had Xu Changan's location, they were not afraid of losing him.

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