Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 284 [Thunder falls from the sky, Qingyun explodes]

After the Thunder Ruler flew into the void and was activated, an ancient and forbidden aura came out.

Countless people looked up and looked over.

Someone said in shock: "Immortal weapon... This is an immortal weapon!"

"It is rumored that the [Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Heavenly Ruler] can attract thunder from above the nine heavens and destroy it forever!"

"Oh my God, why do these treasures appear here?"

"Who is this person?"

Countless people looked at Xu Changan!

Some people have even reached out to touch the defensive magic weapon in the storage space. They are worried that the power of thunder and lightning attracted by this magical weapon will destroy an entire world.

"Who are you...who are you?" Master Qingyun, who was trapped in the void by the thick Babel Vine and locked by the Thunder Ruler, still said in a woman's tone at this moment: "I don't know you at all. Why did you attack me!"


Xu Changan snorted coldly and said, "Concubine?"

"Haha... Today I will let everyone see your true face as a concubine!"

"Jiutian Yingyuan, lead the divine thunder!"

"Thunder comes to the world and destroys the demonic obstacles!"

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, fall!"

Xu Changan shouted loudly, and the endless golden spiritual power in his body poured into the black ruler.


Dark clouds gathered above the head, and a bright silver thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit Qingyun directly.

Qing Bang...

Master Qingyun is indeed a capable casual cultivator. The falling thunder actually inspired an active defense treasure somewhere in his body. The golden light of that treasure flashed and actually blocked the thunder.

However, although the sky thunder blocked it, Master Qingyun's true form could not be hidden during the energy fluctuations. The woman's face was instantly distorted and turned into her original appearance.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

"Hey...this is Master Qingyun!"

"Oh my god, the number one casual cultivator in Dayan Kingdom..."

"Damn it, how did this guy mess with the person in front of him!"

Some people also focused on Xu Changan's Thunder Ruler.

"Haha... I thought it was really an immortal weapon, but it turned out to be an imitation, just a top-quality magic weapon!"

"It scares me to death. If it is a real fairy weapon, the thunder and lightning it attracts will probably destroy the ruins of Qiuren, right?"

"Not only the ruins of Qiuren, but also the entire Canghai County will be wiped out!"

"Hiss, hiss..."

In front of Xu Changan's eyes, countless vines were formed out of thin air over and over again.

"Cut..." Master Qingyun was naturally not a vegetarian. He changed the magic weapon in his hand several times and cut off the vine eight times almost instantly.

But it didn't work.

The wood-attributed mana in Xu Changan's body was continuously fed into it, and the vines continued to grow.

Cut off one, and two more will appear.

Cut off two roots and find three more.

Qingyun immediately despaired: "Fellow Taoist, fellow Taoist... I'm convinced, I can't compare to your magical power, please spare me, I have no grudge against you!"

When he spoke, his tone was extremely pious, but deep in his eyes, there was a trace of resentment that could not be erased.

Xu Changan has the Wisdom Eye Talisman on him, so he can naturally see clearly.

"Qingyun..." Xu Changan sneered: "Use whatever means you can. Today, this place will be your burial place!"

In the past, whether Xu Changan was dueling with others or fighting Master Qingyun, he used fire spiritual power and golden spiritual power.

Today, the continuous wood spirit power was used, and no one saw through it.

Even Master Qingyun, the person involved, did not realize that the person in front of him was Xu Changan.

"You deserve to die..." Qingyun cursed: "If I hadn't used that scapegoat, I would definitely fight you to death... Just wait for me, I won't let you go even if I die!"


The second thunder fell and hit Qingyun directly.

Although Qingyun was bound by the cane, it did not prevent him from using his magical power to take out his defensive weapon. He was able to bear down the second thunderbolt.


Next up!

The third way!

The fourth way!

The fifth way!

Master Qingyun relied on endless means to withstand seven thunders in a row.

"Hiss, hiss..." Everyone around looked frightened.

"Oh my God... This Qingyun really has a lot of tricks up his sleeve!"

"Yeah, if he wasn't bound by this infinitely growing vine, it would be a fool's errand to kill him!"

"I heard that this guy is so fast that even ordinary people can't catch up with him!"

"What a pity, he is going to die today!"



The eighth thunder fell.

