Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 279 [Ashura Plate, Holy Blood Path Artifact]

A green stone stele about ten feet tall stood in front of the low grave.

It was engraved with four large characters in ancient Zhou seal script: Guzhu Gentleman.

In front of the tombstone, Chen Xuanli knelt on the ground with an extremely pious look on his face. He pressed his hands on the ground and said sincerely: "Thank you, senior. I didn't expect that I would get this [Yudao Shenma] in the end. I won't say anything too mushy, it's useless..."

"I kowtow to you!"

Bang bang bang...

Chen Xuanli kowtowed twelve times to the Guzhu sage.

Then he stood up and asked Xu Changan: "Is this okay?"

"It's okay!" Xu Changan asked: "Why did you kowtow twelve times? According to the etiquette of the princes, shouldn't it be nine times?"

Chen Xuanli said: "You don't understand this, twelve, twelve is a very good number, you see... cough cough cough... every major level of the cultivator has twelve levels, right..."

Xu Changan nodded.

Chen Xuanli asked again: "You make twelve pills in one furnace?"

"So how do you say that?"

Zhen Qingyan took over and said: "Twelve is the largest number in the Xuanmen!"

"Yes, yes, that's what I said!"

"That's right!" He turned his head and looked at Xu Changan again; "Junior Brother Xu, it's agreed that this [Yu Dao Shen Ma] belongs to the three of us, not just you. Now it's just for you to keep... When you go back to refine the [Yun Dao Dan], you have to give me one pill!"

Xu Changan said: "Don't worry!"

The Yu Dao Shen Ma was thrown into the small world by Xu Changan.

But it was useless. This thing can't grow in the small world.

Because theoretically, the Yu Dao Shen Ma is not a spiritual plant. It is just a manifestation of the law that is transformed by the breath carried by the sages and great powers between heaven and earth.

It is impossible to grow it.

It can only be stored inside.

The half-dead Wudao tea tree stood in the small world, bare without a single leaf growing.

"Where are we going next?"

Chen Xuanli looked at Xu Changan and asked, and then without waiting for Xu Changan to answer, he said: "Junior Brother Xu, I think you should come with me to find the Wudao tea tree. Don't worry, follow me, you will definitely find something good... Hahaha..."

"Isn't that right?"

He looked at Xu Changan happily, but he was extremely confident in his heart: I am a person with great luck!

Without me, I can't find the fourth-grade innate formation!

Without me, there would be no Yudao Shenma!

Oh my God, great luck is different!

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "Wudao tea is a good thing!"

The three left the valley and continued to search on the outskirts of Shouyang Mountain. This time, Chen Xuanli was right. In the next ten days, they found another ten Wudao tea trees.

The leaves were divided equally, and as for the trees, they were taken away one by one by Xu Changan.

But it was useless.

It seemed that this kind of tree could not survive in the small world.

While searching for natural treasures, Xu Changan did not forget to observe the surroundings. Fortunately, in the past ten days, he did not encounter the disciples of Tianchui Sect, nor did he encounter the difficult casual cultivator Qingyun Shangren.

The more time passed, the fewer good things there were in the periphery.

The three of them had walked three or four times along Shouyang Mountain. Xu Changan said: "Forget it, the core area will be opened in a few days. I suggest that we should not continue to search for treasures. Find a place to open a temporary cave to rest, and then wait for the core to open!"


Two caves were dug on a remote cliff. Chen Xuanli lived in one, and Xu Changan and Zhen Qingyan lived together.

After arranging several temporary third-grade formations in the cave, Xu Changan couldn't wait to throw out the cushion and sit cross-legged.

Zhen Qingyan rolled her eyes at him and said angrily, "What are you doing? You just came in and you're meditating. It's been a few days before the core is opened. You don't want to go into seclusion, do you?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Not really. Let me see what this is!"

While speaking, he waved his hand and flipped out a black lid.

This unknown treasure was obtained when he failed to kill Master Qingyun.

