Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 327 [Old Gu, who defies the heavens, wants to pass on his magical powers]

Tie Yuanyi looked at his grandfather, then shook his head and said, "No... It is said that the last wave of nine thunders merged into one and turned into a vast ocean!"

"Xu Changan, no bones left!"

"Only a golden light flew away..."

Tie Zhongtang's eyes shrank slightly: "Dead?"

His mouth opened wide, with a feeling of powerlessness he had never felt before.

Damn it!

I worked hard in seclusion to practice and reshape my body. Now I finally succeeded. I was just looking for you, kid. Are you dead?

He was looking for Xu Changan not for revenge.

At Tie Zhongtang's level, hatred is no longer so important. The most important thing is opportunity and the great way.

Finding Xu Changan can get Xu Changan's body and take away the golden card in his body that exceeds the level of immortals.

You can go underground to open the tomb of Ou Yezi.

Now you tell me that Xu Changan is dead and only a golden light escaped?

Needless to say, that golden light should be the treasure that exceeds the level of immortals.


"Really?" He looked at his grandson.

Tie Yuanyi sighed deeply and said, "Grandpa... No one can survive the nine-nine annihilation thunder tribulation!"

Tie Zhongtang nodded, slumped down on the mat, and said, "That's true, no one can survive the nine-nine annihilation thunder tribulation!"

"Is the news accurate?" After two breaths, he asked Tie Yuanyi again.

Tie Yuanyi said, "It's absolutely true. Taixuan Xianzong even held a memorial service for him, and the elders of Changfeng Valley have also changed!"

"Xu Changan should really be gone!"

"This matter cannot be concealed, because the power caused by his tribulation was too great, and dozens of elders in Taixuan Xianzong witnessed it with their own eyes!"

Tie Zhongtang nodded.

If it was one or two people, it would not be difficult to keep the secret.

But it is impossible to keep the secret with dozens of people.

"Whatever!" Tie Zhongtang waved his hand and said, "If he dies, he dies. I have no regrets. Anyway, I already know the location of Ou Yezi's tomb. It's just that I have to work harder to get in!"


No one cares about Xu Changan's death.

However, the fact that a disciple of Taixuan Xianzong caused the nine-nine heavenly tribulation when he formed the elixir and finally died under the heavenly tribulation spread like wildfire throughout the entire Yan Kingdom's cultivation world.

In just a few months, almost everyone who practiced cultivation in Yan Kingdom heard about it.

Even Xu Changan himself had heard about it several times on the streets.

"Senior Minghe, this is the exact location. It's at the northernmost part of Suzaku Street. Just go there and take over the store!" In the lobby of Yanbei Chamber of Commerce, a foundation-building disciple handed a jade token to Xu Changan: "Senior, you can go and take a look first. If you have any questions, you can report to our Yanbei Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible!"


After Xu Changan got the jade token, he calmly left the Chamber of Commerce and walked along Suzaku Street to the northernmost part.

He bought a store in Yanbei Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, it's a store.

Xu Changan plans to open an alchemy shop in Jidu. This is the best way he can think of to accumulate resources while practicing.

Of course, this is not his original intention.

There is another reason why Xu Changan opened this alchemy shop: to send a message to Zhen Qingyan.

The news of his death has now spread throughout the entire Yan State, so Zhen Qingyan must know it.

So he has to find a way to tell Zhen Qingyan that he is not dead.

But he can't just go to her like this.


Because Xu Changan just got another piece of news, that is, Tie Zhongtang has successfully reshaped his true body, and held a banquet in Tianchui Sect to entertain all Yuanying fellows.

He didn't know whether Tie Zhongtang was secretly monitoring Zhen Qingyan.

But it was absolutely right to try not to contact Zhen Qingyan.

If he didn't go to find Zhen Qingyan, how could Zhen Qingyan know that he was still alive?

Open a shop.

Xu Changan had already thought of the name, it was called [Minghe Alchemy Shop]. Once the reputation of the medicine shop was up, Zhen Qingyan would definitely come in person.

In this way, wouldn't all the problems be solved?

Xu Changan walked slowly on Zhuque Street.

A white-haired figure suddenly fell upside down from a huge roadside tree beside the road. The head of the man just stopped at the height of Xu Changan's head, just three feet away from Xu Changan's eyes.

Xu Changan, who was walking, was startled and almost screamed.

A closer look revealed that this scary old thing was actually an old acquaintance.

"Long time no see..." Old Gu, who was hanging upside down in the air, stared at Xu Changan, grinned, and said, "I thought you were really dead, isn't it okay..."

Xu Changan was not surprised that Old Gu could see through Xu Changan's true face.

However, he was very frightened.

"Don't worry!" Old Gu rolled over and landed on the ground, then walked to Xu Changan and walked with him: "Hehehe...Xu Changan, you don't recognize me, do you?"

Xu Changan said: "Can you be a little quieter? Do you have to let the whole Ji City hear my identity before you are satisfied?"

The old man shook his head with a nonchalant look on his face and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, there are no cultivators within a thousand feet, and Tie Zhongtang is not here!"

"Tsk tsk tsk...boy, oh, I'm really curious, how did you escape from the Nine Nine Silence Thunder Tribulation?"

Xu Changan said: "Old Gu, what is your level of cultivation? Why are you so powerful that you can see through me so easily?"

Old Gu scratched his head: "Am I powerful?"

Xu Changan said: "Very powerful!"

"No, no, no..." Old Gu said: "I am nothing... Oh, I went to Qin State with my parents some time ago. Do you know that there is a god in Qin State? That's powerful!"

"He has a magical power that no one in the world can learn. Old Gu tried many times, alas... No, no, it's too far away!"

Xu Changan immediately became interested and asked: "Is Qin State powerful? What kind of magical power is that?"

Old Gu smiled, then coughed twice, and asked: "Have you heard of this person [Lao Ai]?"

Xu Changan shook his head.

Old Gu said: "I have never heard of it before, but after seeing his magical power, I am in awe!"

Xu Changan said: "What kind of magical power is it, and how can it reach the sky and the earth?"

Old Gu said: "Lao Ai's Wheel of Fortune!"

Xu Changan was stunned: "Lao Ai's Wheel of Fortune?"


"What kind of magical power is that?"

Old Gu shook his head and said: "It is indescribable, indescribable... If I succeed in practicing it, Madam will definitely... Ahem... I mean, if I succeed in practicing it, I will show it to you first. If you like it, I will pass it on to you!"

Xu Changan showed an extremely solemn expression on his face, then bowed respectfully to Old Gu and said: "Thank you very much, senior, I am looking forward to this new magical power!"

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