Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 305 [Grandmaster's inheritance, mechanical refining]


Xu Changan threw a blue spider into the second stone chamber.

The blue spider at the seventh level of Qi Refining seemed to feel the strong aura emanating from the huge silver puppet above its head. It was so scared that it trembled and lay on the ground, not daring to move.


Xu Changan threw out the second blue spider.

The second one was thrown a little further!

However, the result was the same.

The blue spider was not attacked, but it did not dare to raise its head or move.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, holding the [Asura Plate] in his right hand, communicating with the small world with his mind, and then stepped into the stone chamber. If there was any danger, he could ensure that he could enter the small world in a very short time and survive.

Fortunately, after entering the stone chamber, only the aura above his head made people uncomfortable, but he was not attacked.

Xu Changan threw a spider with one step.

Finally, he walked into the hall.

Xu Changan looked around and saw the corner that he had not seen before.

In a corner of the hall, there was a table made of spirit wood.

On the table, there was a dark yellow array light film, and in that light film, there was a purple jade slip!

Apart from that, there was nothing else in the entire hall.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, then raised a Cang Spider of the sixth level of Qi Refining in his hand and threw it next to the array light film.

The spirit wood table did not react at all.

Xu Changan then boldly came to the wooden table!


He looked at the table with a double blessing of the Wisdom Eye Talisman and the Taiyi Breaking Barrier Reincarnation Golden Eye Divine Ability.

There was nothing unusual on the table.

And this dark yellow array light film was just a very simple second-level array: the anti-corrosion array.

It can prevent the decay of objects caused by the infection of the power of time.

It seems that the tomb owner here is very afraid of the decay of the jade slip.

Xu Changan stretched out his hand and grasped the purple jade slip through the anti-corrosion array.

He first looked at it with his wisdom eyes, and after confirming that there was no problem with the jade slip, he put the jade slip on his forehead.


A powerful breath roared Xu Changan's soul.

He did not see the handwriting on the jade slip, but an old voice from countless ancient times came into Xu Changan's mind.

"I am Ou Yezi, leaving this jade slip to pass it on to the destined person!"

"Those who comprehend this jade slip can knock on the door of longevity. Those who inherit my legacy can also kill immortals and gods!"

Only two sentences!

Feeling the vicissitudes of life and concise words from the ancient times, Xu Changan felt a sense of admiration in his heart for no reason.

He turned his head and looked at the two ten-foot-tall silver puppets again.

On the lintel above the puppet's head, three big characters were engraved in ancient Zhou seal: Longevity Gate!

What does it mean?

It means that if I comprehend this jade slip, I can knock on the door of longevity?

Then you can get Ou Yezi's inheritance in Changshengmen, and gain great power, slay demons, kill immortals and cut off gods?

That's probably what it means.



Xu Changan took a deep breath, and then put the jade slip on his forehead again.

After reading it for about an incense stick of time, he put the jade slip away with a miserable face.

This jade slip has a name, called: [Basic Mechanism Refining Method].

It records some basic knowledge of refining and puppet mechanisms.

Ou Yezi said that after learning these things, you can refine two keys.

One controls the two silver puppets in front of you, and the other can open the door behind you.

Xu Changan vomited: This will take a long time.

His eyes looked at the ground.

There was another larger ring groove on the ground not far away.

According to what was said on the jade slip, refining a huge ring buckled here can control the puppet and prevent it from attacking itself.

Then the second ring, buckled on the door, can open the stone door.

But the jade slip said it was a basic mechanism refining method, with the word "basic", but in fact, after Xu Changan read it, he had no idea.

What kind of foundation is this?

If you learn this thing, you can run rampant in the Great Yan Kingdom.

No, no, no...

It should be said that there is no problem running rampant in this world.

Because if you learn this thing, you can make a puppet at the Yuanying level.

Can you imagine how difficult it is?

Xu Changan put away the jade slip, and then threw the last spider in his hand to the feet of the silver-armored puppet.

The silver-armored puppet didn't even move, and the spider at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage exploded directly.

Hiss hiss hiss...

So strong.

Xu Changan took another look at the stone chamber, and then turned around and left.

After closing the two stone doors, he came to the Cang Spider Cave outside, put away the formation flag, removed the reverse gathering spirit formation that had been arranged before, and then built the wall again.

Looking at the wet wall in front of him, Xu Changan felt that he could build a wall to prove his truth one day.

