Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 289 [Re-entering the Immortal Pond, Saint’s Bone Mud]

Zhen Qingyan is now at the eighth level of the Golden Core Stage, and she still needs to break through four levels to reach the twelfth level of the Great Perfection.

Four levels, one hundred years.

It seems very slow!

But in fact, for a cultivator in the Golden Core Stage, this speed is incredible.

Xu Changan took a deep look at his confidante in front of him. He didn't know why Zhen Qingyan's cultivation was so fast. Was it because of the blessing of the national destiny, or was she originally gifted?

"Okay!" Xu Changan said, "Within a hundred years, I will gather all the materials and refine the Pohua Pill for you!"

"Okay!" Zhen Qingyan looked happy: "You have to work hard to make the Pohua Pill that my husband is refining. On the one hand, you have to improve your alchemy level to the fourth grade, and on the other hand, you have to find the remaining two materials, the bitter wood winter root and the three-light dew."


Xu Changan stretched out his hand, pinched her soft and boneless little hand, and said, "Let's go..."

Zhen Qingyan followed him all the way forward and asked, "Where to?"

Xu Changan didn't say anything. After a few ups and downs, the two of them came back to the fairy pond where the five-colored infant lotus was born.

At this moment, there was nothing in the lake except water.

The lotus flowers are gone, the lotus leaves are gone, and there is nothing.

Naturally, all the cultivators beside the pond have left!

Xu Changan bowed and took out another bottle of water from the fairy pond, then took a sip and said, "Sure enough, it's still ordinary water!"

Zhen Qingyan was a little confused: "Husband, what are you thinking?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is not that strong, and the water is also ordinary mountain spring water, but why can it breed a natural treasure like the five-colored infant lotus."

"My wife, don't you think it's strange?"

Zhen Qingyan frowned slightly, then nodded heavily and said, "That's right!"

"Husband means..."

She suddenly looked at the water with a frown.

"That's right!" Xu Changan said, "Such a natural treasure must be supported by another natural treasure. I think there may be something else under the water!"

In fact!

At the beginning, Xu Changan didn't think of these.

Before, he jumped into the water to snatch the lotus seeds, and the wisdom in his eyes flashed. He saw something different under the water.

So he had this idea.

Zhen Qingyan said, "You are right!"

Xu Changan said, "Sister, wait for me here. I will go down again to see if I can get a new opportunity?"



Xu Changan jumped into the water again.

The water here is not very deep, only a few feet. Although it is not clear to the bottom, after reaching the bottom of the water and opening the wisdom eyes, everything under the water will naturally be revealed.

Xu Changan moved gently and swam to the middle of the pool.

Soon he arrived at the place where the colorful infant lotus appeared before.

The lotus leaves on the water surface were gone.

But there was a thick lotus root at the bottom of the water, which fell into dormancy again.

Xu Changan did not move the lotus root, but dug it next to the lotus root. He took out the flying sword and casually scratched it a few times, and the mud at the bottom of the water was broken by him.

A mass of white substance emitting a misty gas appeared in front of him.


Xu Changan was slightly startled, and then overjoyed: Sure enough... I said this place is extraordinary, and it is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth.

He stretched out his hand and fumbled on the white substance, and found that the white substance looked like a ball of mud.

A ball of white, pure mud.

Xu Changan didn't care about anything else, first dug out the huge ball of mud, and then put it into the storage bag. Finally, a carp jumped out of the water, and then the body jumped slightly into the air, and then landed easily beside Zhen Qingyan on the shore.

"How is it?" Zhen Qingyan looked expectant.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Found it!"

He looked around and made sure that there was no one. He waved his hand and took out the ball of white mud from the storage bag. The mud turned into a ball about three feet long, with a hazy color on it, and it emitted a colorful glow under the sunlight.

Zhen Qingyan said, "Is this the thing?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded, "This is what we dug from the ground where the colorful infant lotus was nurtured!"

