Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 287 [The mentally retarded prince was rubbed again]


Yan Pingjing's strength at this moment was considered to be at its peak.

He stretched out his hand and slowly traced the uneven skin on the top of Ghost Crocodile's head, and said with emotion: "Three hundred years ago, my uncle threw a perfect demon beast at the golden elixir stage into this fairy pond. "I didn't expect that after three hundred years, you would actually succeed!"

"Very good!"

"Everyone!" He took a deep breath and looked at the monks beside the Immortal Pond, especially the geniuses of the major sects: "Prince Wucai Yinglian has the final say now. You should have no objections, right?"

"whispering sound……"

Du Daxing sneered: "Yan Pingjing, you think you can do it now that you have a big guy in the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Hmph..." He snorted coldly: "The lotus seeds of the five-color baby lotus are one of the main materials for refining the [Breaking Pill] of my Xuanmen Golden Pill. You are an incense monk, what do you want him to do?"

"This has nothing to do with you?" Yan Pingjing said coldly: "If you don't accept it, you can come over and see if I can beat you to death?"

"It's a joke!" Du Daxing said: "It's just a Nascent Soul stage monster. I'm not afraid of you anymore, Taoist Master. I will definitely take one of these colorful infant lotus seeds. Let me see if you can beat me." ?”


Du Daxing patted the spirit beast bag, and a strange-looking bird with flames burning all over flew out.

"This..." Lin Guifan's eyes narrowed: "Fire Fire Luan Bird?"

"That's right!" Du Daxing said: "The spiritual beasts raised by this Taoist master are also in the early stage of Nascent Soul!"

At this moment, Yan Pingjing suddenly became depressed.

Half of the arrogance that had just risen was gone. He looked at Du Daxing and said bitterly: "Hmph... If my father hadn't taken away the power of incense from me, I would be the second-grade national scholar today. You, Du Daxing, are here. In my eyes, you are nothing more than an ant!"

"Bah..." Du Daxing said: "If you were a second-grade national scholar, you wouldn't be able to enter the Ruins of Qiuren!"

There are cultivation restrictions for entering the Ruins of Qiuren.

It must be below the Nascent Soul stage.

"Hahahaha..." Yan Pingjing laughed loudly and said: "I was almost fooled by you. Although you are a Luan bird in the Nascent Soul stage, you can't attack..."

"If you dare to let Luanniao take action, the power of the rules of this world will definitely crush you, a spiritual beast!"

"But my Ghost Crocodile is different!" Yan Pingjing stroked the skin on the Ghost Crocodile's head: "It broke through in the Ruins of Qiu Ren and is not affected by the power of rules!"

"Hmph!" Du Daxing didn't care when his thoughts were revealed. He waved his hand and used the spirit beast bag to collect the Luan Bird, and then said: "So what, one blow is enough to destroy your Ghost Crocodile at the critical moment. What a big deal." I don’t want this Luanniao Taoist anymore!”

"Okay, Uncle Du!" Yan Pingjing took a deep breath and said, "I will give you one of these lotus seeds later, okay?"

Du Daxing said: "That's pretty much it!"


Yan Pingjing's eyes moved and he looked at Feng Jiu, Qin Qin Polu, Lin Guifan and other talented people: "As long as you swear an oath to the way of heaven and be loyal to me Yan Pingjing in the future, the lotus seeds of these colorful baby lotuses will naturally have Your share!”

"And you!" His eyes looked at Xu Changan.

"Hmph..." Feng Jiu snorted coldly and said coldly: "Who do you think you are, worthy of me, Feng Jiu, swearing allegiance to heaven?"

"How can I, the majestic genius of Chixia Sect, be controlled by you?"

"Don't talk about you, even if it is Emperor Yan, I, Feng Jiu, will not swear allegiance."

Can Xuanmen monks control you, the emperor of incense?

"Then you don't want lotus seeds?" Yan Pingjing looked proud.

Feng Jiu said: "I don't know how many colorful baby lotus there are in the world, and it's not like you can only get it from Qiuren Ruins. There is one in the fairy pond of Chixia Sect, but it's not yet mature..."

"What if I don't want these lotus seeds?"

"Everyone, Fengjiu goes first!"

After saying that, Feng Jiu turned around and left, going to the place where the immortal fire was.

"Alas..." Lin Guifan looked at Feng Jiu's leaving figure and said, "Fellow Taoist Feng Jiu has really opened his mind this time. He refused so decisively and no longer had to worry about gains and losses. This is a role model for our generation of monks!"