After covering the traces underground, Xu Changan returned from the original route and came to Doujiao Mountain.

The dazzling sunlight made him a little uncomfortable.

Looking around, Xu Changan waved his hand and slapped a spirit wing talisman on his body, and then flew towards Yangshuo City.

It's time to go back to the sect.

It's been too long since I teamed up with Chen Xuanli and left the sect.

Xu Changan calculated that he had been in seclusion underground for three years, and had been in seclusion to repair his spiritual thoughts for more than two years. He had been in Qiuren's Ruins for a full year, and he had set out half a year before Qiuren's Ruins.

Therefore, after all calculations, Xu Changan has left the sect for seven years.

It's time to go back and take a look.


I also need to practice in seclusion.

If you practice spiritual practice and retreat a lot, you need to go out to gain enlightenment and travel.

On the contrary, when you have gained enough insights from your travels, you should go back and retreat with peace of mind.

There was always a knife hanging above his head, forcing Xu Changan to move forward bravely.

Tie Zhongtang is only one aspect.

This old guy shouldn't be much of a threat for the time being.

The key is that there is the second prince of the Yan Kingdom. Xu Changan had a personal enmity with him in the Ruins of Qiuren. With his character and character, he would probably take revenge, right?

Go back to seclusion and set foot in the golden elixir realm as soon as possible so that you can have some strong combat power.

Two days later, Xu Changan arrived in Yangshuo City!

Enter the City Lord's Mansion, and then come to the Teleportation Hall.

There were very few people using the teleportation array here, so Xu Changan didn't wait at all and handed over the spirit stones directly.

Buzz buzz...

There was a flash of white light.

Xu Changan was teleported to the teleportation hall in Jidu.

There are many teleportation formations in Jidu, and there are two-way altars leading to various counties.

Xu Changan had just landed on the altar and got off the teleportation array when he saw a familiar figure.

Qin Nongqin?


This little girl... ahem... why does this guy have her everywhere?

Why would a monk at the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage come to Jidu from Yangshuo County for nothing?

You know, every time this teleportation array is opened, it will cost 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

And it’s two hundred thousand for a round trip?

What is she doing?

"Uncle Thirteen?"

Xu Changan saw Qin Nongqin, and Qin Nongqin naturally saw Xu Changan.

"Why are you here in Jidu?" She was a little surprised.

But it is obvious that Qin Nongqin now exudes a strong sense of confidence. When she looks at Xu Changan, she is no longer shy and cautious as before. Instead, she is open and generous, like a friend.

"Well..." Xu Changan said: "I have some things to visit Yaqing, but you, why are you here?"

"It's very dangerous for you to run so far. Does your master know?"

"Uncle Thirteen, hehehe..." Qin Nongqin smiled and said, "Let's do it this way. I won't be able to explain for a while. I'll treat you to dinner and we'll talk while we eat!"

Xu Changan nodded.

The two came to an inn specially designed for immortals to rest.

"Uncle Thirteen, please don't be angry if I say something..." Qin Nongqin said: "In this world, water flows to lower places and people go to higher places. The same goes for us monks. I am now being treated by the third elder of Tianchui Sect. He took him under his wing and became his closed disciple..."

"So, I am no longer a disciple of Taixuan Sect!"

"This time I go back just to tell my master Li Chijian that I can relieve the karma between master and disciple!"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: Tianchui Sect, third elder?

Isn't that just an old iron?

"You accepted Tie Zhongtang as your teacher?" Xu Changan squinted and stared at Qin Nongqin: This is interesting.

Tie Zhongtang returned to Tianchui Sect.

He has landed safely! This is it!

"Don't look at me like that!" Qin Nongqin said: "Uncle Thirteen, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Xu Changan nodded and said: "If it were me, I would also become a disciple of Tiezhongtang!"

Qin Nongqin suddenly laughed: "That's right, Uncle Thirteen is still your most knowledgeable disciple..."

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I support for your master, I will also persuade him later!"

"Thank you, Uncle Thirteen!" Qin Nongqin bowed respectfully.

Xu Changan started to talk: "Don't call me Uncle Thirteen from now on. Now that your family status is higher, although our cultivation levels are still different, I believe you will soar to the sky soon!"

"Let's call each other brothers and sisters!"

"Junior Sister Qin, how are you?"

"Ah?" Qin Nongqin was elated: Is this my junior sister?

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