The defensive power is extremely amazing.

Xu Changan was envious!

Because so far, he didn't have any good defensive magic weapons.

Of course, the headband on his head [Purple Gold Crown] is an exception. This thing is a broken ancient treasure. Although it can trigger active defense effects, it can only be used once.

In other words, it can only withstand the opponent's attack power for once.


Xu Changan's divine consciousness invaded the black lid.

He frowned slightly.

Zhen Qingyan also took out a cushion and sat opposite him, asking, "What's wrong?"

Xu Changan said, "Take a look for yourself?"

Zhen Qingyan also extended her divine sense into the treasure and said, "Hey... It's really strange. There is no restriction on it. This is not our Xuanmen treasure... I'm afraid it's a magic weapon?"

"Xuanmen's technique is controlled by divine sense and spiritual power; the magic treasure is controlled by magic energy and blood. Why don't you try to drop some blood in it?"

"Okay!" Xu Changan took the black lid, then stretched out his fingers, and squeezed out a few drops of red blood, dripping onto the treasure.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

Zhen Qingyan was right. Once the blood fell on it, a layer of red blood light emerged.

At the same time, countless messages were transmitted to Xu Changan's mind.

Zhen Qingyan couldn't wait to ask: "Husband, what is this?"

Xu Changan said: "This thing is called [Asura Plate]. It is a sacred treasure of the Asura clan. I don't know how it was obtained by Master Qingyun!"

"Asura clan?" Zhen Qingyan's eyebrows slightly gathered, and said: "This is a race north of the snowfield. It used to border Shanrong. Later, Shanrong was driven to the east by General Qin Kai, and the Asura clan was close to our Yan State!"

"You know?" Xu Changan asked: "This is the first time I heard of this Asura clan!"

"Hehe..." Zhen Qingyan smiled and said: "It is a blood clan. They practice their own blood essence..."

Xu Changan frowned slightly.

Some past events came to mind: practicing their own blood essence?

I wonder if the Nine Nether Blood Sutra comes from the Asura clan?

Zhen Qingyan said: "They live further north of the snowfield, in that uninhabited extreme cold place. It is said that there is a cluster of red fire in this extreme cold place, which illuminates a million miles. The Asura people survive on the innate fire. Over time, they formed the current Asura clan."

"The men of the Asura clan are extremely ugly, and it is said that they cannot be looked at directly. However, the women are beautiful and charming!"

"If my husband wants to go, he can go to the snowfield in person and go to the extreme north to see the charm of the Asura women!"

Zhen Qingyan tilted her head, and her beautiful eyes on her fair face were full of charm.

Xu Changan dropped the holy weapon of the Asura clan on the ground with a clang, then stretched out his hands and grabbed Zhen Qingyan's hand, saying: "If you say so, I really have to go to this snowy plain to find the Asura clan!"


Zhen Qingyan rolled her eyes at him and said: "How do you refine this treasure?"

Xu Changan frowned again.

The refining of this thing is naturally different from ordinary magic weapons. The refining of Xuanmen treasures is to refine the layers of restrictions in it with divine thoughts. After all the restrictions on the treasures are opened, they can be used like a fish in water.

This Asura holy weapon is different. This thing needs to be refined with one's own blood.

To put it bluntly, it is similar to the Jindan cultivator nurturing [magic weapon]!

The Jindan nurtures the magic weapon with its own spiritual power and flesh and blood.

And Xu Changan has to nurture this holy weapon with his own blood. The longer the time, the greater the power of this holy weapon.

As for the method of warming and nourishing, it is not recorded on the plate.


Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly: It is on the Nine Nether Blood Sutra!

Behind the Nine Nether Blood Sutra, there are many blood-related methods such as [Blood Claw Method], [Stained Blood Method], [Blood Pearl Method], etc., among which there is a secret method called [Blood Refining Method].

Because it was not used, Xu Changan did not learn it at that time.

And now, it seems that it is time to review the Blood Refining Method.

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