"Everyone, I'm leaving too!" Lin Guifan shook his body and turned into a stream of light and left: "Brother Fengjiu, wait for me... Let's go and comprehend the Immortal Fire together!"


Yan Pingjing originally wanted to recruit Tianjiao for his own use.

As a result, people ignored me at all.

No more lotus seeds.

What a slap in the face!

He looked at Qin Polu with a flushed face.

Qin Polu cupped his hands towards him: "Your Highness, the last general is a disciple of the royal family. Naturally, he is loyal to the royal family and to the Great Yan Kingdom. He has no different intentions!"

Qin Polu only said that he was loyal to the Yan Kingdom and the royal family, but did not say that he was loyal to Yan Pingjing.

"Besides, the general is just a scholar of the Xianghuo Kingdom, and it is useless to ask for these lotus seeds... Your Highness, the second prince, the general will take his leave first..."

Qin Polu also left.

At this moment, Yan Pingjing felt as if his face was being rubbed on the ground.

Of all the people he had just named, only one was left, and that was Xu Changan.

Yan Pingjing looked at this guy who looked like a farmer, and his heart suddenly moved, and he said: "This fellow Taoist..."

Xu Changan said: "I'm Li Chijian!"

"It turns out to be Brother Li..." Yan Pingjing complimented: "Such a hero, if you can assist me, I will wait for you in the future... ahem... you know, you will definitely have endless benefits!"

"How is it?"

"I'll give you two of these lotus seeds!"

Yan Pingjing's words had just been spoken. If he couldn't recruit anyone today, his reputation would be damaged. But if he could recruit Li Chijian, it wouldn't be a complete loss.

As a result, Li Chijian smiled and said, "Your Highness, I'm different from them!"

Yan Pingjing was overjoyed: "Great... Hahaha..."

You're different from them.

They don't want to be loyal to me, are you willing?

As a result, Xu Changan said indifferently: "I don't want to be loyal to you, but I want the lotus seeds of the five-colored infant lotus!"


Yan Pingjing felt humiliated. He looked at Xu Changan with a red face and said, "Li Chijian... you're looking for death..."

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you now..."

Having said so, Yan Pingjing didn't do it.

Because the scene of Xu Changan beheading Qingyun Shangren first and then crushing Fengjiu was still vivid in his mind.

This person was extremely ruthless and cunning as a fox.

Even if he had a demon beast like the ghost crocodile in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, Yan Pingjing did not dare to attack easily. After all, the self-detonation attack of Master Qingyun before was equivalent to an attack in the Nascent Soul stage.

This was blocked by Xu Changan.

You can imagine.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a dark oil lamp.

The oil lamp was taken out, and before it was ignited, an old and ancient breath swept over, and the demon beast ghost crocodile in the Nascent Soul stage could not help but take a step back.

"This is..."

Even Du Daxing's eyes next to him couldn't help but jump twice, saying: "Good guy... It's actually a holy weapon... In that situation just now, you didn't use your trump card... Awesome, awesome..."

Du Daxing gave Xu Changan a thumbs up.

Holy weapon?

The monks watching nearby looked at the Netherworld Treasure Lamp in Xu Changan's hand, and couldn't help but step back one by one.


Where on earth did this damn guy come from? How could he be so terrifying?

Xu Changan looked at Yan Pingjing and said, "Come on, even if you start first, I can kill you..."

"Even if I die, I will definitely drag you down with me!"

Yan Pingjing was so scared that his face turned pale.

He gritted his teeth, looked at Du Daxing, and said, "Brother Du, what do you say?"

He wanted Du Daxing to stand up and help him. If the two of them worked together, they would not be afraid of this farmer.

But Du Daxing smiled coldly: "Have I promised to be loyal to you?"

"Okay... okay... okay..." The second prince of the Great Yan Kingdom, who had lost all his face, said a few good words hatefully, and then said: "Okay, then wait until the infant lotus matures, and then we will rely on our own abilities..."

In his opinion, although you are brave, you will definitely not be able to snatch the lotus seeds from me when they mature.

After all, there is a huge water surface between us, and the monster under my seat is in the Nascent Soul stage. He can pick the infant lotus by teleporting over. How can you compete with me?

Seeing that Yan Pingjing did not make a move, Xu Changan put away the Netherworld Treasure Lamp.

He was still quite scared.

Finally, he frightened this mentally retarded prince. If this guy drove the Yuanying stage monster beast to really attack.

Well... then I really have to run away.

Xu Changan was very scared, but he calmly threw out a cushion and sat down.

Want to get an opportunity?

Sometimes you need strength!

Sometimes you need wisdom!

But sometimes, you need courage!

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