"Is this the innate soil?" Zhen Qingyan was a little surprised and said, "I have only heard of the innate soil, but I have never seen it, and I don't know if it is this kind!"

"It shouldn't be!" Xu Changan shook his head and said, "I just looked over here, and there is no earth-attributed origin power in it!"

Xu Changan has never seen the innate soil, but he has the innate golden mother.

The innate golden mother has the origin power.

There is no origin in this soil, so how can it be innate.

"I understand!" Zhen Qingyan took a deep breath and said, "This should be the [Sage Bone Mud] that the remains of the saints have been corrupted for a long time. The saints are immortal, so even if his body has turned into mud, it is different from other mud!"

Xu Changan frowned.

This is the first time he has heard of this statement.

However, what Zhen Qingyan said makes some sense.

Shouyang Mountain, where the Ruins of Qiuren are located, was the place where the ancient sages, the brothers Boyi and Shuqi, lived before their death. The golden bones of the sage were discovered before, and after they were buried by Xu Changan, a cluster of divine hemp appeared.

Then this mass of bone mud here should be the remains of the other of the two brothers Boyi and Shuqi.

But after being told this by Zhen Qingyan, Xu Changan was immediately disgusted. He smiled bitterly and said, "So, this is the remains of a saint. Should we return it?"

"No!" Zhen Qingyan shook her head and said, "This is different from the remains of the saint before!"

"The remains of the saint before, the skeleton is complete, it is the remains of the saint; but this, it is already part of the treasures of heaven and earth, so this is a treasure of heaven and earth, it should not be said to be the remains of a saint!"

"You can take it away, but..." Zhen Qingyan looked at the water again: "If you take it away, the five-colored infant lotus in the ruins of seeking benevolence will never be born again!"

Xu Changan nodded.

That's right!

After a little hesitation, he took a deep breath and said, "The Emperor of Yan is magnanimous and opened the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence to the Xuanmen monks. We, the beneficiaries, cannot do such a thing as exterminating the roots. How about this, I take half and keep half!"


Xu Changan stretched out his hand, turned his spiritual power into a golden knife, and cut the white bone mud into two halves.

Although Yan Pingjing, the second prince of the Emperor of Yan, is a fool, Xu Changan knows that the Emperor of Yan is definitely a magnanimous person.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to attract national heroes like Su Xiang and Yue Yi to serve him desperately.

A very simple truth, someone invited me to come over for dinner, I can't take away all their noodle jars, right?

"That's fine!" Zhen Qingyan nodded and said, "Although there is only half of the sage bone mud, it can still continuously gather the spiritual power in this victory to nourish the five-colored infant lotus. There is not much difference in the effect between one and half!"


Xu Changan dived into the water again and placed this half of the sage bone mud in the original place.

As for the other half, he sent it directly into the small world and placed it under the [Enlightenment Tea Tree].

It has been basically a month since I got the Enlightenment Tea Tree.

One month outside, but with the blessing of ten times the time in the small world, this is ten months.

Ten months, the Enlightenment Tea Tree is still bare, and no leaves have grown.

Xu Changan is not sure whether this sage bone mud placed under the Enlightenment Tea Tree can give the tea tree vitality.

Let's try it!

If it doesn't work, I'll use it to cultivate the five-colored infant lotus.

"Let's go!" Xu Changan packed himself up, and then said: "Next, let's go to the Unextinguishable Fire to comprehend the legendary Unextinguishable Hell Fire!"


Zhen Qingyan nodded and said: "It will take ten months. After the comprehending, all the cultivators will return to the Sage Stele Forest where we first entered the formation, and then set up a stele and leave!"

Everyone who comprehends and contemplates on the Unextinguishable Volcano will gain some insights to a greater or lesser extent.

According to the rules, the cultivators must leave a trace of their enlightenment in the Sage Stele Forest for those who come later to continue to comprehend and comprehend.

Of course.

The size of the stone tablets erected will vary depending on the amount of comprehension.

After setting up the stele, go out from the entrance!

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