Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 271 [Heaven-Defying Dao Tea, Fourth-Level Formation]

Xu Changan jumped to the place where he had just fought.

On the ground, there are six golden elixirs shining with different lights.

Without the support of the soul, they were scattered on the ground without any movement.

The golden elixir is the condensed life experience and practice of the golden elixir monk. It contains huge energy. If the golden elixir monk self-destructs the golden elixir before death, he can exert a blow equivalent to that of the Nascent Soul.

Of course, there is only energy and no rules.

However, these six people just died without even a chance to explode their golden elixirs.

Xu Changan waved his hand, and all six golden elixirs were in his hands.

As for the female cultivator Zhongli who had escaped, Xu Changan did not pursue her.

Because there is no need.

Just now he was able to kill these six people, so he had all his trump cards out. If he were to pursue Zhongli again now, he would probably blow up his golden elixir, which would be harmful rather than beneficial.

The key is that after this battle, the spiritual power in Xu Changan's body has been almost exhausted. There are still seven new troops of golden elixirs on the opposite side, so even if they pursue, they may not be able to win.

Without certainty of victory, Xu Changan would not take risks easily.

Of course, the reason why Xu Changan was able to kill the six golden elixirs just now was a complete accident.

Because, from the beginning, Xu Changan never thought about killing six golden elixirs, he only wanted to kill one.

That is, the 'Senior Brother Liu' who was first trapped by him with the Babel Vine, and then hit with the Death Wheel in the Wheel of Life and Death.

Xu Changan's idea was to kill Senior Brother Liu, give the other party some shock and let them know that he was not easy to mess with, and then he would escape quickly.

However, what Xu Changan didn't expect was that the attack power of this [Netherworld Treasure Lamp] was too strong.

A breath of fire spiritual power was blown up, causing serious injuries to most of the opponent's people.

This was something Xu Changan never expected.

Since the Netherworld Treasure Lantern was so powerful, Xu Changan was naturally rude and added another [Sharp Gold and Black Finger] from afar.

This sharp gold and black-yellow finger is naturally very powerful. Unfortunately, Xu Changan's cultivation level is too low and he has not understood the power of the rules between heaven and earth. According to the law, if this finger falls, the person who is pointed will be Sealed in the space, unable to move, he could only watch helplessly as he was killed by the powerful finger force.

After collecting six golden elixirs, Xu Changan quickly left the scene, then found a deserted hilltop and sat down directly.

The fire spirit power between heaven and earth was instilled crazily into the body.

While practicing, Xu Changan unfolded his spiritual thoughts and stared around to prevent anyone from coming to attack him.

After looking for a long time, I still didn’t see the Hammer Sect disciple that day. I must have been frightened, right?

Xu Changan began to practice with more confidence.

Two hours later, the three Dantians of wood, fire and metal were filled in turn.

Xu Changan was not in a hurry to leave the mountain to look for opportunities. He waved his hand and took out an emerald green tea leaf.

Enlightenment tea!

He looked at the piece of tea in his hand and murmured to himself: "This treasure on the outskirts of Yangshan Mountain is said to be the Enlightenment Tea and the [Yudao Shenma]. Now that the Enlightenment Tea has been obtained, as for the Yudao God Ma? Even if it takes a month, we may not be able to find it!”

"That's all, why not try the taste of this tea first!"

Xu Changan took out a cup of spiritual tea, and then soaked the tea leaves in the original spiritual tea.

After half a stick of incense, invisible and mysterious power came out of the teacup made of sapphire.

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect, and immediately took a sip, and at the same time covered the remaining tea with a teacup, making it airtight.

Buzz buzz...

After drinking the Enlightenment Tea, Xu Changan felt suddenly enlightened, as if his whole body had become a piece of transparent jade, and countless rules between heaven and earth flew past his body.

Of course, he does not yet have the ability and capital to grasp the rules of heaven and earth. However, he can rely on this energy of clear heaven and earth to understand other things.

For example, the Enlightenment Formation.

Xu Changan took out the purple array.

I put the array code on my head and began to meditate.

He found that by relying on the enlightened state of the mind of the enlightenment tea, meditating in an ordinary place was almost the same as sitting on the stone tablet in the forest of steles.

too strong.

A sip of tea was enough to keep his mind clear for a whole day.

Xu Changan looked at the teacup. There was still a lot of spiritual tea in the teacup.

