Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 323 [Ninety-nine annihilation, ultimate catastrophe]


Xu Changan opened his mouth and shouted to the thunder clouds above the nine heavens: "Why do disciples have so much karma?"

"Disciple is not convinced!"

The nine blood thunders are not the point.

The point is karma.

Having karma on one's body does not affect the ability to condense spiritual power and improve one's cultivation, but it does affect one's ability to comprehend the rules of heaven and earth.

You know, after the monks reach the realm of the Great Golden Pill and Nascent Soul, they begin to come into contact with the rules between heaven and earth.

In other words, Xu Changan can still practice quickly now, but it will be difficult when he reaches the late stage of Jindan or the Great Perfection.

Because karma will disrupt the rules of heaven and earth, it will make you unable to understand.

As for Nascent Soul.

If the Great Yuanying is contaminated with too much karma, it will basically be useless and unable to practice.

Are you going to cut off my path to immortality again?

Xu Changan was very unconvinced.

Because he believed that he had never done anything too harmful in his life.

The principle he adheres to throughout his life is: I will not offend others unless they offend me.


The next moment, there was a ruthless and cold voice, falling from the nine heavens, booming in Xu Changan's mind, and only Xu Changan could hear it.

"The first cause and effect: killing the spirit beast and refining the blood bead..."

Scenes of the spirit beasts being slaughtered by Xu Changan were transmitted back to Xu Changan's mind.

Xu Changan nodded: I agree.

Indeed, there were many innocent spirit beasts slaughtered. Some spirit beasts had never attacked him or hurt anyone, and they were all slaughtered by him.

All things are born, not just humans.

There are also many races.

The human race is not the only one blessed by heaven.

"The second cause and effect: Tian Qianqiu..."

The scene of him beheading Tian Qianqiu was transmitted.

Tian Qianqiu was killed by him in the Bihai Secret Realm. Although Tian Qianqiu was about to be taken over by Mr. Chen, Xu Changan stood out and this cause and effect did lead to him.

Because before the seizure is successful, there is always a chance.

In Tiandao's view, Tian Qianqiu's vitality was still intact. It was Xu Changan who ended Tian Qianqiu's dream.

Besides, Tian Qianqiu is willing to have his body taken away, which is somewhat different from taking his body by force.

I think!

Xu Changan has to admit this even if he doesn't admit it.

"The third cause and effect...Zhu Zimu..."

The scene of him planning to kill Zhu Zimu came, and at the same time, the voice came again: "My master, Zhu Zimu, is just greedy."

This is very clear.

Zhu Zimu had no murderous intentions towards him, he was just coveting the treasures in the ruins. At the beginning, this old boy always said, what will happen to the two of us in the future?

But Xu Changan had been plotting Zhu Zimu's fate from the very beginning.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine, and it wouldn't cause much cause and effect.

But both Zhu Zimu and Tian Qianqiu are people who are directly related to Xu Changan.

Tian Qianqiu saved his life from Huo Yang and treated him sincerely.

Zhu Zimu is his master!

Once these two identities are superimposed, the cause and effect becomes a bit big.

But even if there are the above three sects, the power of cause and effect has not yet reached the overwhelming level.

The biggest one is the fourth one!

"The fourth cause and effect: Xujiacun..."

The explanation given by Tiandao was that it was caused by Xu Changan. He was originally a Xuanmen monk and should not have returned to Xujiacun, but he did. This was the reason why Xujiacun was destroyed.

But the killing was carried out by Immortal Changsheng.

In the end, this huge cause and effect was divided into ten percent.

Master Changsheng and the disciples who participated in the killing accounted for 50%, Master Baodeng accounted for 20%, and Xu Changan accounted for 30%.

Such four causes and effects eventually converged into a huge amount of karma, and finally when Xu Changan's golden elixir transcended the tribulation, it attracted nine blood thunders that destroyed the world.


Xu Changan took a deep breath and was convinced.

