Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 308 [Sect Treasure House, Water and Soil Origin]

Yunmeng said: "Our Yangshuo County is a superior county. There are many sects in one county. There are three large sects including Taixuan Immortal Sect, and there are as many as sixteen smaller sects. !”

She spoke eloquently.

Xu Changan also understood the reason.

It turns out that all the large and small sects in Lulong County will hold a grand competition every sixty years.

Based on this competition, the public cultivation resources of the entire Lulong County will be allocated.

For example, in the last competition, Taixuan Immortal Sect did not win the first place, and did not even enter the top three. In the end, they only won one [Dragon Blood Bodhi].

After the Dragon Blood Bodhi was obtained by the sect, a sect competition was held, and finally the Dragon Blood Bodhi was obtained by Xu Changan.

This is the last big competition.

Now, a period of time is coming soon, and the second competition is about to take place.

This is not only a fight for cultivation resources, but also a fight for Lulong County’s right to speak.

You know, there are three major sects, namely Taixuan Immortal Sect, Hehuan Immortal Sect, and Ziwei Immortal Sect.

Among the three sects, there are powerful masters at the Nascent Soul stage, and all three sects occupy the best cultivation cave in Lulong County. Take the Taixuan Immortal Sect as an example. The richness of spiritual energy in this sect is the second highest in the entire Lulong County.

But things are different now.

The ancestor Ji Zhengfeng, whose cultivation was so great that he was only one step away from entering the stage of becoming a god, died.

The Taixuan Immortal Sect now only has one Nascent Soul, Yunmeng, and she is only at the third level of the Nascent Soul.

In front of the other old Yuanyings, she naturally had no right to speak, so she wanted to take advantage of this competition to let Xu Changan fight, and it would be best to sweep the other major sects in one battle. In this way, no one dares to underestimate the foundation of Taixuan Immortal Sect, right?

Of course, for this competition, each sect can only send one disciple in the foundation building stage.

After Xu Changan understood the twists and turns, he nodded and said: "Ancestor, please rest assured, my disciple will definitely live up to his trust!"

"Well!" Yun Meng said: "There are still more than five years before this competition. You should hurry up. It is best to go one step further and break through to the first level!"

Xu Changan asked: "Are there any rules for this competition?"

Yun Meng said: "There are no rules. Even if you kill the opponent in the ring, there is no need to worry. However... during the competition, for the sake of fairness, talismans, magic weapons, elixirs, etc. are not allowed to be used..."

"Just fight for mana and supernatural powers!"

Xu Changan smiled, cupped his hands towards Yun Menggong, and said: "Supreme Elder, if this is the case, this disciple can go to the sect's treasure house to select treasures now!"

"Oh!" Yun Meng's eyes flashed with joy: "You are actually so confident?"

Xu Changan nodded: "Ancestor, don't worry, my disciple will definitely win the championship!"

Xu Changan is still a little worried if it is allowed to use magic weapons and talismans.

But fighting for mana and magical powers?

I'm afraid of wool.

Three Dantian, are they enough?

Taiyi's golden eyes break the obstacles of reincarnation!

Sharp gold and black yellow fingers!

In addition, he has half comprehended the magical power of [Nine-Day Sky Survey].

If this can't win the first place, then it's really useless.

In fact, Xu Changan didn't want to show off or show off, but he really wanted to get to the sect's treasure house quickly.


It's very simple. Today, Patriarch Yunmeng has pointed at my nose and asked me what my cultivation level is, which means that she can't see through my talisman at all.

What if she gets a whim and asks me to uncover the talisman on her body, should I do it or not?

After uncovering it, the three spiritual roots were revealed in front of the ancestor. Then if two more spiritual roots suddenly became the five element spiritual roots, what would the ancestor think?

This is too shocking.

Therefore, Xu Changan wanted to quickly go to the sect's treasure house to get two sources to replenish his earth spiritual roots and water spiritual roots.

When the Five Elements Spiritual Roots are complete, show them directly to the ancestor.

You're not afraid anymore, are you?

As for the other five mutated spiritual roots of Lei Fengbing's light and darkness, it doesn't matter, because one is bright and the other is dark.

These five mutated spiritual roots belong to the spiritual roots hidden behind metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be swept away even with spiritual thoughts.

"Forget it!" Yun Meng nodded and said, "Since you are so confident, and I am not a stingy person, you should go to the Internal Affairs Hall to find Elder Mingyu now. She will take you to the treasure house to select!"

"Thank you, Supreme Elder!"

Xu Changan left the Rumeng Palace, then turned into a ray of light and landed at the door of the Internal Affairs Hall.