In other words, the effectiveness of this leaf can basically keep Xu Changan in this state for half a month.

Two pieces of tea leaves are equivalent to a month of meditating on the sacred monuments in the Forest of Steles?

too strong.

Xu Changan became excited.


If the enlightenment tea tree grows in my little world and has enough leaves, my daily practice will lead to a state of enlightened heaven.


Xu Changan, who has been enlightened for a day and a night, looked into the small world.

In the small world, ten days have passed, but unfortunately, the enlightenment tea tree has not moved at all.


Xu Changan stood up, then randomly chose a direction and went down the mountain.

This is naturally not a place for enlightenment.

Now that the danger of being hunted has been lifted, we have to look for our wife.

Jidu, a cave heaven paradise in the southwest, has a huge sect.

Heavenly Hammer Sect!

The Tianchui Sect is not the top sect in the Yan Kingdom, but they are an indispensable and important sect in the Yan Kingdom.

Because the Tianhammer Sect is good at refining weapons.

Many magic weapons and even spiritual weapons were made by disciples of the Sky Hammer Sect.

The deacon of the Ming Pai Hall ran out in a panic and went directly to a glorious dojo in the mountains: "Third Elder, something is wrong...Third Elder..."


The entrance formation of the third elder Tie Zhongtang's dojo opened, revealing a passage.

The deacon walked into the dojo hurriedly, flopped and knelt on the ground: "Elder Tie, it's not good, your disciple nameplate is broken..."

"?" Elder Tie frowned slightly: "Who?"

The deacon said: "Your direct disciple Liu Zhengfeng, and the other five, a total of six great golden elixirs, have all fallen... Oh my God... Wuwuwu..."

"What happened to the Ruins of Qiuren that caused our Heavenly Hammer Sect to lose six golden elixirs all at once!"

Tie Zhongtang's face turned dark instantly.

He knows better than anyone what this means!

He sent nine of his disciples, as well as five golden elixirs borrowed from other disciples, just to capture Xu Changan in the Ruins of Qiuren.

But now, the Ruins of Qiuren has just been opened for a month, and six golden elixirs have fallen?

How can it be?

That guy in the foundation building stage can kill six golden elixirs?

"This matter must not be made public!"

Tie Zhongtang stepped out of the dojo: "I will go to the Qiuren Ruins personally to take a look..."

"Sister, look..."

On a certain mountain peak, Chen Xuanli pointed at a fleeing disciple wearing a silver robe at the bottom of the mountain.

Zhen Qingyan looked over, she was slightly startled and said, "Isn't this Zhongli from the Sky Hammer Sect?"

Zhongli and fourteen other people were chasing her husband, why was she alone now, and why was she escaping in a hurry?

Could it be that……

The husband killed the other thirteen?

Hiss, hiss...

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle!

Impossible...absolutely impossible...there must be other reasons.

An unprecedented desire arose in Zhen Qingyan's heart. She looked at the rear where Zhong Li was escaping and said, "Junior Brother Chen, come with me to find Junior Brother Xu..."


The two of them searched in the opposite direction of Zhongli's escape.

After walking for less than half a day, Chen Xuanli suddenly said: "Wait a minute... Senior sister... there seems to be something here... My eyes were shaken just now!"

He pointed to an empty valley not far away: "Absolutely, I'm sure!"

Among the monks in this world, especially those talented people like Chen Xuanli, who doesn’t have some special abilities?

Chen Xuanli saw that the situation in the empty valley was abnormal, so the two of them temporarily stopped looking for Xu Changan and walked towards the empty valley.

"No..." Zhen Qingyan waved her hand, and spiritual energy flew out. Everywhere she went was void, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Yes!" Chen Xuanli said: "Sister, don't worry, let me make it appear..."


Chen Xuanli was worthy of being the most talented person in the Taixuan Immortal Sect. He shouted loudly, and a chain composed of fire spiritual power suddenly flew out from his hand. The chain became longer and longer, and rippled slightly in the air.

Then, bound by the fluctuations of spiritual power, an invisible formation suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The formation with a radius of a hundred feet is like an upside-down bowl, with green light overflowing, runes surrounding it, and streams of dense aura flickering and emerging, with mysterious and mysterious auras constantly spinning around.

"This..." Zhen Qingyan covered her mouth in shock and said, "Junior Brother Chen... this is an innate formation, and it's still a fourth-level one!"

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