Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 276 [Effortless Crush, the Power of All]


Yan Pingjing laughed loudly. He looked at Xu Changan and said, "No matter how much you say, it is true that you killed Zheng Youjing. Today, I will execute you on the spot. What do you think?"


Yan Pingjing jumped into the sky and looked down at Xu Changan.

A seal about the size of an inch flew out of his hand, and suddenly turned into a size of several feet. Countless incense power surged out and blessed Yan Pingjing.

Yan Pingjing, unprecedentedly powerful.

Third-rank national scholar.

Under normal circumstances, the cultivation of the princes is at the second-rank national scholar, comparable to the cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage.

However, Emperor Yan is different.

The Emperor Yan never wastes the power of incense, so except for the crown prince, each prince only gives the incense of the third-rank national scholar, and the rest of the saved incense is given to the ministers, to the talents and national scholars on the Golden Platform.

So, although Yan Pingjing is the second prince, he is only a third-rank national scholar.

"Nine dragons in the sky, the fist of the real dragon!"


A roar.

A golden dragon phantom condensed.

The golden dragon fell towards Xu Changan with a bang.

Xu Changan was indifferent and waved his hand to offer a talisman.

Swallowing talisman...


Then, in the stunned eyes of countless cultivators, the golden dragon was directly collected into the talisman by Xu Changan.

"This..." Yan Pingjing was shocked and said, "What kind of talisman is this?"

Xu Changan did not answer his doubts, but turned his head to look at Yan Pingjing and shouted, "Open..."


The golden spiritual power in the body was instantly mobilized, and gathered on Xu Changan's eyes according to the running route of the magical power [Taiyi Breaking Barriers and Reincarnation Golden Eyes]. Then, two dazzling golden lights carrying fire spiritual power flew out with a bang and blasted directly towards Yan Pingjing.

The sudden magical power not only scared Yan Pingjing.

It also frightened the surrounding cultivators.

The huge flames and golden spiritual power directly knocked Yan Pingjing out.

Yan Pingjing turned into a fire man.

"Not good..." Xu Changan's face changed.

He just wanted to teach Yan Pingjing a lesson, and didn't think of killing him. You know, he is the second prince after all. If he kills this guy, Xu Changan dares to guarantee that he will not be able to walk out of this ruins of seeking benevolence.

But I never expected that this guy was so weak that he couldn't even withstand the power of my golden eyes?

"Buzz buzz buzz..." At this time, the first pride of Yan State, Lin Guifan, took action. A shield was activated by him and blocked Yan Pingjing who had been blasted into the sky.

The subsequent attack was finally blocked by Lin Guifan.

Xu Changan had a false alarm.

Yan Pingjing had a false alarm.

"Your Highness..." Xu Changan held Zhen Qingyan's hands and looked at Yan Pingjing: "Are you coming again?"

Yan Pingjing's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

Today was indeed a disgrace.

"Bastard... a person who hides his head and shows his tail..."

At this moment, Xu Changan suddenly shouted, and then threw out the swallowing talisman with lightning speed.


A golden dragon flew out.

It was the one that just swallowed Yan Pingjing.

The golden dragon suddenly crashed into a tree behind Zhen Qingyan.


A figure was knocked out.

A blood line flew out of the void.

Xiao Zhijun, the Qingyun Master who was hiding behind the tree, shouted, "Xu Changan... You deserve to die... You deserve to die... I hate you so much..."


Golden light shot out from Xu Changan's eyes, and [Taiyi Breaking Barriers and Reincarnation Golden Eyes] caught up with Xiao Zhijun, who was already dozens of feet away, at the speed of light, and hit him directly.

However, this casual cultivator was indeed extremely difficult to deal with. In this situation, he still cut off his arm to survive, and used the magical power of [Golden Cicada Escape], sacrificing an arm, and the person escaped again.

At this moment, everyone at the scene recognized Xu Changan again.

Xu Changan closed his eyes and did two things at once. On the one hand, he helped Zhen Qingyan repair her divine thoughts and refine the divine thoughts bead, and on the other hand, he operated the nameless fire attribute technique.

