Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 299 [The power of the golden talisman, Changan's plan]

However, it is not easy for a Nascent Soul without a true body to complete its true body through practice.

First, he needs time.

Secondly, we need natural resources and treasures.

With enough natural resources and treasures, it would take hundreds of years for Yuanying to reshape his true body.

It's so outrageous!

Moreover, one cannot go out easily while the Nascent Soul is in the state. On the one hand, it is to prevent enemies from seeking revenge. After all, the Nascent Soul only has one-tenth of the cultivation level of the original body. The second important thing is that for many high-level monks, this The fist-sized Nascent Soul is a great tonic.

Swallowing one Nascent Soul is equivalent to a hundred years of hard work, or even two hundred years of hard work.

Some people can even break through several realms by swallowing a Nascent Soul.

Therefore, once they become Nascent Soul without a real body, most people will choose to practice hard in seclusion and never go out again.

And even if they reshape their true bodies through hard training with the blessing of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the cultivation level of these people will plummet. Some people will lose one layer, and some people will lose many layers.

Some people will even fall directly into the golden elixir realm.

No matter what, destroying the true body is a huge loss to Nascent Soul.

Of course, Yuanying has a second way, which is to seize the body.

I gave up everything, only retained my soul, and chose a monk to take over.

After seizing the body, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that your cultivation is gone!

The advantage is that you inherit everything about your new body, including your qualifications, spiritual roots, and longevity.

Tie Zhongtang in front of him looked at Xu Changan below. He held up a small shield to prevent Xu Changan from attacking while thinking.

It would be just as easy for Tie Zhongtang, who was only in the Nascent Soul stage, to kill Xu Changan.

Even if you don't use magical powers or magic weapons, you only need to turn your thoughts into flying knives to annihilate Xu Changan's soul.

Kill Xu Changan?

Then go back and do hard work for a hundred years to reshape your true body?

Tie Zhongtang shook his head: This method is not advisable!


Because first, his life is short.

At the Nascent Soul stage, he has a thousand years of life. He has already lived for 800 years, with only 200 years left.

There are only two hundred years left. One hundred years are used to repair the real body. After reshaping the real body, my cultivation level has declined. I still have to face the situation of running out of life.

What else is fun?

And in front of you!

Tie Zhongtang glanced at Xu Changan, his eyes were hot: This guy is really incredible... Each of the three spiritual roots is ten in length.

Oh my gosh!

This is truly heaven-defying. Even the fate of the Yan Kingdom turning into a dragon last year was probably caused by this kid, right?

If I can take away this kid's body, then I will be an unparalleled genius with three extremely spiritual roots, and a lot of longevity. Although my cultivation level is a bit low, what cultivation level does a monk with this kind of talent have to fear? Low?

Wouldn’t it be possible to become a Nascent Soul by simply retreating into seclusion?

"Hahahaha..." Tie Zhongtang looked at Xu Changan and said: "Xu Changan... you are really my chance... It's really strange, why do you have three spiritual roots that are ten in length? A Dantian?”

"Against the heavens and heavens..."

Xu Changan saw that he could not even defeat the Nascent Soul after Tie Zhongtang's death, and his despair suddenly rose again.

When Tie Zhongtang wasn't paying attention, he ran away and turned into a stream of light to escape.


A powerful spiritual thought suddenly descended from the sky, violently knocking Xu Changan down from the void as he turned into a stream of light and tried to escape, and then fell back to the ground again.

"Don't bother with this!" The fist-sized glazed baby looked at Xu Changan coldly: "Xu Changan, I have taken a liking to your body... From now on, you and I will become one. , I will take you to that peerless peak..."

"I will take this body of yours to the top of Xuanmen, ride the wind and become an immortal, fly into the sky and become an immortal... Hahahaha..."


Tie Zhongtang's entire soul suddenly separated from the Nascent Soul and rushed toward Xu Changan.


The baby turned into glass fell to the ground.

This thing is no longer useful to a person who wants to seize the body.

"Ah..." An unbearable pain came from Xu Changan's soul: "Damn old guy... what are you doing?"

Xu Changan felt that there was an extra person in his body.

"Hehehehe..." Tie Zhongtang's soul was in Xu Changan's body and first controlled Xu Changan's mouth: "I... naturally want to squeeze you out of this body... Young man, since I want to occupy your body , I won’t embarrass you either!”

"After you leave your body, you can still enter reincarnation!"

"If you insist on stopping me, don't blame me for being ruthless. You won't even have a chance to be reincarnated!"

