Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 333 [Initial refining of the fourth grade, purchasing materials]


Zhang Datong's face looked a little ugly.

He knew that the best elixirs were expensive, but he never expected them to be so expensive.

One bottle of [Spirit-Judging Pill] requires five parts of the materials for refining [Yuan-Juning Pill].

Black is really black.

However, the best ones are also really good.

"Senior!" Han Xiaozhi said next to him: "This... this is too expensive!"

"Is it expensive?" Xu Changan asked Han Xiaozhi.

Han Xiaozhi took a deep breath and said boldly: "Senior, this part of the material for [Ju Yuan Dan] requires about 30,000 medium-grade spiritual stones, and five parts is 150,000!"

"This is too expensive. I heard that the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce's previous auction of a bottle of twelve top-grade [Spirit Gathering Pills] only sold for 100,000 spirit stones!"

Xu Changan frowned: "Really?"

He really didn't know much about this kind of price.

"That's okay!" Xu Changan simply waved his hand and said, "You can also give me three copies of the [Yuan Ju Dan] materials!"

Three servings, that’s a lot!

For Xu Changan, using just one drop of his own blood, he can refine four pills of top grade and eight pills of top grade.

"Or!" Looking at the troubled expressions on the other two's faces, Xu Changan stretched out his hand: "You can give me one hundred thousand mid-grade products. In this way, as the first customer of my shop, I will give you a 10% discount. Just 90,000 for me!”

Ninety thousand middle-grade spiritual stones.

"This..." Zhang Datong's face suddenly turned red.

He doesn't have 90,000 either.

"Senior, it's us who are rude!" Zhang Datong said: "Let's buy a bottle of mid-grade [Spirit Gathering Pill]!"

Xu Changan shook his head: "No!"

Ah this...

Is it mid-grade?

"Where's the top grade one?" Han Xiaozhi, the little girl next to her, asked.

Xu Changan said: "There are some high-grade ones, a bottle of twelve pills and five thousand mid-grade spiritual stones will suffice!"

The difference between top quality and top quality is so big.

After all, the best medicine can instantly replenish spiritual power. In this regard, each pill is equivalent to a life.

"Okay!" Zhang Datong took out 5,000 middle-grade items and bought a bottle of high-grade [Spirit Gathering Pill].

Xu Changan asked: "Do you want anything else?"

"No, no!" Zhang Datong waved his hand, then casually dropped a piece of silver to Niu Baoguo and said, "Thank you, brother, this is your tip!"

For cultivators, gold and silver are similar to loess.

But Niu Baoguo was shocked beyond measure.

Only now did he know that his boss was actually an immortal.

"Boss... oh no... Grandpa Fairy... I... I, I, I..." Niu Baoguo looked at Xu Changan and didn't know what to say.

Xu Changan waved his hand: "Keep an eye on the store. I'll go out for about two hours!"

Xu Changan rode a carriage all the way to Yanbei Chamber of Commerce.

Elder Tang, one of the elders of the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce, personally came out to greet Xu Changan.

"Elder Tang!"

"Haha!" Elder Tang laughed and said, "Fellow Daoist Minghe, don't be so polite, just call me Fellow Daoist Tang!"

"Come on, come on, please sit down!"

Elder Tang politely invited Xu Changan to the private room of Yanbei Chamber of Commerce.

Why are you so polite?

Because before, Xu Changan showed his hand a little and took out a bottle of the best [Ju Yuan Dan] for auction in their chamber of commerce, which immediately caused a sensation in the entire Jidu.

Naturally, that bottle of [Ju Yuan Dan] was sold at a sky-high price.

The Yanbei Chamber of Commerce naturally gained huge benefits from this.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe, I didn't know I was coming this time..." Elder Tang looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said: "I want to buy some materials!"

"Okay!" Elder Tang smiled and said, "Come to us. You have come to the right place. Fellow Taoist Minghe, why do you want to buy the materials of [Ju Yuan Dan] again to refine the best Ju Yuan?" Dan?"

"No!" Xu Changan said: "I want to buy five copies of the [Ningzhen Pill] materials!"

"What?" Elder Tang trembled and looked at Xu Changan in shock: "Brother Minghe, are you... are you trying to refine the fourth-grade [Condensation Pill]?"

Ning Zhen Dan!

Fourth grade elixir.

It can be eaten by monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

After eating this [Condensation Pill], not only can the monks in the Nascent Soul stage improve their cultivation, but also their ability to comprehend.

Because one of the raw materials of this Ningzhen Pill is the [Enlightenment Tea].

Under normal circumstances, only a fourth-grade alchemist can refine fourth-grade elixirs.

The fourth-grade alchemists are basically powerful at the Nascent Soul stage.

This is serious.



Because alchemy requires the three spiritual roots of gold, wood, and fire, and it is very difficult for a monk who has these three spiritual roots to cultivate to the realm of Yuanying.

Therefore, fourth-grade alchemists are a rare species in the entire Yan Kingdom.

Not only is it difficult to find such people to make elixirs, but the key is that these ancestor-level figures have quite a temper.

As a result, elixirs of level four or above are extremely rare in the world of cultivation.

If Xu Changan can refine a fourth-grade elixir...


Elder Tang looked at Xu Changan and felt excited.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe!" He took a deep breath and said, "This is the situation. Our chamber of commerce has the materials, but we are missing the [Enlightenment Tea]. Can you refine it?"

Enlightenment tea is not a necessary ingredient for the [Ningzhen Pill].

Logically speaking, when refining the [Condensing Pill], in addition to those heavenly materials and earthly treasures, what needs to be added is the monk's own perception and understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.

These insights are imprinted in the Ningzhen Pill in the form of spiritual thoughts.

It doesn't matter if you don't have any insights or Taoist aggregations. You can just look for spiritual herbs that contain the rules of heaven and earth and join them.

As a result, Wu Dao tea became a substitute material.

Xu Changan is only at the Golden Core stage, and he is a guy at the first level of the Golden Core stage. Naturally, there is no Tao Yun.

But he has enlightenment tea leaves.

He waved his hand and took out a green tea leaf from the storage bag: "I have this!"

"Oh oh oh..." Elder Tang nodded and said, "Fellow Taoist Minghe, I will prepare the materials for you right now. Just wait!"

The materials for the Ningzhen Pill are all fourth-grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures. There are more than thirty kinds in total, and each one is valuable.


Elder Tang walked into the private room with five pieces of materials.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe, please check to see if it is correct!"

All five jade boxes were opened.

Inside each one, there is a piece of tea material that does not contain Enlightenment.

Xu Changan looked at it and said, "No problem, Fellow Daoist Tang, what's the price?"

Elder Tang glanced at Xu Changan with a smile and said, "Oh, what's the price?"

"Just follow the rules of our cultivation world. For five materials, you can give me a pot of pills later!"

Xu Changan frowned and said: "Actually... Elder Tang, this is my first time trying to refine a fourth-grade elixir. There is no guarantee that it will be successful. What if all five parts are broken?" ?”

After all, Elder Tang had some courage and said: "If all five parts are broken, then they belong to our Yanbei Chamber of Commerce!"

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