Mingyu, wearing a moon-white Taoist robe and a bun, stood in front of the door of the Internal Affairs Hall with a heroic look on his face.

"Junior Brother Xu, we meet again!" Mingyu has a pair of peach blossom eyes, which are particularly beautiful when she smiles.

Xu Changan cupped his hands and said, "I have met Senior Sister Mingyu!"

The last time he received the spirit stone, Xu Changan had already dealt with Mingyu.

"Junior Brother Xu has made great achievements again..." Mingyu looked at Xu Changan and said, "The Supreme Elder actually asked you to come over and choose two treasures?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded.

"Come with me!"

Behind the Internal Affairs Hall, there is an underground treasure house.

The treasure house was surrounded by dozens of third-grade formations, and a heavy metal gate was built. The metal gates were all decorated with restrictions.


Layers of restrictions were opened.

Xu Changan went underground under the leadership of Mingyu, and the treasure house appeared in front of the two of them.


There is a dazzling array of everything inside.

There are various jade bottles, which contain different kinds of elixirs, various spiritual herbs, various refining materials and treasures, etc.

Spiritual stones are piled up like mountains.

Even the best spiritual stones, Xu Changan saw more than a dozen.

Mingyu said: "The Supreme Elder said that you can choose whatever you want, please!"

Xu Changan glanced at it and asked: "Sister Mingyu, may I ask if there are any five elements in this treasure house?"

Things like the five elements are great treasures in the eyes of ordinary cultivators in the world of cultivation.

But in the top families or sects, it is not uncommon.

After all, there are many five elements between heaven and earth. Wherever those five elements gather, treasures such as the five elements can be born over a long period of time.

For example, in the Earth Fire Hall of Taixuan Xianzong, under the earth fire, there must be a fire attribute origin.

For example, deep in the sect's wood spirit stone mine, there must be a wood origin.

That's the reason.

Moreover, the five elements are mutually generated and restrained. Under extremely special circumstances, the wood origin can also produce the fire origin, and so on.

"Yes, follow me!" Mingyu took Xu Changan and came to the corner of the treasure house.

There are a pile of various refining materials here.

Mingyu took out a yellowish earth block and said, "Brother, look, there is an earth origin in it!"

"Here are the fire origin and the wood origin!"

Xu Changan said; "I want the earth origin and the water origin!"

"Oh..." Mingyu took out a porcelain bottle and said, "There are ten drops of innate Ren water in it, which contains the water origin!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan took the porcelain bottle.

Although there are only ten drops of water in the porcelain bottle, these ten drops of water are very heavy.

Xu Changan opened the bottle and took a look. The water origin is not blue or transparent, but silver.

He put away the two origins and said, "Sister, I will choose these two treasures!"

"You have to think about it!" Mingyu smiled and said, "There are treasures in this treasure house that are much more valuable than these two. Are you sure you don't want to choose them?"

"No!" Xu Changan didn't even look at them. He was afraid that he would change his mind: "Sister, let's take these two!"

After taking the treasures, the two of them left the treasure house together.

Mingyu said, "Junior brother... Senior sister, please do me a favor!"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "You say it!"

Mingyu smiled and said, "I will go into seclusion to impact my realm next, and strive to reach the perfection of the Golden Core Stage as soon as possible, and then prepare to impact the Nascent Soul Stage, because the Supreme Elder said that our sect should soon have [Pohua Pill]..."

Xu Changan: …………

Do you count me in this?

Mingyu said: "But, I still lack some high-quality [Juyuan Pills]. If you are free, please help me refine some!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain... I..."

Mingyu thought for a while: "I have a lot of contribution points here, I can give them to you. If you want spirit stones, I can also give you spirit stones as a reward!"

Xu Changan said: "Okay, how much do you want to refine? I will help you refine it here before leaving!"

Juyuan Pill!

A third-grade pill.

It is an external supplementary golden pill used by Jindan disciples to impact realms or practice.

Its function is similar to the [Juqi Pill] of the Qi Refining Stage and the [Juling Pill] of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

It can also be said to be the same.

It is not too difficult to refine. If blood is used as an aid, Xu Changan can guarantee to refine high-quality pills.

Mingyu is not only an elder of the Internal Affairs Hall, but also a great man of the eighth level of the Golden Core Stage. It is said that she is extremely talented and very young. She is recommended by the Grand Elder Yunmeng Patriarch as one of the elders of the Taixuan Immortal Sect who is most likely to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage.

Xu Changan naturally wants to win over such a person and cannot offend him.

"Really?" Mingyu jumped for joy and said, "That's great... Junior Brother Xu, you are such a straightforward person... Then come with me, go to my Taoist temple, and make pills in my Taoist temple. My materials are all ready!"

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