Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 330 [The statue of the real body is not allowed to be stepped on]

Sanxiao Empress Temple is located in the northernmost part of Jidu, almost close to the snowfield.

Xu Changan bought a carriage and took Niu Baoguo with him to the north.

Along the way, Niu Baoguo told Xu Changan about the origin of the Sanxiao Empress Temple.

"Master, don't you know? I heard that in the entire Yan Kingdom, there is only this Sanxiao Temple!" Niu Baoguo sat behind the carriage and looked at Xu Changan with a smile, but with a serious look on his face: "Although this position is It’s remote, but maybe it’s because Empress Sanxiao has very little incense in the world, so it’s very effective!”

"Aunt Su, who lives across the street from us, her son couldn't have a child after three years of marriage. Last year, she went to the Sanxiao Empress Temple and she had a child!"

"Are you saying it's not effective?"

Xu Changan smiled bitterly: Does Empress Sanxiao control the birth of children?

He really doesn't know.

However, he still has some understanding of Sanxiao.

It is rumored that there is a major sect in the immortal world called Jiejiao. The leader of Jiejiao is Saint Tongtian. There are eight elite disciples under Saint Tongtian. Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming are considered to be the elite disciples of the outer sect.

As for the rest, Xu Changan didn't know.

But speaking of it, there should be many temples in the human world for such a famous figure in the fairy world.

But the actual situation is exactly the opposite.

As Niu Baoguo said, there are really few temples in Sanxiao. Xu Changan has seen many temples of gods in his life, but he has never seen the temple in Sanxiao.

How strange.

The temple covers a large area.

The surrounding bases are all made of pure white jade.

The entire temple is divided into three entrances.

The first step is Wishing Square!

The second entrance is the Sanxiao Statue Hall.

The third step is some guest rooms and the like.

At the vermilion gate, a well-dressed temple priest sat on the threshold, asking passing mortal travelers for money for incense.

Xu Changan casually took out two snow-white silver ingots from the storage bag and threw them over. One spindle was fifty taels, two was one hundred taels.


Xu Changan smiled and said, "How do you say that?"

Niu Baoguo said: "One hundred taels. Once you sell it, it will be one hundred taels of incense money. Even if we ask for business later, how long will it take to earn enough?"

"Let's go in first and then talk!"

And almost passed the threshold at the foot of the temple and came to the Wishing Square.

There is a huge bronze cauldron in the Wishing Square, and many incense candles have been burned in the cauldron.

Xu Changan also pinched three sticks of incense from the side and lit them, then inserted them into the left, middle and right positions of the bronze cauldron.

"Master, do you know why these are three sticks of incense?"

Niu Baoguo asked Xu Changan after offering incense.

Xu Changan said: "Taoist Xuanmen Sanqing, naturally we have to burn three sticks of incense. What's wrong?"

Niu Baoguo said: "No, I think there are three empresses of Sanxiao. It should mean one stick of incense for each one!"

Xu Changan curled his lips, but did not explain to Niu Baoguo.

After making wishes and offering incense, we walked around the Wishing Square, went to the back of the main hall to pay homage to the statue of Empress Sanxiao, and then kowtowed.

The grand hall is dozens of feet high.

However, it was so dark inside that one could not clearly see the jade faces of the three statues at the end, and one had to enter the main hall.

Niu Baoguo chuckled, lifted up his clothes and walked into the hall.

The surrounding believers also entered the hall one by one to kowtow to Empress Sanxiao in person.


Xu Changan stopped at the door of the hall.

He frowned, and a huge divine thought burst out, even covering the entire Three Heavens Temple.

Because he can't get in!

That's right, I just can't get in.

Obviously this is a main hall, and the door is obviously three feet in front of him, but Xu Changan can't take a step no matter what.

This feeling is quite strange.

It was as if something was blocking him from entering the hall.

how to say?

Not a formation!

If it is a formation, Xu Changan can touch this layer of obstruction, and even if it is a formation, why does it only block me and not others?

Mortals can get in, but I, an immortal, can't?

But Xu Changan spent a lot of effort and just couldn't get in.

Even, Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts were opened, covering the entire Temple of the Three Heavens Empress. He found that there were dozens of monks in the temple, and everyone could come in and out freely, but he couldn't!


Xu Changan frowned.

Inside, Niu Baoguo said: "Master... you should come in and kowtow to the empress!"

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "Forget it, I won't go in, Niu Baoguo... just kowtow a few more times and take my share!"

"Huh?" Niu Baoguo heard this statement for the first time in his half-life.

Xu Changan found a corner outside and sat down.

He lowered his head and felt warm and indescribably comfortable all over his body.

Coming to Sanxiao Temple is as comfortable as returning to the home where I grew up.

"Master!" After a while, Niu Baoguo hurried over and said: "I kowtowed eighteen times, nine by myself and nine for you. forehead is still red. no?"

Xu Chang'an stared at Niu Baoguo's dark forehead carefully, and then nodded against his will: "'s quite red!"

"Let's go to the backyard and have a look!"

There is actually nothing in the backyard. It is the residence of the temple priests in this temple.

There are also some guest rooms.

"Senior!" A Taoist disciple in the foundation-building period saw Xu Changan and bowed, saying, "Hello, senior. I am the manager of this Sanxiao Temple!"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Prepare a guest room for me. I want to live here for a few days!"

"Okay!" The foundation-building disciple said, "I couldn't ask for more!"

Soon, the house was ready.

After Xu Changan entered the guest room, the foundation-building disciple followed behind him.

Xu Changan said: "Brother, please sit down. Don't call me senior. Just call me senior brother. My name is Minghe, and I am at the first level of the Golden Core Stage!"

"I dare not..." The foundation-building cultivator shook his head in fear: "I am only at the third level of the Foundation-Building Stage. You are embarrassing me. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan asked: "Has there ever been a Golden Core Stage cultivator entering the statue hall of the Three Goddesses in front?"

"Yes!" The temple keeper said: "There are several every year, not only Golden Cores, but also Nascent Souls, and even some great powers. I don't know their cultivation levels!"

Xu Changan frowned slightly.

He didn't tell anyone about his situation.

After all, he was a person of great luck, and he was also a person who was feared by the heavens and wanted to be killed by the Nine Nine Heavenly Tribulations.

Xu Changan decided not to tell anyone about all the details.

Anyway, I am special.

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