Xu Changan desperately took back control of his mouth: "You are dreaming..."

Tie Zhongtang said: "Then take a look and see if I am dreaming..."

"Swallow it for me..."


Tie Zhongtang is too lazy to talk to Xu Changan now. Since you don't want reincarnation, then I will swallow your soul directly.

"Ah..." Xu Changan wanted to scream in pain, but couldn't make a sound.

Because the mouth no longer belongs to him.

Then the arms, legs...

All parts of the body gradually lost control.

Finally, it is the deepest part of the soul.

"Hahaha..." Tie Zhongtang laughed and was about to occupy Xu Changan's entire body: "Boy... From now on, I, Tie Zhongtang, will be the number one prodigy in the world, what incense emperor way, what Xuanmen no Mahayana!"

"I will step on the top of Xuanmen!"

"Ah..." However, at this moment, the ecstatic Tie Zhongtang suddenly screamed: "What is this? Why is there an immortal weapon in your body? No, this is not an immortal weapon, this is a treasure more powerful than an immortal weapon..."

Tie Zhongtang saw a huge golden talisman in the depths of Xu Changan's soul.

The talisman was so big that it reached the sky and the earth, so big that it terrified him.

The power emanating from it was like the light of destruction that could annihilate everything.

The talisman turned, and the golden light fell.

The soul power of Tie Zhong was instantly reduced by 50%

"Ah..." Tie Zhongtang screamed miserably, and then without giving the golden card a second chance to rotate, he took the initiative to withdraw from Xu Changan's body and flew into the body of the glass baby that fell to the ground.

This in and out consumed a lot of soul power, and the golden talisman wiped out 50% of his soul power, and Tie Zhongtang's ability was instantly lost by 90%.

Xu Changan's soul quickly controlled his body, and then the violent golden spiritual power in his body flew out, turning into a gaze and slamming forward.

Taiyi's golden eyes of breaking barriers and reincarnation opened.


Tie Zhongtang, who had just merged into the Nascent Soul, was blown away by Xu Changan with the Nascent Soul.

"Cut..." Xu Changan held the Thunder Ruler in his hand, used the ruler as a sword, and jumped up to cut Tie Zhongtang.


Tie Zhongtang made a final block, and then his mind went black and he fainted directly, and the fist-sized glass Nascent Soul fell to the ground again.

Xu Changan certainly didn't dare to neglect it. After attacking from a distance with fireballs, nine-day patrols and netherfire spitting, he found that the Nascent Soul really had no breath, so he walked forward bravely.

He grabbed the Nascent Soul with a wave of his hand.

At this moment, the Nascent Soul was broken into pieces.

"This is a good thing!" Xu Changan took a deep breath, cast a common forbidden formation in the cultivation world to seal the Yuan, and then put it into the small world with a thought.

This time, he was completely relieved.


Because ordinary cultivators could not be easily taken into the small world by him.

Unless they were willing.

And now, this Nascent Soul was easily taken into the small world by him, which means that there is a high probability that the soul of Tie Zhongtang is no longer there.

Even if there is, I am not afraid.

You can turn my small world upside down at most, and I can still trap you to death with this thing.

Only two hundred years of life?

Under ten times acceleration, you will be gone in twenty years.

But it's a pity, why doesn't this old guy have a storage ring, nor other storage space?

Where are his treasures, skills, wealth and other things hidden?

Xu Changan looked around for a long time, but didn't see any storage tools.

Could it be that he put all the treasures in his own sect?

Forget it, never mind!

It's important to escape, so let's go first!

Xu Changan glanced around, then cleaned up and wiped off the traces, and turned into a stream of light and left the place.

He didn't know if Tie Zhongtang's life card was broken, but it would definitely be better to leave early.

One day later, Xu Changan stopped in a deep mountain.

He dug a temporary cave, arranged the formation, and then meditated.

It's time to make some plans.

Where to go now?

Back to Taixuan Sect?

Xu Changan shook his head: Definitely not!

If the people of Tianchui Sect find me, wouldn't I bring disaster to Taixuan Sect?

Let alone the Nascent Soul, even if a mere Golden Core came, it would probably be easy to destroy Taixuan.

The same reason.

Since Taixuanmen cannot go, Xiaolinggu and Xujiabao cannot go either.

Xu Changan stretched out his hand, took out a top-grade [Shenmind Dzi Bead] from the storage ring, and swallowed it: No matter where you go, let's restore your Shenmind first.

After being tormented by that bastard Tie Zhongtang, my soul is almost gone.

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