At this moment, Master Qingyun, who had no means of defense, was directly blasted in half.

There was a huge hole in his abdomen, and blood flowed down. The bright golden elixir was hidden in his body, looming.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qingyun looked at Xu Changan ferociously and said: "No one in this world can kill me... Today, even if I die, Master Dao, I will make you a backer..."


The golden elixir in Qingyun's body suddenly became extremely bright.

"No..." Xu Changan was shocked for a moment, and then he quickly retreated decisively.



Master Qingyun's golden elixir exploded directly, and a huge wave of energy spread in all directions. It first tore Master Qingyun's body into countless pieces, and then swept towards the void.


Bang bang bang...

The surrounding monks retreated rapidly while offering various magic weapons for defense.

Xu Changan was the closest, so he did not dare to neglect it.

[Blood Shield Talisman] [Vajra Talisman] [Swallowing Talisman].

The three talismans were activated in an instant.

[Zhenxian Mountain] [Zhenhai Seal] two top-grade defensive spiritual tools were thrown out in an instant, and the [Asura Plate] that had not been completely refined was also taken out.

In addition, Xu Changan waved his hand again, and an ancient and old cauldron appeared in his hand.

Wancao Treasure Cauldron.

This cauldron is a top-grade magic weapon, and the 21 layers of restrictions on it were all opened by Xu Changan in an instant.

This thing turned out to be Zhu Zimu's, with supreme defensive power.

The self-explosion of the golden elixir is equivalent to the power of a Yuanying attack, which is extraordinary.

Moreover, more than 90% of the power of the self-explosion is aimed at Xu Changan.


Seeing Xu Changan offering so many treasures in an instant, the geniuses next to him all gasped.

Feng Jiu narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "He will definitely die..."

You must be kidding!

Under this kind of attack, what does it matter if a Jindan cultivator has a treasure?

The power of a Yuanying attack can break everything.

Feng Jiu was planning to rush out and snatch Xu Changan's treasure as soon as Xu Changan was killed.


The surging power of self-explosion came with a bang.


The first to bear the brunt was the Devouring Talisman.

The Devouring Talisman was originally able to devour the strongest attack power of a Jindan cultivator.

But facing the power of the Jindan self-explosion, it could only devour 30% of the energy.


The shield condensed on Zhenxian Mountain was directly broken like paper.

Then, cracks appeared all over the top-grade spiritual weapon in an instant.


Similarly, the barrier opened by the Zhenhai Seal was wiped out again.

These two spiritual weapons have almost no defensive power.


The barrier formed by the 21 layers of restrictions of the Ten Thousand Herbs Cauldron resisted the unparalleled energy fluctuations for three breaths, and then the barrier shattered with a puff.

However, at this time, the power of the Yuanying attack of the self-detonating Jindan had been reduced by 40%.

The Devouring Talisman swallowed 30%!

The Ten Thousand Herbs Cauldron blocked 10%!

But there is still 60%!



The barrier formed by the Blood Shield Talisman and the Vajra Talisman was instantly shattered, eliminating half of the attack together.

There is still 55%!


Xu Changan held the Asura Plate, which had just begun to be refined, and the blood in his body rushed into it frantically. The blood on the Asura Plate suddenly became bright, expanding from the size of a palm to several feet in radius.


The remaining 55% of the attack power fell directly on the dark blood-light divine plate.


Xu Changan and the black plate were directly blasted into the sky.

Puff puff puff...

A red blood line flew into the void!

When the sun shone on it, it was dazzling red.

The active defense on the [Purple Gold Crown] on Xu Changan's head was opened, offsetting the last half of the power.

This Yuanying's attack was barely blocked by him.

Of course.

This is called the power of the Yuanying attack, but in fact, it is far from it.

Because it only has energy attack, and there is no rule blessing.

If there is a rule blessing, Xu Changan will die on the spot no matter how against the sky, no matter what treasures he has.

"Junior brother..."

Zhen Qingyan ran over worriedly and hugged Xu Changan who was blasted thousands of feet away.

Xu Changan's face was covered with blood, and his body was covered with scars. He looked extremely scary.

But what is surprising is that even so, his appearance still maintained the appearance of Li Chijian, and he was not beaten back to his original form.

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