The surrounding fire spirit power suddenly rushed to Xu Changan's head like a river backflowing, forming a vortex three feet above his head that was ten feet high. Countless fire spirit powers surged down and were absorbed by Xu Changan.

Seeing this whale-like scene, countless Tianjiao around were shocked again.

"So strong..." Lin Guifan took a deep breath silently: "Such a big cultivation vortex, even I can't do it!"

Du Daxing of Tiandao Sect smiled bitterly: "I can't do it either!"

In the time of an incense stick, the fire spirit power in Xu Changan's body was replenished again.

Zhen Qingyan on the opposite side also opened her eyes. She smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, my husband. My mind has been restored and my consciousness has reached a higher level!"

The two held hands and stood up together.

Next, it was time to open the formation in front of them.

Xu Changan looked at the fourth-grade formation not far away. At this moment, the bright pillar of light that rushed into the void on the formation had disappeared, but the formation light film seemed to be thicker and brighter.

Everyone also looked at the formation.

Feng Jiu, a disciple of Chixia Sect, said: "Everyone, the outer perimeter is open for only one month, and this fourth-grade formation is a powerful formation that can withstand the power of a Yuanying stage attack. If you fight alone, you don't know when you want to break the formation!"

"This young master suggests that everyone present attack this formation together!"

"With the power of everyone, we can definitely defeat the formation!"

As he spoke, he looked at everyone.

Lin Guifan also said: "This is a good idea!"

Someone said worriedly: "It is not difficult to break the formation with the power of everyone, but if the formation is broken, how to distribute the treasures inside?"

Feng Jiu said: "If there are many natural treasures and thousands of spiritual medicines inside, we will distribute them equally at that time, and everyone can get a share!"

"But if there is only one treasure, everyone, then... hehe... it depends on chance. Whoever gets it is his chance!"


"I agree!"

"This method is not bad!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Feng Jiu said: "Everyone, since everyone agrees, then listen to my command and attack the formation together!"

Hundreds of people at the scene raised their magic weapons, and some raised their fists.

Xu Changan stood beside Zhen Qingyan.

Zhen Qingyan asked: "Why don't you break the formation?"

Xu Changan said: "It doesn't matter if this formation is not broken. If I break the formation, the damned casual cultivator will come to attack you again. Isn't it a loss?"

"Puff..." Zhen Qingyan burst into laughter and said: "Hehehe... You are a small foundation-building stage seventh level, and you actually say that I, a big golden elixir, am so unbearable?"

"Don't worry, even if he comes again, he may not be able to do anything to me!"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded.

The disciples in front have already started to attack.

"Open..." Feng Jiu shouted, and all the disciples suddenly attacked in unison.


The green light film hundreds of feet wide began to tremble violently under the attack of countless locusts.

Xu Changan said calmly: "How can a fourth-grade formation be broken like this? What's more, this is an innate formation?"

"You can't break the formation like this!"

Sure enough!

The cultivator in front of him attacked dozens of times in a row under Feng Jiu's command, and the formation just shook violently, but there was no sign of being opened.

"How could this happen?" Someone complained, saying: "Isn't it just a fourth-grade formation? Can't the attack of so many of us catch up with a great man in the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Yes, it is said that ants can kill elephants, but this formation is completely silent!"

"This is not normal!"

"Hahaha... The formation is powerful, which means that the treasures in it must be extraordinary!"

"Everyone, let's do it again, change the direction!"

Feng Jiu took a deep breath, led everyone to the direction of another formation, and began to attack.

But the result is predictable.

It makes no sense.

Feng Jiu even changed seven or eight positions in a row and tried the entire formation, but it still didn't work.

Many people gave up.

Lin Guifan said: "Everyone, is there anyone who knows the formation?"

Everyone shook their heads.

If there were people who knew the formation, they would have stood up long ago.

Someone said: "I do know a little, but at most I can only set up a second-grade formation. I can't even tell where the gate of this fourth-grade formation is?"

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