Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 032 [Four-Elephant Sword Formation, Eight-Layer Spider Mother]

The setting sun hung in the sky, turning into a red orange, but it refused to set for a long time.

The three of them looked at Xu Changan eagerly.

The air was terribly quiet.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "May I ask, Senior Brother, what is so special about this Spider Mother in the late Qi Refining Stage that makes Senior Brother risk her life like this?"

He glanced at Ning Xiangxuan's Taoist robe. There was a torn wound on his right arm, and some dried blood.

Ning Xiangxuan was silent for a while, then said: "Well, I'll tell you all at once!"

"We accidentally discovered that there is a huge spider mother in the late Qi Refining stage under the ground of Doujiao Mountain. Junior brother should know that there is a transparent egg sac behind the spider mother's tail, which breeds its offspring, but I saw two mutated golden eggs in the spider mother's egg sac!"

"If they hatch, they will definitely not be ordinary!"

"After killing the spider mother, these two golden eggs will belong to me, and the silk sac in them will belong to Junior Brother Qin Kuo, and as for the spider mother's skin and the rest of the white eggs, they will be given to Junior Sister Fu Nianzhen!"

"What do you think?"

The three of them pressed Xu Changan.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and was somewhat tempted.

If so, after they divided it, there would still be the spider mother's flesh and blood. This is a spider mother in the late Qi Refining stage. If its blood is refined into blood beads, what a tonic it would be?

"Then..." Xu Changan paused slightly and said, "Brother, in addition to the 1,000 contribution points promised to me, you also have to give me the meat of the spider mother!"

"Hehehe..." Before Ning Xiangxuan could speak, Fu Nianzhen next to him chuckled: "Brother, you are still thinking about eating meat. Yes, the meat of the spider mother must be delicious. I am not afraid to tell you that the spider mother is big enough for you to eat for a while!"

In the world of cultivation, eating the meat of spirit beasts is not a rare thing.

"Gulp..." Xu Changan actually swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Hahahaha..." Fu Nianzhen laughed so hard that his body shook: "Brother, you are so funny, you are drooling!"

"Uh..." Xu Changan was a little embarrassed.

It was true that he was drooling just now, but it was not because of the meat, but because of the attraction of the spider mother's blood.

"Okay!" Xu Changan thought again and again, and finally agreed: "If that's the case, then I'd rather obey you than be respectful!"

"Good, good, good!" Ning Xiangxuan said three good words in a row, and said: "I don't know your Taoist name yet..."

Xu Changan did not hide it, and said directly: "My younger brother Xu Changan, I don't have any Taoist name!"

"Well!" Ning Xiangxuan said: "Then it's settled. In the morning of three days later, please come on time!"

Xu Changan bowed and left.

For the next two days, he continued to go to Doujiao Mountain to hunt Cang Spider.

Kill Cang Spider during the day and boil blood beads at night.

After a few days, Xu Changan had about 150 blood beads on his body. The blood water from which the blood beads were extracted was refined into dirty blood by him, and the dirty blood filled several jars.

It's strange that although this dirty blood can pollute weapons and magic weapons, it can't pollute jars. Only ceramic jars can hold it.

Three days later, in the morning, Xu Changan arrived at the big bluestone as promised.

"Brother Ning, when are we going down?" Xu Changan asked Ning Xiangxuan.

Ning Xiangxuan said, "No hurry, Brother Xu, this is the formation diagram of the Four Symbols Sword Formation, you can take a look first. When you comprehend the formation diagram of the Four Symbols Sword Formation, we will go down!"


Xu Changan took the jade slip and put it on his forehead, and countless information flew into his mind.

The formation diagram is different from the formation method. You don't need to comprehend it thoroughly, as long as you understand how to control it.

So Xu Changan saw it very quickly, and he understood the general idea in about half an incense stick of time, and said: "Brother Ning, I already know how to control it!"

"Hmm..." Ning Xiangxuan patted the storage bag, took out four black flags from the storage bag, and said: "Each person has a flag, this is the formation flag, which is the key to controlling the Four Symbols Sword Formation!"

"Also, each of you will be given 100 spiritual stones to fill the consumption of the formation!"

After the order was given here, everyone followed Ning Xiangxuan to go deep underground.

At the beginning, Xu Changan was really afraid that these people would kill people and steal treasures, but then he thought about it and felt relieved. These are the inner disciples of Taixuan Sect, which one does not enjoy a generous salary?

And everyone knows that the outer disciples are poor, killing me to steal treasures?

Unless these inner disciples are crazy.

Also, even if he knew that I had a way to avoid poisonous miasma, I don’t think Brother Ning would take action. After all, what kind of treasure is a treasure that can avoid miasma? It is not enough to cause infighting among the sects.

The balance of interests is not heavy enough to crush everything.

So it is safe.

After walking for about an incense stick, Junior Sister Fu suddenly couldn't hold on. She said, "Senior Brother... I feel dizzy!"

"Hmm!" Ning Xiangxuan took out three dark green talismans and said, "One for each person. This talisman only works for one hour. Combined with the two hours of the miasma-avoiding pill, we only have three hours in total!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Fu Nianzhen waved her hand to open the talisman, and her body was surrounded by a green light film, and the miasma outside could no longer enter her body.

After walking for a while, Qin Kuo and Ning Xiangxuan also opened their own talismans.

At this time, only Xu Changan was calm. Fu Nianzhen couldn't help but look at him twice and said, "Junior brother, are you really immune to all poisons?"

"Haha!" Xu Changan said, "Yes... When I was young, I accidentally swallowed a unique golden cicada, and since then I have been immune to all poisons!"

Of course, this is just Xu Changan's nonsense.

But the three people on the opposite side actually believed it.

In the darkness, the cave is difficult and long. Several people dare not delay a moment. One by one, they raced against time and finally arrived at the designated location half an hour later.

Ning Xiangxuan said, "This is the only relatively large open space underground. Let's set up the sword formation here!"

"Hurry, there is only half an hour!"

"Arrange the sword formation in half an hour, kill the spider mother within an hour, and the remaining last hour, let's run away!"

It took half an hour to come down, but it took more than half an hour to go up.

Several people were busy and placed the materials distributed by Ning Xiangxuan according to the specified location and attributes.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

When everyone was sweating, Ning Xiangxuan suddenly said: "Okay... It's finally done, let's try it first!"

Four people, each took out ten spirit stones in their hands and put them in the center of the formation.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The formation instantly emitted a dazzling light.

Four people held formation flags in their hands, and they could switch between offense and defense at will.

"The formation is fine." Ning Xiangxuan stopped the formation and said: "I will lure the eight-layer spider mother over. You guys hide well. Once it steps into the sword formation, immediately activate the formation to trap it!"

Xu Changan's mouth trembled slightly: "Eight...eight layers?"

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