Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 352 [Tricking Wu Lian, the fourth-grade formation]

After getting the Bingpo, Xu Changan did not stay and walked out of the auction directly.

As for the items to be auctioned later, he did not need them.

Because he had already seen the auction list.

"Congratulations to Daoist Minghe!" Elder Tang smiled and bowed, saying: "After Daoist's Ningzhen Dan is auctioned, I will send you the remaining spirit stones!"

"Daoyou Tang!" Xu Changan asked: "Is the jade slip of [Division of Spirits] consigned by someone or is it your own thing?"

He was interested in this thing, but because it was said to be consigned by someone, Xu Changan was afraid of being taken advantage of, so he did not participate in the auction.

"Oh..." Elder Tang said, "It's our own item of the Chamber of Commerce. It's said that someone is consigning it. It's just a general rhetoric. Haha, it's a pity that it failed to be sold. Fellow Daoist Minghe, do you want it?"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "I didn't want it at first, but now I think it may be of some use to me!"

"Yes!" Elder Tang said, "The art of splitting the spirit is not as simple as splitting the spirit. There are also some superficial methods of refining the spirit. You are all alchemists, and you have high requirements for the spirit. I will go and get it for you now!"

Elder Tang stood up and left. When he left, he took a deep look at the black lotus beside Xu Changan.

That's right!

Now Xu Changan takes a step, and the black lotus follows.

The kind that can't be thrown away.

Elder Tang brought the bone fragment of the [art of splitting the spirit] and sold it for 400,000 spirit stones.

Xu Changan waited for a while until the auction ended, and then settled his spirit stones and left.

"Can you please stop following me?"

It was already late at night outside, and Xu Changan looked at Wu Lian, who was no different from a follower, with some impatience.

Wu Lian said: "I don't have any spirit stones on me, lend me some!"

Xu Changan: "Okay, how much do you want?"

Wu Lian said: "One million, medium-grade..."

Xu Changan gave her a storage bag without saying anything: "I, Minghe Zhenren, used the [Reincarnation Breath] of your Asura clan, and now I will use these one million medium-grade spirit stones to offset it. From now on, we owe each other nothing..."

"Don't let me see you in the future!"

"Let's go!"

Xu Changan waved his hand and left.

After walking a dozen steps, he was a little annoyed: "I've given you the spirit stone, what's wrong with you?"

Wulian turned her face and refused to recognize him: "I'm going to tie you up and go back to our temple!"

Xu Changan said: "Look, what's behind you?"

"Ah..." Wulian was born timid, and was frightened by Xu Changan's words. She turned around quickly and even held the two swords behind her. Unfortunately, when she looked back, there was a street that could not be seen at a glance.

There's nothing?

She turned her head in confusion, but found that there was no one in front of her. Xu Changan had gone somewhere long ago.

"Damn... You actually lied to me..."


Princess Shura's powerful divine consciousness spread all over the sky, but she didn't find any trace of Xu Changan.

In order to see Xu Changan with a better view, she flew into the void sky, and then the huge divine consciousness rolled out again.

The result...


Dozens of streamers came from all directions, surrounding Wulian Neon in the middle.

"Flying is prohibited in Jidu... Capture him!"

After a fight, Wu Lian Nihong was escorted away by a group of national warriors.

On the empty street, Xu Changan's figure appeared again.

It turned out that he had just used an invisibility talisman.

The invisibility talisman has great restrictions when used, and there must be no spiritual power fluctuations.

So Xu Changan dared not move.

But Wu Lian Nihong thought Xu Changan had run away, but he was caught by the patrolling national warriors in Jidu.

"Haha..." Xu Changan laughed and rode away on the wooden horse.

Returning to his own courtyard, Xu Changan walked directly into the dojo.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the items he had photographed today.

A storage bag of array materials, an ice soul, and a bone piece.

On the bone piece, the record was the art of distraction.

Xu Changan first took out the bone piece to study it.

Two days later, Xu Changan had studied this [Division of Spirit] to its fullest: this thing was not a profound spell, it was just relatively rare.

So, it was not difficult!


Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts stretched out.

"Cut..." He shouted, and an invisible spiritual flying knife passed by, cutting off a strand of spiritual thoughts.

Although this strand of spiritual thoughts was cut off, it was still connected to the main body.

As soon as the main body had a thought, this strand of spiritual thoughts would immediately react.


The next step was to place this strand of spiritual thoughts on the puppet.

Very quickly!

Xu Changan cut off two strands of spiritual thoughts and attached them to two Yuanying-stage stone puppets.

This time, Xu Changan did not need to do it himself, and the puppets could follow him step by step.

As soon as Xu Changan thought, the puppets could launch an attack.

In this way, the two big puppets could become powerful helpers.

Putting the puppets aside, Xu Changan took out the materials for setting up the formation.

Let's try and see if we can set up this fourth-grade formation.

Commonly used fourth-grade formations include [Defense Formation] and [God Forbidden Formation].

Xu Changan first drew the diagram of the defensive array, then took out the materials and spirit stones and began to arrange it.

Right in the courtyard.

Arranging the array, especially the first time to arrange such a complex array, is a very time-consuming and mentally demanding task.

It took Xu Changan more than ten days to complete the arrangement of the foundation of the entire array.

It took another month to complete the entire array.

"Success or failure depends on this one move!"

Xu Changan took a deep breath, then the array flag in his hand fell on the array plate, and the spirit stone was clicked.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Layer after layer of lines, with the center of the array as the center, ignited and spread, and the green lines spread to all directions on the ground at the same time, and then the array eyes on the eight directions were also ignited.

Finally, a loud noise was heard, and the light film of the fourth-grade array emerged, and then turned into a semicircular sphere with a radius of more than ten feet.

The fourth-grade array is done!

This is the [Forbidden God Array].

The fourth-grade Forbidden God Array can defend against the divine thoughts of Yuanying period cultivators.

The fourth-grade [Defense Formation] can defend against the attacks of Yuanying-stage cultivators.

With this thing, it will be much safer whether you are practicing in seclusion or hiding in the Taoist temple.

Xu Changan waved his hand, the formation flag waved, and the fourth-grade formation was opened.

He took a step and came to the shop in front.

Then, he was stunned!

A woman in a red robe was sitting in the room: Wu Lian Nihong!

Princess Shura's cold eyes also fell on Xu Changan's face: "Hello, Fellow Daoist Minghe..."

Xu Changan coughed twice and said: "I didn't expect you to find it here, Fellow Daoist Wu Lian... I remember that we seemed to be even, why did you come to me?"

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