Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 340 [Water Control Array, Heading to the Snowfield]

Fifty days have passed in the small world, but only five have passed outside.

Compared with the Golden Talisman Space, the small world has two disadvantages.

First, there is no spiritual energy, and it is impossible to draw spiritual energy from the outside.

Second, it consumes longevity.

The Golden Talisman space is different. Although his time flow rate is ten times, the loss rate of longevity is only twice as fast as the outside world. Moreover, the spiritual power from the outside world can enter the golden talisman space for Xu Changan to absorb and practice.

After taking care of the puppet, Xu Changan took out a top-quality [Yuan Ju Dan] and swallowed it in one gulp.

The fire-attribute skills in his body started to work like crazy.

Xu Changan was still in the small world and began to practice.

Although it is also ten times the longevity, ten times is ten times.

Survive first!

Three months, which is less than three years!

The Great Golden Pill has a lifespan of five hundred years, and three years is insignificant!

While practicing, he used a ray of spiritual thought to look at the turtle shell.

There is an inverted formation on the turtle shell.

Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts invaded it and began to comprehend.

The level of this formation is very high!

If what Tianhe said is true, this should be a mark on the immortal weapon [Xuanyuan Water Control Flag], and the level of the ban is definitely the immortal level.

Something beyond the world of cultivation.

It is absolutely impossible for Xu Changan to understand or deploy this kind of formation.

However, you can understand this formation through long-term visualization and cognition.

For example, what is this formation, what is its purpose, and what is its operating principle?

Xu Changan took out a piece of Enlightenment tea leaf and put it in his mouth, and then fell into enlightenment.

Time passes little by little.

One day!

Two days!

Three days!

In the blink of an eye, two and a half years have passed.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

After two and a half years, he finally got a clue of this [formation].

That's right!

This is a very high level, complete formation.

It has only one function: to control water!

Control water?

Xu Changan smiled!

Originally this thing was useless!

A very useless formation.

But now it has a huge effect on Xu Changan.


Because it can control water.

If I learn this formation, after the famous [Zhenwu Jedi] of Dayan Kingdom in Lulong County is opened, I can enter it and use this immortal formation to control the [Taiyi True Water].

I don’t seek to truly refine this Taiyi True Water, because I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult to refine it.

I just want to control this Taiyi True Water a little bit, and then rush it into my [Golden Talisman Space].

What will happen then?

One is, the immortal fire!

One is, Taiyi True Water!

Water defeats fire!

Logically speaking, Taiyi True Water should be able to destroy the immortal underworld fire.

But this divine fire is an innate divine fire, and it is said to be immortal. Naturally, it will not be really extinguished, that is, it will be suppressed by the True Water of Taiyi.

Under such circumstances, if you can find a way between water and fire, you can enter the golden talisman space to practice.

Isn't that beautiful?

Of course!

It is absolutely impossible to comprehend the grand formation of this fairy world.

Even if Xu Changan had such a heaven-defying thing as a big golden talisman, he would not be qualified to play with the immortal formation.

He didn't even think about comprehending the Immortal Formation.

The Immortal Formation is definitely more than enough to deal with a [Taiyi True Water] from the world of cultivation.

After all, this Taiyi True Water is only relatively good in the world of cultivation. If it gets it in the world of immortality, it might just be just a drop of ordinary water in the world of immortality.

What to do?


Xu Changan decided to evolve a relatively advanced cultivation world formation based on this immortal formation.

In this way, you can control the true water of Taiyi.

Of course, all of this is Xu Changan's current idea. As for whether it can come true, it depends on the sky.

Anyway, it’s up to people to plan things!

Just do it first.

Two and a half years inside and three months outside!

When the time agreed with Taoist Tianhe came, Xu Changan stepped out and came to the shop.

"Haha..." Taoist Tianhe, who had been waiting for who knows how long, was overjoyed when he saw Xu Changan coming out of seclusion, and said: "Brother Minghe, you are finally out!"

Xu Changan nodded: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long, fellow Taoist!"

"It's okay!" Tianhe said, "I've only been waiting for half a month!"

The corner of Xu Changan's mouth twitched.

"Come on, come on, Xiaozhi, Datong, you two come here!" Tianhe called the two disciples over, introduced them to Xu Changan, and said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, these are my two disciples, let's go out this time, It can take as short as a few months, or as long as a year or two, and your store cannot be closed, but if Niu Baoguo is alone, I'm afraid something will go wrong! "

"In this case, I will ask two disciples to help you look after the store!"

Xu Changan looked at the elixirs on the shelf, waved his hand, took away the high-end elixirs on them, and said: "Okay, from today on, our store will only sell first- and second-grade elixirs!"

He was not afraid that these two disciples would run away with the pills.

After all, he is a disciple of Pingtian Clan.

Xu Changan was just afraid that the level of this elixir was too high and the two disciples would not be able to suppress the intruders.

"Fellow Taoist Minghe!" Tianhe said impatiently: "I have prepared everything. Can we set off now?"

Xu Changan said: "No problem, I can do it anytime!"


"Wait!" Xu Changan suddenly scratched his head, looked at Tianhe and asked, "Fellow Taoist Tianhe, I remember that when you came last time, you brought a wooden horse puppet with you. Do you take that puppet with you?"

"Take it with you!" Tianhe took out a small wooden horse from the storage ring and put it in Xu Changan's hand, saying: "Here, it's this little thing. Even though it's inconspicuous, it's still in Jidu. It’s really convenient!”

Jidu, no flying!

A monk can't raise a horse every day, so this puppet Trojan is considered a better one.

"Fellow Taoist, did you refine this yourself?" Xu Changan asked.

"Hey..." Tianhe waved his hand: "How can I have this ability? This is refined by the monks of the Sky Hammer Sect. It is specially sold to cultivators like us. It is also specially tailored for the monks walking in Jidu. Made!”

"Oh!" Xu Changan looked at the puppet.

This kind of little puppet is relatively simple. If you put a piece of spiritual stone to drive it, it can run for eternity.

Of course, such a puppet does not need to be controlled by spiritual thoughts, just let it run on its own. It only needs to set up a few turns, start and stop controls.

Xu Changan felt that with his current research on puppets, such a small puppet could be made without any problem.

He returned the little puppet to Tianhe.

The two of them left the shop, headed north, and took a teleportation array to teleport directly outside the north gate of Jidu City.

The snow-capped fields are right in front of you.

"Rumble..." The wealthy Taoist Tianhe sacrificed a flying boat and said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, please take my flying boat. After we leave Jidu, we can fly freely!"

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