He slowly closed his eyes.

A tiny figure in the distance suddenly roared, and Patriarch Yunmeng's clear voice came: "Xu Chang'an... Between heaven and earth, all living things have cause and effect. We Xuanmen monks seize the creation of heaven and earth and fight for the front line." How can there be no karma if there is no chance?”

"Karma is not something that cannot be eliminated. Don't let this matter damage your Taoist heart!"

When Xu Changan thought about Qingming, he took out a piece of Enlightenment tea leaf, put it into his mouth, and shouted: "Come on..."


Between heaven and earth, nine more blood thunders condensed, falling like a bloody waterfall.


The [Golden Mother Yuji Beam] on Xu Changan's waist suddenly emitted tremendous defensive power!

Although the defensive shield was instantly shattered, he blocked 80% of the thunder and lightning falling from the sky.

Xu Changan can carry the remaining 20% ​​with his own spiritual power.



The third wave of thunder and lightning condensed and fell again.

Each wave is stronger than the last.

"Zhenxian Mountain... come out to me..."


Under the blessing of Xu Changan's spiritual power, the top-quality spiritual weapon Zhenxian Mountain suddenly transformed into a hundred-foot-sized mountain, standing above his head.

Nine bloody thunderbolts were blocked.

Of course, the Zhenxian Mountain has also shrunk a bit, becoming fifty feet in size.


The fourth wave fell again.

"Four waves..." Everyone watching Xu Changan's tribulation shrank their eyes.

Between heaven and earth, there is a certain destiny for the creatures to pass through the golden elixir thunder tribulation.

Some people have three nine thunder tribulations, which are nine thunders falling in three waves in a row.

Some people have six-nine thunder tribulations, which means nine thunders fall in six waves.

The strongest one is the nine-nine heavenly tribulations. It is said that when the nine-nine heavenly tribulations fall, all those who cross the tribulations will be annihilated.

It is said that those who are under the nine-nine heavenly tribulations are feared by the heaven.

They must be killed in one fell swoop!

Wave after wave of thunder tribulations fell.

Everyone was numb.

"It's the seventh wave... God, I have never seen more than sixty-nine thunder tribulations!" Elder Mingjing stroked his green beard and said, "This Taixuan Immortal Sect has been around for so many years. Even you, the ancestor, only attracted sixty-nine heavenly tribulations, right?"

He looked at Yunmeng.

Yunmeng nodded and said, "Xu Changan can attract seventy-nine heavenly tribulations. Don't go any higher!"

Yunmeng was really a little scared.




The several defenses on Xu Changan's head were pierced by the heavenly tribulations one by one.

On his body, the [Heavenly Silk Collar] was directly torn to pieces.

A top-grade spiritual weapon was destroyed.

In fact, it was not just this one.

His [Purple Gold Chaotian Crown] was destroyed, [Zhenhai Seal] was destroyed, [Zhenxian Mountain] was destroyed, and [Jinmu Yuji Bin] was destroyed.

Even Zhu Zimu's [Treasure Cauldron of Ten Thousand Herbs] was torn by the thunder!

Fortunately, Xu Changan, who had become a bloody man, finally blocked the seventh wave of thunder.


The golden cloud above his head did not dissipate, and the eighth heavenly tribulation came again.

Xu Changan was not afraid. He waved his hand and took out his biggest trump card: Asura Plate.

Thank you, Master Qingyun.

If Master Qingyun had not sent me such a treasure from afar, I would not be able to hold on today.

Fortunately, there is a pot lid.


The blood and qi in Xu Changan's body flowed into the Asura Plate, and the black plate instantly turned into a large umbrella with a radius of dozens of feet, which was held above Xu Changan's head.


The blood waterfall and thunder were all blocked.

"So strong..." Yun Meng took a deep breath and said, "Finally I made it through..."

But the next moment, her fair face changed again, and she said, "Not good... There is a ninth one... This is the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation of Annihilation!"

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